Is there a reason why loads of titans are going New Monarchy?
I thought Dead Orbit looked better...
Is there a reason why loads of titans are going New Monarchy?
I thought Dead Orbit looked better...
God there is so much to this game I don't understand. Need to read a Wiki, only just discovered I can swap in Spinmetal for Vanguard points.
Is there any fast way to get a load of Crucible points? I mean I play matches all the time, but you can only have 6 bounties active at once.
Very true, people are never prepared for the Jebus Resurrection in PVP. Shits hilarious.
Throw a solar grenade and spam melee and mop up any others with your weapon lol xD
I like fwc for the snipe ammo boost on the body armor. On the higher difficulty I need maximum snipe powah. I plan on unlocking all of them eventually.
Aye, I am on the grind to get the two grenade skill.
Also I find that the explosion melee works really damn well if people are together.
Basically my set up when I go all Solar Jesus in PvP; is jump around like a crazy rabbit (The third glide skill helps wit this) throwing down Hellfire from above. And if I land next to someone hit them and they usually explode killing the next person.
I have found my k/d is much higher now with the Jesus ability.
Very true, people are never prepared for the Jebus Resurrection in PVP. Shits hilarious.
Throw a solar grenade and spam melee and mop up any others with your weapon xD
Edit: What's also funny is even when rezzing right in front of them after they have killed you, in my experience they utterly panic and just look at you LOL.
Well I just meant for rares. I haven't had much luck coming across legendary gear, so I'm not too worried about it yet.End game upgrade mats are the mats you find on the planets like the relic ore on mars. Or even worse the special material whatever it's called legendaries require yo level up.
Anyone want to join me for some nexus farming on ps4? no mic as its late at night, i'll wait a bit before heading in. PSN: jacob_armitage
The weapon attributes on the armor.
I like fwc for the snipe ammo boost on the body armor. On the higher difficulty I need maximum snipe powah. I plan on unlocking all of them eventually.
I had a sunbro rezz infront of me, surprisingly I managed to win that melee encounter. (Probably because my teammates were raining blows aswell)
Do you ever get to change colours of armour etc or even your original choices such as hair and markings?
Do you ever get to change colours of armour etc or even your original choices such as hair and markings?
You can always play rumble, suck, and still get lootI suck at PvP so maybe that's why lol..
I'd love to be able to do more but it frustrates the hell out of me when I'm almost always the last and I drag my team down because of how many times I get killed!
Sunsinger is fucking amazing, nothing beats resurrecting yourself to kill the fool(s) who did you over.
Edit: That skill is also invealuable for high level strikes, when your guys are down and it's game over if you have a Super... well now you can save the day!
Probably future DLC.Are there any plans known that we will visit the city surrounding the tower? I've noticed some yet to be unlocked doors there. But I really want to go to the city!
Picture is from the Destiny 'story' background website.
Are there any plans known that we will visit the city surrounding the tower? I've noticed some yet to be unlocked doors there. But I really want to go to the city!
Picture is from the Destiny 'story' background website.
Wow I totally spaced on them, didn't even look. Only looked at the stats.
Do the rep guys stuff refresh after a certain time or stay constant?
Oooo is the raid open now? The website seems to point to yes
anyone know how to get ascendant shard ?
Just farmed for an hour on the Moon, got quite a few rare items and shit loads of uncommon which I kept discarding for space.
Also got 20,000 glimmer so time to spend it at the Cryptarch on engrams. I now have to wait about 2 hours for stock to refresh and hopefully their will be uncommon and rare items to buy. I might go and farm a bit more as I wait.
This will up my Cryptarch rank which I hope then the Postmaster should have some Legendary gear for me possibly up to 3 pieces.
I'll let you guys know how it goes.
18 hours on Patrol? ...jesus![]()
anyone know how to get ascendant shard ?
So far I've had 5(!) legendary engrams. All reveled shoddy blues at best.
I also got an "Exotic Weapon Bounty", gave me a choice of 3, unclear choices, picked one that turned out to be some ludicrous PVP K/D ratio challenge, so dropped it to choose one of the others, only to find I can't. Sigh.
Can't say im enamored with the loot grind, its too vague and random.
Also, I'm looking for a few good men for raiding/weekly strike on XB1, I play UK evenings and am currently a SunLock
You blew it. That K/D one wasn't what you think it was. Just by playing two games normally I finished it.
The reward was the shotgun I posted earlier.
Having a better K/D than 0,4 shouldnt be that diffucult. For example, if you have a 1.0 K/D and go live 15 kills and 15 deaths per game, thats 45 points per game - Thats only 12 games, no matter if you win or lose. Hardest part should be finding void damage weapons before doing this (i think Fusion rifles often comes with void damage)That would crush my spirit... The +5 isn't that bad but -2 for each death could drag this one out for quite a while.
How many exotics can you equip?
How many exotics can you equip?
How in the name of Jesus are you guys leveling up? Just did 2 strikes (yet again) and got a bunch of greens and really really shitty blues. I just seem to be able to find anything I can use so I'm quite at a stand still on how to level to 25. The freaking yellow bar under my name hasn't moved since saturday for f's sake.
Are there any plans known that we will visit the city surrounding the tower? I've noticed some yet to be unlocked doors there. But I really want to go to the city!
Picture is from the Destiny 'story' background website.
anyone know how to get ascendant shard ?
One weapon, one piece of armor.
One weapon and one armor I believe.
One weapon, one piece of armor.
Maybe in Destiny 2.
The Reef has a hub world that we have yet to see.