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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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The Raid stays open permanently, right? I don't have to be ready tomorrow?

Yeah it's a permanent mode starting tomorrow. Take your time. I doubt I'd be ready either. Level 24 right now, but not enough time, unless Lady Luck smiles at me this evening. I have no plans or interest in farming.


Are the servers for destiny grouping people in PvE open world by region? I am near Philly and I see a lot of NJ / Philly people in my areas.


I just did the Vanguard bounties with the subclass and turned them in regardless.

That's a good tip for doing Crucible bounties though.

Afro, you going to be doing Crucible tonight? I was busy all weekend finishing story but now I'm trying to get back in that Control game.

Anyone else who is looking for Crucible players on their PS4 add me please.
Anyone else experience semi-regular disconnections while playing on the Xbox One? I've been pulled from both Strikes and single player missions randomly, getting the "bee" error. I don't think it's my connection, either, since everything else was working at the time.


Bungie, please add the rep progression meters in the menu please. I hate having to go back to the tower to see how much more I need.

Also being able to toggle waypoints and mission icons would be good too!

I agree it should be in game but a workaround is you can see your rep progression using the companion app.


Junior Member
Are the "Random Strike Cues" really random?

I got thrown in a level 20 Phogoth run with a bunch of lvl 19's, so i noped out of that strike right from the start and every single random cue i got put in ended up Phogoth after that?

Was it my punishment for abandoning a hopeless cause?


lol. i cant decide between Vanguard or Dead Orbit. But if I'm not mistaken, it's harder to get rep for Vanguard right? Sicne you can only get rep for bounties and strikes. Unlike Crucible rep where you can get it from doing everything. Lol.

You also get rep from doing patrol missions. This goes well with getting Spinmetal and things like it to turn in for more rep.

But yeah, Crucible is the fastest - bar none. No need to worry about spongey bosses.


I'd be in the dick
I wish people would play the Control game type properly.
I feel like I'm the only one that is staying back and defending a flag.

You're supposed to move and fight a bit since you don't gain continuous points for holding a position, just added points for kills. Most people ignore objectives completely though.
Yeah man lol. Raids are not temporary things that are locked off :)

I almost wouldn't put it past this game, tbh.

Yeah it's a permanent mode starting tomorrow. Take your time. I doubt I'd be ready either. Level 24 right now, but not enough time, unless Lady Luck smiles at me this evening. I have no plans or interest in farming.

Thanks. This game grants me the time this evening to finally watch yesterday's Seahawks game, yay!

E92 M3

ha nice reference. That H3 beta carbine was awesome.

Yes, in the beta :)

Yes. Weapons so far though.
The bounties are roughly four parts long so it will take a while to complete. You recieve a mail with a Exotic Bounty Ticket. You hand it in to the bounty bot, and have a choice of three bounties. You can only pick one. From there, like said above, it's four parts long.

I've done a lot of bounties, but no exotics yet. Oh well.


I saw a tip on reddit that i've been using to make this bounty totally painless. You do the first moon mission, get to the part where the doors open and thralls run at you, then just unload into them, die, and it restarts you right there again, repeat. It takes like 3 mins.

Awesome. Thanks for this. Was wondering how I was gonna pull this off.


I wish people would play the Control game type properly.
I feel like I'm the only one that is staying back and defending a flag.

I don't think you're playing it properly, tbh. I don't bother defending unless we control all points. You capture faster with more teammates so dying while defending a control point is pointless in this mode, imo.
Anyone who is still around level 14/15 and wants to play the campaign and the strikes add me on xone, misterthirsty.

Normally play after 10pm weeknights.

Playing the strikes and having people quit midway through is no good.

I'm 21 but need to finish the story from Mars on. Gonna try it tonight I think. Probably around 11. GT: KidInsomnia. I think we're already Friends, tho. :)
Bungie, please add the rep progression meters in the menu please. I hate having to go back to the tower to see how much more I need.

Also being able to toggle waypoints and mission icons would be good too!

Ya that was a really werid design choice. I didnt even understand what meters my points were going toward for a long time. I want to see all my stats in one place.
My Guardian as of now. She just needs to start getting Legendary Armor, but Red Hand IX is keeping me happy for now.

Titan best class.

Nori Chan

How do you get into the Nightfall Weekly? Unless I'm wrong.

There's this new icon in the Vanguard Playlist area at the top above the four other Vanguard stuff. It's at level 28. It's labeled Nightfall as well. Are you folks playing that one?

Yup that's the one. Very hard difficulty with nearly every shank, vandal, captain having shields and can two shot you with anything.


My 1st legendaries, both obtained through purple drops. Partially upgraded, so stats aren't final:


Cryptic Dragon Upgrades:
3 scope upgrades
5 damage upgrades
Take a Knee: Gain bonus accuracy while crouched
Explosive Rounds: Volatile payload explodes on impact, dealing a porting of the weapon's damage in an area.
Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode (!!)
Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 character agility
Armor Piercing Rounds: These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling.

Fair and Square Upgrades:
Headseeker: Body shots with this weapon increase precision damage for a short time.
Hammer Forged: Improved range and accuracy
Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 agility
Snapshot: Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast
Reactive Reload: Reloading this weapon after a kill grants a damage bonus for a short time
3 Scope upgrades
5 damage upgrades.

I'm also chasing down and exotic hand cannon, although I don't use them. Going to disassemble and see what I get, hopefully ascendant energy and shards. I'm on bounty #2 of 4:


Did the weekly strike yesterday all by myself. Was getting my ass kicked until i realized i didn't need to protect the ghost. There's a place where i could run to and enemies wouldn't follow. Ironic how the devil's lair strike gets easier instead of harder as it progresses.
The purple eye was a walk in the park.

About shields: void against purple shields, fire agaisnt orange and arc against blue. Is that all there is to it? No scissor, paper, rock. It's scissor against scissor, etc.
I wouldn't even notice weapons had elements if it wasn't for the element icon. There's no noticeable effect. At least i didn't noticed any. I think borderlands did the elermental effects better.
And just to be sure, primary weapons don't have elements right?
Speaking of raid here's a copy paste of the post I made on DestinyGAF Canada if anyone is interested:

I think it's fair to say most of us will look forward to step into the Vault of Glass later this week when it opens, I'm looking for 3 more guardians to join us. We're 3 french Canadians (Hunter (26),Warlock(25),Titan(26)). Since we know nothing (pretty much) about the raid we'll step inside with an intent to learn the place so expect to wipe (I don't think we'll be able to clear the 8 boss in one shot, Bungie keep hyping the difficulty.) We're 3 adults pretty relax, raided for years in other game, looking forward to try it in Destiny, if the group mesh well and we wanna make raiding a recurring event we're open for it. Our availability this week is Thursday night, and any time Friday or Saturday

Here's what we need from you if you're interested:

- Mic (I assume voice comms will be needed if it's like any other raids, in any game ever) If your shy or you hate talking at least make sure you listen if calls need to be made.
- At least level 24 since the first difficulty of the raid is aimed toward level 26.
- Willing to have a good time/not rage upon dying
- Can raid in French or English,.raided for years in English in other game and communication was never an issue.
- Can be available for the raid for at least 3 hours, can be for longer if everyone is having a great time while we learn.

Heading to bed (Working the nigh shift) I'll sort through the demands when I wake up if there's any interest. You can get back to me in PM here on GAF or on PSN Nakhar.

Edit: Forgot to say the version, PS4.

I might be down to run with you guys.. I'm in US, east coast. You guys sound like my kinda bunch.

One thing. I'm level 21 but I will try to level up by Thursday.
My 1st legendaries, both obtained through purple drops. Partially upgraded, so stats aren't final:


Cryptic Dragon Upgrades:
3 scope upgrades
5 damage upgrades
Take a Knee: Gain bonus accuracy while crouched
Explosive Rounds: Volatile payload explodes on impact, dealing a porting of the weapon's damage in an area.
Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 character agility
Armor Piercing Rounds: These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling.

Fair and Square Upgrades:
Headseeker: Body shots with this weapon increase precision damage for a short time.
Hammer Forged: Improved range and accuracy
Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 agility
Snapshot: Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast
Reactive Reload: Reloading this weapon after a kill grants a damage bonus for a short time
3 Scope upgrades
5 damage upgrades.

I'm also chasing down and exotic hand cannon, although I don't use them. Going to disassemble and see what I get, hopefully ascendant energy and shards. I'm on bounty #2 of 4:

Could you please explain how to get exotic bounties?
Anything new today? This is the first day since launch that I haven't played first thing when I wake up.

None of the weekly stuff reset then? Tuesday is the reset day for sure?


Afro, you going to be doing Crucible tonight? I was busy all weekend finishing story but now I'm trying to get back in that Control game.

Anyone else who is looking for Crucible players on their PS4 add me please.

I might do Crucible, but right now, my biggest priority is getting to at least 25. I'm almost done with the Vanguard rep to get to rank 2.


Thought of a new gamemode for Destiny. Perhaps something to help you get better gear/get rid of other classes gears.

What if there was a pvp mode, probably 3 v 3 but I'm willing to go 6 v 6, where in order to get in you have to wager something. But the wagers would be tiered. So in order to get access to Rare gear you have to wager rare gear. And so on.

Would be high stakes but guaranteed reward if you win.
Dammit :(

I see everyone catapulting up past level 20, and I'm pissed because I cannot for the life of me get enough Light gear to clear the soft cap. JUST GIVE ME SOME BOOTS, BUNGIE!


Explosive Rounds: Volatile payload explodes on impact, dealing a porting of the weapon's damage in an area.

Have you gotten to use this upgrade yet? I got it on a scout rifle last night but haven't upgraded to it yet. Any idea how big the AOE for it is? I assume it has to be pretty small.


I'd be in the dick
I want a remote grenade for the Warlocks that's thrown, then when you trigger it the warlock snaps to cause the explosion.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I heard something about not dying in 5 strikes. I'm not sure how much truth there is to that and if true dunno whether it has to be 5 in a row or not...

That's an exotic bounty itself, not a trick to getting exotic bounties in general.
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