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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Had a couple of Legendary Engrams this weekend and was getting nothing but Blues

Then I had some luck.. and I love it's description


oh wow I got that one too!
hopefully you actually like playing shotgun...I don't.

would've loved a purple auto rifle :(


I only really had a proper go at this at the weekend and I'm loving it!

I'm a lowly level 8 at the moment, but I'm finding the gunplay to be pretty awesome, and the art is fantastic. The sky boxes are gorgeous.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on story-wise, but I'm having so much fun shooting stuff that I don't really care.

The stick this game is getting is way over the top.

Everything is all good until you reach level 20 and then you will hear the two following words: Grind used by people who have started to dislike the game and Farm for the people who hold out hope that something in a 5 hour windows might drop a purple (that turns in to a blue).


whats the best method in farming exotics? crucible or doing some strikes?

There is no farming exotics.

The only place you can get an exotic straightaway without being purchased is a reward in the post-game of the crucible or a strike. Randomly.

You can get an exotic out of a legendary engram which you can find anywhere, anytime in the game: patrol, story, raid, crucible reward.

You can get a legendary engram from the reward of a really difficult strike, or you could get a legendary engram from killing the first shank you see in the cosmodrome.

It's random.

The only thing you can do is play the game and hope one comes along.

I've done hours and hours and hours of farming and have gotten absolutely nothing for it. All of my purples and exotics I've gotten randomly from playing in various areas (crucible reward exotic, legendary engram for killing a dreg on the moon after a public event, killing a goblin on venus, etc).

It's random.


Everything is all good until you reach level 20 and then you will hear the two following words: Grind used by people who have started to dislike the game and Farm for the people who hold out hope that something in a 5 hour windows might drop a purple (that turns in to a blue).

I absolutely love the game so far, but there's no denying that it is a bit of a grind to get loot. Atleast in the first 1-20 levels there was pretty much constant progression for me, but since I hit 20 its been a painstaking journey to get more light levels. That can be part of the charm for some people, but I myself would enjoy atleast some sort of progression, which hasn't happened to me. But oh well, need to play more. Addiction. Maybe I need to make a switch to heroin.


So maybe tonight I will start up my twitch on my PS4 and play through the story of the game in the proper order, basically ONLY doing the story and trying to see if it's possible to fit together.


Neo Member
oh wow I got that one too!
hopefully you actually like playing shotgun...I don't.

would've loved a purple auto rifle :(

I would have preferred a sniper, or main hand weapon too. But as a hunter, with the blink ability, the shotgun can be used effectively.

And judging by the hours that some people have put into the game already and not gotten anything yet, I'm not going to punch this gift horse in the mouth!
Everything is all good until you reach level 20 and then you will hear the two following words: Grind used by people who have started to dislike the game and Farm for the people who hold out hope that something in a 5 hour windows might drop a purple (that turns in to a blue).

That's right where I am now, god knows how I will get to level 26 for the raids grinded Goblins for about 2 hours the other night, got a load of greens a few blues and a purple that turned to a blue when decoded.


Everything is all good until you reach level 20 and then you will hear the two following words: Grind used by people who have started to dislike the game and Farm for the people who hold out hope that something in a 5 hour windows might drop a purple (that turns in to a blue).

Or "play".

Like any Halo, the game is highly replayable due to the combat and AI and environments.

I just like playing. The loot I get is a really nice bonus, the item/class progression makes the playing even more addictive.


I would have preferred a sniper, or main hand weapon too. But as a hunter, with the blink ability, the shotgun can be used effectively.

And judging by the hours that some people have put into the game already and not gotten anything yet, I'm not going to punch this gift horse in the mouth!

yeah I'm just happy I finally got purple stuff on my warlock...also I did get one of those exotic bounties! the description said something about a rogue warlock or some shit I hope it's gonna be something amazing!


What the hell happened there?

Is this class specific?

He was running and pressed B and shot the guy with a shotgun twice.

Any class can slide. Warlock had picked a node in his skill tree that gave him extra move speed, which was that ghostly effect he had.

Nothing special going on there.
Everything is all good until you reach level 20 and then you will hear the two following words: Grind used by people who have started to dislike the game and Farm for the people who hold out hope that something in a 5 hour windows might drop a purple (that turns in to a blue).

See, I'd just play for the fun of it. Loot is nice but I know from playing Diablo that if you start to obsess over it, any game will become a grind.


Anybody know when exactly the raid is going to be available tonight/tomorrow? I'm at level 24 right now so I need to get 2 levels tonight to be raid ready.

If anybody is down to get a group together for the raid, feel free to add me. PSN: hydruxxo

EDIT: Nvm just saw that it's 2 AM PDT

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Be efficient. For example get the play 5 whatever pvp modes, kill 25 hunters and kill 25 titans or whatever going all at once. You'll probably finish all 3 at once.

I have discovered this somewhat late in my progression.. my 2nd char will benefit from efficient bounty use for sure.

In other news, turned my sensitivity up to 8 and enjoying the game much more.. I'm usually a default sensitivity guy... have I been missing out all these years on console?
He was running and pressed B and shot the guy with a shotgun twice.

Any class can slide. Warlock had picked a node in his skill tree that gave him extra move speed, which was that ghostly effect he had.

Nothing special going on there.

Ok. I just realised how clueless I am..

what's B's equivalent on PS4? I never knew that I could slide lol.. and I'm a Warlock. What extra speed ability you're talking about?


Sprint then slide (crouch while sprinting), shotgun blast, melee

ok thanks


22 hours played, level 24 and I haven't even received a legendary engram yet.

I just got my first one last night (level 23) on the Cerberus Vae III strike. I almost ran right by it. You'll probably get one soon, but don't get too excited, I got a rare from mine haha.


Or "play".

Like any Halo, the game is highly replayable due to the combat and AI and environments.

I just like playing. The loot I get is a really nice bonus, the item/class progression makes the playing even more addictive.

You and me are brothers now. *high five*
What the hell happened there?

Is this class specific?

if you run and press crouch, you can slide foward
in this case he has a shotgun that provides a long slide, so he runs towards the enemy, slide with shoot and then punch with melee attack
real good tecnic
and more, if you shoot, then use melee, you can shoot another time quickly than shoot twice, this reset shotgun's cooldown


I absolutely love the game so far, but there's no denying that it is a bit of a grind to get loot. Atleast in the first 1-20 levels there was pretty much constant progression for me, but since I hit 20 its been a painstaking journey to get more light levels. That can be part of the charm for some people, but I myself would enjoy atleast some sort of progression, which hasn't happened to me. But oh well, need to play more. Addiction. Maybe I need to make a switch to heroin.

Did your progression really stop? Man, maybe I don't give a shit about level but I still feel like I'm progressing through class, subclass, and weapon abilities. When all that stuff is maxed maybe I'll feel like you, but I know that's gonna take awhile for me. I'm lvl 22 currently with like 20 hrs played


I've gotta say, I'm not a big fan of the whole 21-30 light leveling thing. It's not bad per se, but it's just kind of an odd way to level up.


Did your progression really stop? Man, maybe I don't give a shit about level but I still feel like I'm progressing through class, subclass, and weapon abilities. When all that stuff is maxed maybe I'll feel like you, but I know that's gonna take awhile for me. I'm lvl 22 currently with like 20 hrs played

Well, I've maxed out my weapon and armor and I only got a few things left locked in my subclass so I'd say the progression has come to a halt for me :D


I've gotta say, I'm not a big fan of the whole 21-30 light leveling thing. It's not bad per se, but it's just kind of an odd way to level up.

I'm guessing (based on previous MMO experience) its done to remove the "gear check" / "Item level" kind of soft requirements people put on instance groups.

If you need a light level of 26 to do something, you clearly have gear good enough to be there, rather than just having leveled up enough, yet having shit gear.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Truthfully they just should have made the level cap higher, dont like this whole "light" system bullshit. Since makes it feel more like a job having to go loot hunting just to "level up".

There isnt much sense of achievement once you are at the lv 20 cap and killing things dont really net you anything. Besides garbage that you dont need 90% of the time.

I'm guessing (based on previous MMO experience) its done to remove the "gear check" / "Item level" kind of soft requirements people put on instance groups.

If you need a light level of 26 to do something, you clearly have gear good enough to be there, rather than just having leveled up enough, yet having shit gear.

That is a very good way of putting it, but at the same time too feel that it hurts the game also.


I'm guessing (based on previous MMO experience) its done to remove the "gear check" / "Item level" kind of soft requirements people put on instance groups.

If you need a light level of 26 to do something, you clearly have gear good enough to be there, rather than just having leveled up enough, yet having shit gear.

That's exactly how I see it. No need to cme up with an item level if the game provides an item level already.


Thinking about spending some Glimmer on the Cryptarch since I find little else use for it. Any idea how much going from level 4 to level 5 would cost me?
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