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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Why is there a cap to glimmer so stupid
To force you to spend it. I'm freaking swimming in glimmer and I haven't even hit 26. Invest in ammo synthesis.
from what I can tell the type (0,1,2,3,4) is just slight cosmetic differences. The base stats are based on the level of the gear, the type is how it looks.
Oooh, yeah. cosmetics definitely have no impact (until Fashion Guardians endgame of course).

I'm sorry, this is all foreign to me. Can you give me an example of an actual in-game item that is Type 1 versus Type 2, or whatever?

Barring some variable I am totally unaware of, that sort of thing doesn't matter. Your Level 24 set should consider of gear that is:

-Rare (blue)
-Base level 20 (should start with +13 Light)
-Fully upgraded (making it +15)

Everything else is totally irrelevant IMO. You won't even be wearing it that long- by this evening I'll only have one rare piece left.

Oh I'm 100% agreeing with your points, I just wouldn't phrase it like there are two "teams" on how to gear up- farming versus earning. There's just one intended method of progression pre-raid, which can be augmented by farming. Engrams are an absolute joke if viewed as "the way forward." But they're quite nice when you understand that you don't need them :) I love it when a blue one turns into a strange coin.

Got it. That's what I needed to know. Best Rare Gear starts at Level 20/+13 light.

Weirdly it's been hard to find 20 level rare (still rolling two 18s), but I have a Legendary Leg Armor so I'm already almost done with 23.

Seriously, your guide is perfection.


Did you find the third person. I never got a response :'(
Yeah, i thought the guy was offline but he was not. He joined in as soon as that post went up.

yeah no way im doing that

weekly was hard enough, this seems insane
It's just one guy alive right now. Facing Ultra Knights. Yeah. We screwed.
Who do you normally group with? I'd like to join a fireteam with you since you seem to be taking on the harder stuff just fine. I think I can hit level 26 today lol.
anyone really. Though this strike isn't easy. Not easy at all. The arena battle was far easier than Devil Lair Nightfalll Arena battle. It's just the damn ogre part.
Found this on Reddit: "[Statistics] We decoded 590 engrams, here are the results.":
(4 people) This took us since launch to gather, we we're interested in what the chances we're for each rarity to come out of green\blue\purple engrams so we decided to record all of it. Here was our results

NOTE: We gathered ALOT more greens but for the purpose of the test we wanted to keep it as even as possible, but gathering legendary engrams was taking way too long so we decided to stop and check results. Strange coins\motes came under blue rarity count when decoding blue engrams.

Total engrams gathered

Green: 290 Blue: 250 Purple: 55



  • White: 68 \ 23.45%
  • Green: 201 \ 69.31%
  • Blue: 21 \ 7.24%
  • Purple: 0
  • Yellow: 0

  • White: 0
  • Green: 53 \ 21.2%
  • Blue: 186 \ 74.4%
  • Purple: 11 \ 4.4%
  • Yellow: 0

  • White: 0
  • Green: 2 \ 3.64%
  • Blue: 33 \ 60%
  • Purple: 19 \ 34.55%
  • Yellow: 1 \ 1.82%
Pretty interesting results!! Apologies for the crappy formatting I don't use reddit too often! Sorry we couldn't get more and I'm sure the numbers would change with a much greater amount of resources but this is just a small idea of what you will get from your engram!!

Thanks for reading :)


Got it. That's what I needed to know. Best Rare Gear starts at Level 20/+13 light.

Weirdly it's been hard to find 20 level rare (still rolling two 18s), but I have a Legendary Leg Armor so I'm already almost done with 23.

Seriously, your guide is perfection.

You're right, it's odd how rare level 20 blues are. I find I get more by doing missions/strikes at my level or doing Crucible.


To force you to spend it. I'm freaking swimming in glimmer and I haven't even hit 26. Invest in ammo synthesis.

Oooh, yeah. cosmetics definitely have no impact (until Fashion Guardians endgame of course).

What does ammo synthesis do? I thought it was just buying ammo you could get for free?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Weirdly it's been hard to find 20 level rare (still rolling two 18s), but I have a Legendary Leg Armor so I'm already almost done with 23.
The strongest evidence I've seen that your Light level has a strong bearing on your loot rolls is that I didn't see a single Level 20 rare until level 22; at level 25, they seem to be more common than non-20s.
What does ammo synthesis do? I thought it was just buying ammo you could get for free?
It's a consumable item you can use at any time to refill your ammo. Boom. More info coming shortly in a tips n' tricks post


Been playing for about 10 mins now and boom, legendary engram drop just for patrolling. I guess my lucked kicked in.


Bunch of sweet and easy bounties today. I love when you can group two or three (or more) together on one planet. Today, the Cosmodrome.

I can knock out the 10 Fallen/Ultras, acquiring 9000xp without dying, 6 patrols, and collecting 200 sensor mites basically in one go. Super convienient and super fun.

The only thing keeping me going at work today is the constant thought of going home to play and kick ass.

Only 300 more Van rep for level 2!

What's a good trick for 9k exp in russia?


Hawkian, make OT4 and put your guide in the OP. I pm'd you about this. I think everyone will be in favor of this considering how much he's contributed with his guide and showing us DestinyLFG.

OT4| What can RNGesus do for you?
Guys, once you max out a subclass, at least equip the other one when turning in bounties even if you have no plans on using it. That goes with anything you want to level. Common sense but not many people think to switch subclass.


Each week, a Bungie team will enter the Crucible.

Each week, you’ll be invited to hunt them.

Each week, those of you who defeat them will win this player emblem.


When fellow Guardians see The Sign of Opposing Will on your nameplate they’ll ask, “Where did you get that?”

You’ll be able to tell them, “I beat Bungie at their own game!”

Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is:
Thursday, September 18th
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific
PlayStation 4

Encountering us will not be enough to earn your reward. You’ll need to achieve victory against our designated team. Here are some of your marks:

imtylerdurden Josh Hamrick, Senior Designer
CE_Wizard Jon Weisnewski, Designer
Thug Larz Lars Bakken, Design Lead
DeeJ BNG Yours Truly, Community Manager
…and alternates to be named at gametime.

To claim your prize, win. Then, post a link to your victory in the comments below this article before High Noon (Pacific) the following day (Friday). Look for the Permalink in the upper right corner of every match view. Your link should lead us to something like this. No proof, no reward!

Let's get it together, GAF. I want that emblem.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
I've done this weeks nightfall a few times successfully, a few tips:

1. Solar weapons/abilities are a great idea to have equipped for wizard shields, they evade and are the biggest threat. Having someone dedicated to using void damage to pick off wizards once their shield drop is a good strat

2. In the first wave mission, their is a safe spot at the top of the hall you enter from,
2 rocks are in place that wizards can't Target, for the first 2 waves however, its simple to.camp the bottom of the hall at the entrance to the room.

3. With phogoth, make sure you clear ALL THE ADDS before unchaining phogoth, I'm not sure if this is intended or a glitch, but it stops adds from respawning. 1 memeber can camp the safe rock all the way in the back left-hand side of the chamber. The other 2 members can use the smaller rock just In front of it, Completely safe.

Just to add on that first wave mission, all the mobs there than thralls are cowards and constantly run, so burst damage is preferred, damn easy mission though as Kong as you have patience.


game is still refusing to give me a chest piece for my gear, still stuck at level 21 getting everything except a good chest piece. I need a chest piece with a little light just so I can get to 22 to get better gear


What's a good trick for 9k exp in russia?

Well you can always just farm respawns. There's always groups of Fallen around those crashed airplanes and then you got that captain and two dudes before that dilapidated building that leads to the dark room with all the acolytes. Ill probably reach the 9k or come damn close from doing all the other bounties available.

And if you can run into the Fallen and acolytes fighting each other by the Farm Cave in Skywatch that's a good method too.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hawkian, make OT4 and put your guide in the OP. I pm'd you about this. I think everyone will be in favor of this considering how much he's contributed with his guide and showing us DestinyLFG.

OT4| What can RNGesus do for you?
Willickers! I'm happy to if everyone is cool with it.

I definitely think (not that we could possibly have known pre-launch) that some initial info as to what to pay attention to in-game would be perfect for the OT.

I just want to also say that it's been a blast discussing this game ad nauseum with you guys in the hours I can't be playing it. Been a long time since a game has had its talons in me this deep.


I've done this weeks nightfall a few times successfully, a few tips:

1. Solar weapons/abilities are a great idea to have equipped for wizard shields, they evade and are the biggest threat. Having someone dedicated to using void damage to pick off wizards once their shield drop is a good strat

2. In the first wave mission, their is a safe spot at the top of the hall you enter from,
2 rocks are in place that wizards can't Target, for the first 2 waves however, its simple to.camp the bottom of the hall at the entrance to the room.

3. With phogoth, make sure you clear ALL THE ADDS before unchaining phogoth, I'm not sure if this is intended or a glitch, but it stops adds from respawning. 1 memeber can camp the safe rock all the way in the back left-hand side of the chamber. The other 2 members can use the smaller rock just In front of it, Completely safe.

Just to add on that first wave mission, all the mobs there than thralls are cowards and constantly run, so burst damage is preferred, damn easy mission though as Kong as you have patience.

Wait a second, when fighting the ogre, you can make it so no adds appear after the initial ones?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Thanks For This Guide! Amazing Work!
I was concerned I'd have grind / farm for good gear but following your advice sounds way better!
Not only do you not have to, it's a bad idea! XD
I've been able to run strikes on my Vita without much issue. I won't touch heroic strikes, but for farming the playlist for marks, it's fantastic. When I was 23, I was running the 20, and now that I'm 24, I'll run the 22. I prefer to play it a LITTLE safe since I'm gimping myself a little on Vita. Also really really easy to farm bounties.
must... resist...


Ranked up the Cryptarch this morning and got both a Rare, and a legendary engram from his package.

Guess what they decrypted into...
Blue=Green legs.
Legendary=Green legs.

Why do the RNG's hate me :(
The strongest evidence I've seen that your Light level has a strong bearing on your loot rolls is that I didn't see a single Level 20 rare until level 22; at level 25, they seem to be more common than non-20s.

I'm quite certain your right. Pretty sure the level 20 I got yesterday was my first ever, and it wasn't until I hit 22.


Oh lawd there is 3 guys farming at Skywatch outside that cave.

Shall I be a cunt and dance outside the cave so no more enemies will spawn.

no way man, I dont even call that true farming. the moon sure, cause you just kill die repeat. the Skywatch is just an ever increasing shitstorm of enemies its awesome.
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