Level 24 daily gives it I think
level 28 gives 2
Level 24 daily gives it I think
You can always play rumble, suck, and still get loot![]()
Have you joined a faction or do you have a decent amount of vanguard rep?
I've pretty much given up on drops and PVP as I've been shafted too many times.
I'm now just gonna concentrate on doing patrol missions as you get +10 reputation for each one you do. If you can just stick to the kills missions (which only take 2-3 minutes) I reckon you can get to reputation level 2 in no time. Then just buy some legendary armor which should push you into 25 if not 26.
Reef hub will probably go with the expansions as one of them is clearly to do with the Queen.
Maybe in Destiny 2.
The Reef has a hub world that we have yet to see.
I remember seeing a trailer with 3 ppl sitting on a cliff face, looking over the city and traveller. Any idea where thats from ?
Probably more cut content.
I'm about to hit Vanguard level 2, just need to do 3-5 bounties. And yeah, I guess I could buy some gear from the vanguard mentor dude, just the one with the 100 marks I got. They really need to remove the 100 marks per week cap tbh. Or increase the drop rate of legendary items.
I'm such a little whiny bitch.
How is that a hub world if there are Fallen with guns running around?
I am pretty sure that the second expansion "House of Wolves" will take place in the Reef and be aboutThe Queen's brother getting the Fallen she commands to rebel and the Queen asks us to help her out
The player is walking around with no gun in that footage.
So I don't know.
Having a better K/D than 0,4 shouldnt be that diffucult. For example, if you have a 1.0 K/D and go live 15 kills and 15 deaths per game, thats 45 points per game - Thats only 12 games, no matter if you win or lose. Hardest part should be finding void damage weapons before doing this (i think Fusion rifles often comes with void damage)
I could farm for 5 hours and not get 20k glimmer how do you do it
Man fuck this game. All my purple engrams turn into blues. This is such garbage.
my only purple engram i got ever was a blue aswell....
Here is my guy.
Been stuck on Light 24 for a while and no sign of a legendary or Exotic item :sad:
Is Mercury map in rotation ? Never saw it
Watching this video, the game has so much potential, really wish we could explore some of the amazing concept art here (air craft carrier anyone ?)
Also show shots of the reef and other angles of the city which means there must be content coming for that.
I just hope its free or very cheap, because i already feel i paid full price for half a games content.
I went through around 20 and only 2 turned out to be what they were advertised as. That is some garbage RNG.
At this point I will probably be able to buy better gear on the weekend than to actually find it.
Salvage is only in weekends.
Bounties just refreshed with 2 salvage oriented bounties.
FFS Bungie.
May as well post my shizz since everyone else is. I've had 4 legendary engrams, 2 were blue, 1 was either a mote of light or strange coin, I forget, and the other was this very sensual helmet.
Uh, that aircraft carrier and stuff is not ingame. that's concept art. 2d concept art they put into perspctive layers to give it depth. None of this is coming or in the game man. They will unlock the currently blocked off parts of the maps and that's it. We won't be seeing any sudden huge addons to the game apart from MAYBE stuff in the Reef.
He is also wearing his helmet.
It's made by Bungie,it's probably faked. Like they just went in there with dev mode,switched to third person and took some footage.
Same with that shot of people on a cliff looking at the city. Probably some far off skybox thing they teleported too and did some scenes for the trailer.
whats the best method in farming exotics? crucible or doing some strikes?
When is the patch supposed to come out?
They're probably just guards to look intimidating.
Wearing your helm on could be because you're standing in a battered ship exposed to space.
You can see other guardians (warlock and titan) walking around in front of the hunter.
whats the best method in farming exotics? crucible or doing some strikes?
Had a couple of Legendary Engrams this weekend and was getting nothing but Blues
Then I had some luck.. and I love it's description