is there any point to even playing multiplayer? isnt it better just to stand there? lol
faster to rep up the Crucible, 25 for the win, 10 for the lose
is there any point to even playing multiplayer? isnt it better just to stand there? lol
Why does all armor for a class look the same![]()
Guys what happened to locking subclasses? Wasn't that the whole point of the third slot? I've fully upgraded Voidwalker but no locking symbol.
Guys what happened to locking subclasses? Wasn't that the whole point of the third slot? I've fully upgraded Voidwalker but no locking symbol.
I love how the sky darkens before a public event happens. I've done a few on Mars yesterday, but they still happen way too sparsely. Didn't Bungie increase the frequency?
Why does all armor for a class look the same![]()
Yup that's the one. Very hard difficulty with nearly every shank, vandal, captain having shields and can two shot you with anything.
It is just hard to believe how lackluster the social stuff is in this game. I only have 1 friend I play this game with. I have been looking forward to this raid and now I probably can't play the shit. UggggggGGGGGHGGHGHHHHhh
I get them pretty frequently. Pretty much everytime I have been playing Patrol I have gotten a Public Event.
JESUS CHRIST......... -.-"
well atleast i just got a legendary helmet with 18+ light out of a blue engrammy first ever. So happy.
I played patrol for about 3 hours on march and would say I got about 1 an hour.
is there anywhere you can just straight up buy weapon parts
BUT THEY MIGHT SPOIL THE NON-STORY FOR YOU!Wait, I get the whole thing with not being to talk outside your fireteam, I didn't know that applied to crucible too. I just thought I got people with no mic's.
If you're in crucible or any matchmade service you should be able to talk with people on your team wtf bungie
Lol your on neogaf. Just come here tomorrow and ask if anyone needs another raid member. I guarantee someone will pick you up. The neogaf community is awesome.
This is hard for people who struggle socially and talking to new people. Like myself. Outside of text change and my inner circle I'm a bubbling mess of a man.
is there any point to even playing multiplayer? isnt it better just to stand there? lol
Me too.lmao, I've reached 24 without any purple items
it's all good
Trying this tonight, that's fucking ridiculous.
I usually do good and always get screwed.
Why don't Warlocks have an invunlerable state like Titans and Hunters? Their supers are also uninteruptable, unlike the Warlock. What gives
That's okay. As long as you can work as a team and shoot things in the head, GAF will accept you just fine![]()
I'm gonna randomly try this in PVP tonight. Finish a match with 0 kills and 0 deaths and see if anything drops.
Damn I thought the scout rifle was my facorite type until I started using the hand cannon, amazing in the crucible
I'm gonna randomly try this in PVP tonight. Finish a match with 0 kills and 0 deaths and see if anything drops.
Why does all armor for a class look the same![]()
This is my biggest complaint with the game right now.
I believe they removed it, part of the pre-release patch notes.
Third slot should be Dancer class, with a robust dance skill tree.
Do you get anything special for getting a faction to rep level 3?
yes.Did they actually use this justification for the no talking?
A separate bitch this game has caused me is PSN. PSN says I got a message!
Takes like 15 minutes for it to show. I miss Live.
Regarding factions: what's the difference between Vanguard PvE gear and "crucible gear?"
In WoW the PvP gear has different stats like "resilience/PvP power" - is there something like that in Destiny?
Any point in joining a Clan? Are there clan specific challenges or rewards?
Regarding factions: what's the difference between Vanguard PvE gear and "crucible gear?"
In WoW the PvP gear has different stats like "resilience/PvP power" - is there something like that in Destiny?
Any point in joining a Clan? Are there clan specific challenges or rewards?
So I'm still having trouble completely understanding something in crucible. Stuff you earn in campaign doesn't have any advantage in PvP right? Its all aesthetic? All rifles do the same damage, and no health advantages?
This is hard for people who struggle socially and talking to new people. Like myself. Outside of text change and my inner circle I'm a bubbling mess of a man.