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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Guys what happened to locking subclasses? Wasn't that the whole point of the third slot? I've fully upgraded Voidwalker but no locking symbol.

They removed it. That's in the patch notes. Not sure why, and it entirely defeats the purpose of having an extra subclass slot.

Unless they have future plans to implement new subclasses.


Guys what happened to locking subclasses? Wasn't that the whole point of the third slot? I've fully upgraded Voidwalker but no locking symbol.

I believe they removed it, part of the pre-release patch notes.

Third slot should be Dancer class, with a robust dance skill tree.


I love how the sky darkens before a public event happens. I've done a few on Mars yesterday, but they still happen way too sparsely. Didn't Bungie increase the frequency?

I get them pretty frequently. Pretty much everytime I have been playing Patrol I have gotten a Public Event.
It is just hard to believe how lackluster the social stuff is in this game. I only have 1 friend I play this game with. I have been looking forward to this raid and now I probably can't play the shit. UggggggGGGGGHGGHGHHHHhh

Team up with your fellow GAF members? I know it doesn't excuse the omission for the features but it's pretty easy to get in on a group. Plus it makes a great opportunity for us all to play some games together.


JESUS CHRIST......... -.-"


well atleast i just got a legendary helmet with 18+ light out of a blue engram :D my first ever. So happy.

WTF... Lucky bastard!!!


Wait, I get the whole thing with not being to talk outside your fireteam, I didn't know that applied to crucible too. I just thought I got people with no mic's.

If you're in crucible or any matchmade service you should be able to talk with people on your team wtf bungie
is there anywhere you can just straight up buy weapon parts

Kind of - buy engrams from the cryptarch and disenchant the result.

Wait, I get the whole thing with not being to talk outside your fireteam, I didn't know that applied to crucible too. I just thought I got people with no mic's.

If you're in crucible or any matchmade service you should be able to talk with people on your team wtf bungie
Why don't Warlocks have an invunlerable state like Titans and Hunters? Their supers are also uninteruptable, unlike the Warlock. What gives

Lol your on neogaf. Just come here tomorrow and ask if anyone needs another raid member. I guarantee someone will pick you up. The neogaf community is awesome.

This is hard for people who struggle socially and talking to new people. Like myself. Outside of text change and my inner circle I'm a bubbling mess of a man.


Just finished the last story mission. Why did they call them story missions when there is no story? Like, literally none. Nothing happens for the entire duration of the game.


Formerly Gizmowned
Legendary Engram! :D

Becomes Rare armor. :|

Light 24 now...

I had no idea that upgrading armor also ups the light for that piece. I have a helmet which I preferred the look of but it had 13 light compared to the other which had 15. After using the new one and upgrading I noticed the light was the same value.
Why don't Warlocks have an invunlerable state like Titans and Hunters? Their supers are also uninteruptable, unlike the Warlock. What gives


Titans can be killed during Fist of Havoc! It's just unlikely if they have the DMG reduction during FoH.

And I think Sunsinger Warlocks get a shield if they melee if they're specced into it.

That's okay. As long as you can work as a team and shoot things in the head, GAF will accept you just fine :)

Well then! That's a relief, hopefully I can get someone to pick me up for VoG next week! I have some Legendaries that need to be put to a proper test ;D
Damn I thought the scout rifle was my facorite type until I started using the hand cannon, amazing in the crucible

Is the scout rifle any good in PvE? I couldn't remember for sure, but I thought I didn't like it much during the alpha/beta. I've got a rare scout rifle sitting in my inventory, but I've been using my uncommon hand cannon.
Regarding factions: what's the difference between Vanguard PvE gear and "crucible gear?"

In WoW the PvP gear has different stats like "resilience/PvP power" - is there something like that in Destiny?

Did they actually use this justification for the no talking?


So I'm still having trouble completely understanding something in crucible. Stuff you earn in campaign doesn't have any advantage in PvP right? Its all aesthetic? All rifles do the same damage, and no health advantages?
A separate bitch this game has caused me is PSN. PSN says I got a message!

Takes like 15 minutes for it to show. I miss Live.

Don't know if this has been addressed, but most likely your clock just isn't synced. I've chatted with people in real time, but all of the messages say "8 minutes ago". If you get an invite, assume that they just sent it and accept.
Regarding factions: what's the difference between Vanguard PvE gear and "crucible gear?"

In WoW the PvP gear has different stats like "resilience/PvP power" - is there something like that in Destiny?

Vanguard, if I remember correctly, has Light, Disc, and Strength on Gear? Somesthing like that.

Crucible has Light, Intellect and Disc.

So essentially different stats. Other than that, they remain pretty similar other than bonus effects like +reload with Scout rifles.



Any point in joining a Clan? Are there clan specific challenges or rewards?

not stated yet, but I have been sending Bungie my questions....

Trust me the clan system is a bit broken.

You have to be in the same subclan to get trophies even if your clan is all synced up....

It seems really silly.

Bungie fix this pls!
So I'm still having trouble completely understanding something in crucible. Stuff you earn in campaign doesn't have any advantage in PvP right? Its all aesthetic? All rifles do the same damage, and no health advantages?

To an extent. Your abilities and the abilities of the high level stuff could and should give you an advantage.

This doesn't count for Iron Banner where nothing is equalised. All stats count.


From some earlier posts it sounds like you stop building crucible rep when you are building faction rep? Is this true? I hadn't noticed...I just assumed that you were always building crucible rep from playing and you could optionally build rep with one of the factions at the same time.
This is hard for people who struggle socially and talking to new people. Like myself. Outside of text change and my inner circle I'm a bubbling mess of a man.

I'm a little awkward with new people on voice chat for some reason too, but GAF is filled with cool people. I always feel a bit out of place as a nocturnal UK player who ends up on primarily American play times, but as long as you guys don't mind me tailing along I'm always happy to join. For some reason I find it much easier in a larger group too.


There was some more interest about my raiding group way earlier in this thread. For this week it's full we even have a bench. Cannot wait... so HYPED
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