I'm currently 24, trying to hit 26 in time for the raid tomorrow. Any tips to farm for light gear?
I heard something about not dying in 5 strikes. I'm not sure how much truth there is to that and if true dunno whether it has to be 5 in a row or not...
okay, so where in the companion app do you see your faction rep progress? Didn't want to put it on my phone because of the DestinyGAF group, I get notifications from that every couple of minutes it seems since I'm an admin on there.
I have a friend that rarely plays strikes and when he does he just charges right in and dies all the time. He's on his 3rd exotic bounty so I don't think that's it.
I haven't got one either and I rarely die in PvE.
That's an exotic bounty itself, not a trick to getting exotic bounties in general.
finally got a legendary helmet... for the wrong class!!
it's called 'HELM OF NO TOMORROW" titan class helmet.
Rugioh and Afro, if you guys PvP, add me. I'm US Eastern, but love the PvP the most and would (usually) prioritize it.
Except for tonight. Vanguard tonight!
Is New Monarchy the way to go for the blade dancer subclass?
Question about missed engrams.
If I'm just out farming on patrol and leave some blue engrams on the ground, when I go back to the tower, will they be there? Or is it only if I complete a strike or mission and forget the engrams? Like, what's the stipulation regarding getting blue/purple/yellow engrams returned to me if I just leave it on the ground?
aw i want that one
crazy how you can randomly get faction stuff
Could you please explain how to get exotic bounties?
Titans, do any of you use the Increased Control or Catapult option for your Lift ability?
I keep going back to the height evolution as Catapult seems to not offer much of a speed difference to make up for the much less height ability.
I think they randomly give them to you. I haven't seen one.
Play the strike playlist and crucible!
Remember, upgrading your gear increases it's Light stat too.
But it's hard to keep control points when your team leaves the points defenseless while trying to cap another flag. Then losing that flag when trying to cap an other etcI don't think you're playing it properly, tbh. I don't bother defending unless we control all points. You capture faster with more teammates so dying while defending a control point is pointless in this mode, imo.
So I have a question, GAF.
I'm a level 21. Does XP still amount to anything, or is that voided after you hit 20?
I use increase control. Catapult is horrible.Titans, do any of you use the Increased Control or Catapult option for your Lift ability?
I keep going back to the height evolution as Catapult seems to not offer much of a speed difference to make up for the much less height ability.
You also get rep from doing patrol missions. This goes well with getting Spinmetal and things like it to turn in for more rep.
But yeah, Crucible is the fastest - bar none. No need to worry about spongey bosses.
look what just dropped...
So I have a question, GAF.
I'm a level 21. Does XP still amount to anything, or is that voided after you hit 20?
But it's hard to keep control points when your team leaves the points defenseless while trying to cap another flag. Then losing that flag when trying to cap an other etc
It should be 2 people capping/defending each flag ideally , that's why it's 6v6.
It's early days so maybe people will improve over time.
That's what I've been doing! I've got helmets and chestpieces and arms out the wazoo, but NO LEGS raaaage
Have you gotten to use this upgrade yet? I got it on a scout rifle last night but haven't upgraded to it yet. Any idea how big the AOE for it is? I assume it has to be pretty small.
I use increase control. Catapult is horrible.
But it's hard to keep control points when your team leaves the points defenseless while trying to cap another flag. Then losing that flag when trying to cap an other etc
It should be 2 people capping/defending each flag ideally , that's why it's 6v6.
It's early days so maybe people will improve over time.
There are some "Heroic" mission bounties, do those mean the daily heroic mission you get everyday or does it just have to be a normal mission with the difficulty increased?
It still matters. After 20 you get a new bar and eerytime it fills with XP you get a Mote of Light.
XP is still needed to rank up weapons and further unlock subclass abilities.
JESUS CHRIST......... -.-"
well atleast i just got a legendary helmet with 18+ light out of a blue engrammy first ever. So happy.
I would like to know this, too.
JESUS CHRIST......... -.-"
well atleast i just got a legendary helmet with 18+ light out of a blue engrammy first ever. So happy.
I'm beginning to think that the Raids not having matchmaking is mostly the result of the baffling decision not to let people talk in Matchmade fireteams.
These are just the Mission selected with the Heroic Modifier. Which would be any difficulty past the initial difficulty.
These are just the Mission selected with the Heroic Modifier. Which would be any difficulty past the initial difficulty.
It is just hard to believe how lackluster the social stuff is in this game. I only have 1 friend I play this game with. I have been looking forward to this raid and now I probably can't play the shit. UggggggGGGGGHGGHGHHHHhh