The Last Wizard
Can any level 25 or higher ps4 gaffer help, me and another guy just need one more person to help with the last part of this strike
Edit:Nevermind got someone
Edit:Nevermind got someone
Anyone putting a team together for the Bungie Bounty tonight?
psn (ps4): koojay
Thank you! The crazy thing is that even though there are a huge number of people getting upset about the loot drops, I'm really kind of digging this system when played as intended. Once you have your vendor Rank up (I've got 2 in Vanguard and am about to hit 2 in Crucible) your options reallllly open up, all with no RNG necessary.This is by far the best guide I've read so far on being level 20+ it's comprehensive, straight forward and not patronizing in any way.
It needs to be in the OP as a permanent fixture.
Kudos to Hawkian for explaining it all.
There aren't teams! Farming is simply not intended as an avenue toward gearing up in this game.I'm definitely team rep and marks
Highly accurate.Destiny is a game for the patient. All the design decisions are geared towards finding things out yourself and progressing slowly.
Yeah, it's a really different approach. I have had no legendary drops, but if I happen to get one tonight at say 9pm, that will be the 4th legendary item I own in about 36 hours of play.24 hours and 1 legendary, but I am starting to feel the drop rate is just fine. It is not near as bad as Diablo was (put near 200 hours before my first legendary) I can sort of see what they are trying to do with gear in this game.
Close to it sounds about right. I've definitely killed two people at once with it but I have no clue if either of them were at full health. Basically it's a perfect followup if your first slice puts you between two people at close range.Does showstopper instakill? Or close to it? Never actually used it in PVP.
Its like a 1 to 2 second wait for respawn on skywatch, if that.You wait for the respawn. In my opinion, that's longer than you respawning after you die. Also, you should pick up about 18 kills for every one death on the moon.
So those loyalty gifts I've been reading about.
Do you get them for getting to vanguard/crucible rank 3 too? Or is it just the factions?
Both are viable. I'd say that if you're going with Stalker for on-demand invis, faster recharge gives you a lot of flexibility with Blink Strike to have it up almost whenever you need it. However, in tougher/above-your-level PvE content, sustained melee is NOT an option, so I'd swap back to the invis.
Ludicrous. Invisibility drops you off radar in PvP. PvP is massively about radar and positioning. It's huge.
Vanish is the one thing I can't recommend. Showstopper is too good an R2.
Are vanguard and faction rep gains account wide like Grimoire score?
You're invisible, physically and radar-wise, temporarily. Think stealth vandals. There's a skill that extends it, but as it stands, I believe the "crouch or blink strike, turn invisible" lasts around 5-8 seconds, just enough time to catch someone by surprise if your radar shows someone nearby. It does have a cool down and a start up period, though.Wait, how does invisibility work? Is it a timed ability or do you stay off the radar the entire time? I'm a noob, sorry.
Wait I'm sorry, can you clarify? I have no idea what you mean by Knight Type o.oSo in terms of Rare Armor "level", from worst to best is it:
Knight Type 3>Knight Type 2>Knight Type 3?
I want to use Hawk's guide but want to make sure I'm running the best possible Rare Gear.
While invisible (you, you know, actually look invisible) you don't appear on radar. Using a gun, melee, or BlinkWait, how does invisibility work? Is it a timed ability or do you stay off the radar the entire time? I'm a noob, sorry.
One more for Nightfall (PS4)
Wait I'm sorry, can you clarify? I have no idea what you mean by Knight Type o.o.
Dunno how true this is quite yet, but I've heard rumors that a lot of Exotics actually start out rather gimped and then become amazing with the high-tier upgrades.I really really really want an Exotic/Legendary Auto Rifle. I won't have enough crucible marka till after this week resets so otherwise it's fingers crossed Xur brings me the shiny shiny.
What Exotics are considered the best at the minute? My fusion rifle doesn't seem all that special and worthy of the single exo slot.
Could some kind soul fill those of us stuck at work behind a net nanny what this is all about?
Youll be able to tell them, I beat Bungie at their own game!
Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is:
Thursday, September 18th
7:00 PM 8:00 PM Pacific
PlayStation 4
Encountering us will not be enough to earn your reward. Youll need to achieve victory against our designated team. Here are some of your marks:
imtylerdurden Josh Hamrick, Senior Designer
CE_Wizard Jon Weisnewski, Designer
Thug Larz Lars Bakken, Design Lead
DeeJ BNG Yours Truly, Community Manager
and alternates to be named at gametime.
I can see why they're set up as closed only, since it apparently takes so long to finish. But the option should still be there, I can agree to that.Strikes should have the option to be open or closed. I have no idea what they were thinking.
Thank you! The crazy thing is that even though there are a huge number of people getting upset about the loot drops, I'm really kind of digging this system when played as intended. Once you have your vendor Rank up (I've got 2 in Vanguard and am about to hit 2 in Crucible) your options reallllly open up, all with no RNG necessary.
There aren't teams! Farming is simply not intended as an avenue toward gearing up in this game.
Holy crap, great stuff Hawkian.
Great guide hawkian.
Pretty much what I did.
Over that 24 hump woot
Thank you! The crazy thing is that even though there are a huge number of people getting upset about the loot drops, I'm really kind of digging this system when played as intended. Once you have your vendor Rank up (I've got 2 in Vanguard and am about to hit 2 in Crucible) your options reallllly open up, all with no RNG necessary.
There aren't teams! Farming is simply not intended as an avenue toward gearing up in this game.
There's nothing wrong with farming, and it gets you gobs of useful stuff even without a single legendary drop. Certain kinds of it I honestly even find fun- the core gameplay in this game is just that wonderful. But it's just not a viable method of gearing up especially in terms of Light. The odds are so heavily stacked against you with legendary engrams! Everybody needs to understand this. Even if you have heard people say that "it works," these anecdotes can't affect your personal rolls against the loot table.
Consider 4 hours of farming one spot. Because of RNG you could:
-Not get any Legendary engrams at all
-Get a legendary engram, but have it turn into a blue (most likely)
-Get a legendary engram, but have it turn into a currency (handy, but definitely not what you're looking for)
-Get a legendary engram, but have it turn into a purple/exotic weapon (no Light)
-Get a legendary engram, but have it turn into an armor piece for another class (after clearing the "armor piece" roll, 66% chance of this happening)
All of those are individually more likely than getting a Legendary/Exotic armor piece than you need, but taken together it's like counting on one ticket to 6 simultaenous lottos. It's just not good.
edit: And of course in those 4 hours, you could have earned hundreds of points of Reputation, dozens of marks, still had plenty of random rolls from strike mobs/clears or pvp matches....
Again I have nothing against farming, it's farming for the specific purpose of advancing in gear that is a losing game.
Oh I'm 100% agreeing with your points, I just wouldn't phrase it like there are two "teams" on how to gear up- farming versus earning. There's just one intended method of progression pre-raid, which can be augmented by farming. Engrams are an absolute joke if viewed as "the way forward." But they're quite nice when you understand that you don't need themYou're sort of agreeing with me, right?![]()
Nightfall strike had to be summoning pits. T.T
Nightfall strike had to be summoning pits. T.T
Nightfall strike had to be summoning pits. T.T
Hope that works. Basically Bungie employees will play Destiny and we get a special emblem for beating them
Could some kind soul fill those of us stuck at work behind a net nanny what this is all about?
Me too. I just wasn't ready for an all digital future yet last year. Penello vindicated!I bought it DIGITALLY
I want that weaponJust got my first Legendary.
Came from a blue engram while I was out doing public events/bounties/missions in Cosmodrome.
I didn't have high hopes when I returned to the Cryptarch. I was shocked when I got a purple from it.
Nightfall strike had to be summoning pits. T.T
Just got my first Legendary.
Came from a blue engram while I was out doing public events/bounties/missions in Cosmodrome.
I didn't have high hopes when I returned to the Cryptarch. I was shocked when I got a purple from it.
I'm sorry, this is all foreign to me. Can you give me an example of an actual in-game item that is Type 1 versus Type 2, or whatever?
Barring some variable I am totally unaware of, that sort of thing doesn't matter. Your Level 24 set should consider of gear that is:
-Rare (blue)
-Base level 20 (should start with +13 Light)
-Fully upgraded (making it +15)
Everything else is totally irrelevant IMO. You won't even be wearing it that long- by this evening I'll only have one rare piece left.