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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Arc blade really has some severe balancing problems in PvP. It's quite ridiculous to have an ability that makes you charge into a machine gun user, survive with a high amount of health and then just bash the button to fly all over the place, killing everyone with a launch melee attack. And it also resets the super meter. I mean wth?

All the invincibility crap must go for that matter, it's not just the Arc Blade. There's no need to use defensive subclasses if the offensive super abilities have such good survivability. And it's not easy to get a target in that small window before they pull off the super, so it's fine as it is I feel, as far as the challenge goes.


Game couldn't find enough players for 6Vs6 match so this is what it came up for balance.



The Cryptarch's Bane
Out of all the strikes, I hate Summoning Pits the most. The one with the priest is a close second.
I'm starting to come around on the Archon Priest. He just has too much HP- he's fun to kite around the rock column in the little ponds and the run up to him is fast as hell.

Summoning Pits... i'm thinking I will be having nightmare about Hallowed Wizards for some time now


Ranked up the Cryptarch this morning and got both a Rare, and a legendary engram from his package.

Guess what they decrypted into...
Blue=Green legs.
Legendary=Green legs.

Why do the RNG's hate me :(

RNG is crap

My Cryptarch is lvl 8. I've received 3 of my legendaries from him. But that took like 25+ engrams.


Wait a second, when fighting the ogre, you can make it so no adds appear after the initial ones?

Oh, so that's why my two party members were sitting in a corner for apparently no reason last night. They must've been annoyed with me.



Holy crap. A legendary engram just gave me astrolord robes. It's to bad I got better robes from the raid yesterday lol. A different classes armor would have been better this time.

Edit: lol they have the same design as my new monarchy robes.
I've done this weeks nightfall a few times successfully, a few tips:

1. Solar weapons/abilities are a great idea to have equipped for wizard shields, they evade and are the biggest threat. Having someone dedicated to using void damage to pick off wizards once their shield drop is a good strat

2. In the first wave mission, their is a safe spot at the top of the hall you enter from,
2 rocks are in place that wizards can't Target, for the first 2 waves however, its simple to.camp the bottom of the hall at the entrance to the room.

3. With phogoth, make sure you clear ALL THE ADDS before unchaining phogoth, I'm not sure if this is intended or a glitch, but it stops adds from respawning. 1 memeber can camp the safe rock all the way in the back left-hand side of the chamber. The other 2 members can use the smaller rock just In front of it, Completely safe.

Just to add on that first wave mission, all the mobs there than thralls are cowards and constantly run, so burst damage is preferred, damn easy mission though as Kong as you have patience.

Wait, so if you clear all the bad guys before unchaining him none respawn? Thats amazing!
Willickers! I'm happy to if everyone is cool with it.

I definitely think (not that we could possibly have known pre-launch) that some initial info as to what to pay attention to in-game would be perfect for the OT.

I just want to also say that it's been a blast discussing this game ad nauseum with you guys in the hours I can't be playing it. Been a long time since a game has had its talons in me this deep.

Hawkian, what's your PSN ID? I am not good enough to play with you yet but I enjoy having PSN friends that clearly like the game and seem like good, helpful people.


Is it possible to exchange vanguard marks for crucible marks? Most equipment in this game costs crucible marks (including the ones from factions) but I don't play PvP, only PvE. I even got the exotic hand cannon bounty, but I didn't complete it because of the PvP part. :(

So, to answer my own question from yesterday (if anyone is interested, haha):

After some research, the only way/method (that I could find, at least) to get crucible marks without playing PvP is by trading materials (spinmetal, etc.) in the crucible NPC (the exo one). While I think it's nice to have an option to players who don't enjoy destiny's PvP (like myself), the amount of material required is too high (50 un. for 5 marks). In order to buy an armor chest piece at the price of 65 crucible marks, you would need 650 un. of material! Also, those materials are needed to upgrade your weapons and gear. So, in the end, this method is impracticable.


Got this out of a purple engram last night. So happy
awesome & congrats. i also hate you.

When Xur shows up I will have enough motes of light to gamble an engram but not enough coins to purchase any weapons or armor. I just know that when I buy the engram it will be for another class.

with my/our luck i don't know how i'd gamble my motes on an engram... ever.

do i basically just "keep playing" after 20 and then the gear i get will have light that will do the leveling for me? is that right?
Yes, your armor has light attributes that level you up. You also get a mote of light each new light level you reach. FYI don't expect to rely on drops or rewards for getting past 24. you may get lucky but like 99% of us start working on leveling up a faction/vanguard/crucible so you can cash in marks & reputation for legendaries.

Hawkian put together a great guide here:

Bunch of sweet and easy bounties today. I love when you can group two or three (or more) together on one planet. Today, the Cosmodrome.

I can knock out the 10 Fallen/Ultras, acquiring 9000xp without dying, 6 patrols, and collecting 200 sensor mites basically in one go. Super convienient and super fun.

The only thing keeping me going at work today is the constant thought of going home to play and kick ass.

Only 300 more Van rep for level 2!
*golf clap*
that's exactly what I try to do.

My first Legendary Engram gave me a Legendary!
don't get used to that!

Ranked up the Cryptarch this morning and got both a Rare, and a legendary engram from his package.

Guess what they decrypted into...
Blue=Green legs.
Legendary=Green legs.

Why do the RNG's hate me :(
RNGesus hates 99% of us.


game is still refusing to give me a chest piece for my gear, still stuck at level 21 getting everything except a good chest piece. I need a chest piece with a little light just so I can get to 22 to get better gear

the same thing happened to me but with a helmet instead man I was getting pissed. now I'm almost lvl23 and it feels good. I had to start doing strikes and crucible, basically switch up my routine. love this game.

I just played a lvl22 strike for fun with two lvl20's and we got to the huge troll dude with the laser eye and holy shit did we get our ass's kicked I had to leave after all of us being trapped in the entry area forever! I waved goodby but still feel bad. sorry guys. :p


Inane, but have to share.

Just killed 3 people with Fist of Havoc. 4th came and shotgunned me. My Fist of Havoc's aftershock kills this person. The final kill I needed for Postmortem bounty.

I got the final kill of the battle (in regards to points). I got the most points of everyone, beating another guy on my team by only 20 pts.

Thank you RNGesus for making them all group up at the end of the match.


Inane, but have to share.

Just killed 3 people with Fist of Havoc. 4th came and shotgunned me. My Fist of Havoc's aftershock kills this person. The final kill I needed for Postmortem bounty.

I got the final kill of the battle (in regards to points). I got the most points of everyone, beating another guy on my team by only 20 pts.

Thank you RNGesus for making them all group up at the end of the match.

RNGesus died for your KDR.


Inane, but have to share.

Just killed 3 people with Fist of Havoc. 4th came and shotgunned me. My Fist of Havoc's aftershock kills this person. The final kill I needed for Postmortem bounty.

I got the final kill of the battle (in regards to points). I got the most points of everyone, beating another guy on my team by only 20 pts.

Thank you RNGesus for making them all group up at the end of the match.

So satisfying...


Unconfirmed Member
The Gold Chests are strange. So well hidden, and the "x/5 Gold Chests" on each map makes them so desirable to get, but what's in them is absolute shit. They just seem so out of place and could be excluded without affecting the game.. You don't even get a trophy for finding them all.
I think the thread title jinxed me.

I never had a legendary engram turn into a rare until last night when it happened three times in a row.

Shit is fucked and needs to be patched.


Remote Play question: Is there a way for me to chat with people via remote play? I've tried:

- Chat through Destiny via Vita mic. Doesn't work. I can hear them, but can't chat.
- Chat through Party Chat on Vita OS. Works, but then I get disconnected when I go to Remote Play.

I want to try hooking my wireless Gold headset up to the PS4 beforehand and then going into remote play, but I'm not sure that would work since the sound would be coming out of the Vita, correct?


I would just like to point out that my biggest enemy in this game so far is....
that fucker gets me every time!!! lol
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