Each week, a Bungie team will enter the Crucible.
Each week, you’ll be invited to hunt them.
Each week, those of you who defeat them will win this player emblem.
When fellow Guardians see The Sign of Opposing Will on your nameplate they’ll ask, “Where did you get that?”
You’ll be able to tell them, “I beat Bungie at their own game!”
Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is:
Thursday, September 18th
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific
PlayStation 4
Encountering us will not be enough to earn your reward. You’ll need to achieve victory against our designated team. Here are some of your marks:
imtylerdurden Josh Hamrick, Senior Designer
CE_Wizard Jon Weisnewski, Designer
Thug Larz Lars Bakken, Design Lead
DeeJ BNG Yours Truly, Community Manager
…and alternates to be named at gametime.
To claim your prize, win. Then, post a link to your victory in the comments below this article before High Noon (Pacific) the following day (Friday). Look for the Permalink in the upper right corner of every match view. Your link should lead us to something like this. No proof, no reward!