Sorta disagree. Maybe when you get to level 28 and up or so it will feel like that, but I've played games that do what you said, and the concept of being ready for "endgame" within 10 days would have been an absolute joke.
There is for the Daily Heroic Story, Weekly Heroic Strike, and of course the Weekly Nightfall and Raid
Yeah, one of the reasons for that is definitely to stretch it out for people who have lots of time per night.
Rep may not be shared but you can gear up your alts with acquisitions from your main.
D: The Cryptarch has got you guys all by the balls. I should do a PSA on this.
Oh hey. Check it out Nicoga Bungie listened to you!
It's an interesting mix of rewarding crazy dedication to an extent while not making it unreasonable to progress a little bit at a time.
That's the point. If they were just blue and silently had better chances of Legendaries, it would have a completely different psychological impact.
There are still more variables to consider if you're counting on engrams to gear up anyway. It's just not what they're for.
Yes, that's the crux of it. Bungie screwed up bigtime with the expectations created when a player picks up a little purple ball that says "legendary engram."