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Destiny |OT30| Long Live the King

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Weird opinion time:

-The Jewel is my favorite primary in the game second to The Last Word.
-Elimination is a neat new gametype.
-The Trials gear is some of the best looking gear in the game.

But I can't stand Trials of Osiris. Or rather, it was cool for a while and now I hope it takes a very long vacation.

It bothers me that every weekend has become "Trials weekend" because it feels like it puts unnecessary stress on everybody, whether they are helping others, playing normally, or not even playing PvP. Even when I wasn't playing and I'd read the thread during the weekends, I felt stressed. It's definitely been an interesting addition to the game - for better or for worse - and I've met a lot of awesome people through it that I normally would not have. Nevertheless, I think having it appear every weekend is bad for the game's longevity.

I would have it show up once a month for a week just like Iron Banner, and Elimination should be a permanent playlist on the weeks that it isn't up.
The Jewel is a joy to use, and the Warlock Trials set is the best looking armor by far in my opinion.

As for Trials, I don't know. I mean it did generate some stress, but I think Trials is what kept us going through these months. PoE flopped 10 million times harder than Crota. PvE has been dead for like 8 months. This weekly PvP ritual was an entertaining event to participate in and to spectate, to help others in, to dominate in, to go in for fun or a no-stress 5 win armor run... I dunno. I think it did more good than harm.

That said, they limited the map rotation way too much. Burning Shrine burnout is real. They should open it up and maybe switch spawns every round to compensate for less than perfectly balanced maps.

Once a month would be a shame. I think it should either stay weekly or at most come every other week. The armor is fantastic, it's an extra loot roll, the weapons are all solid without being OP, the random element primary is a tantalizing carrot, and it's maybe the only high-stakes challenge out there (for most players).

By far the best thing they've added since VoG in my opinion.


Guys, someone hold me back but I am ACTUALLY thinking of starting a new character for year two leaving my seasoned hunter and starting a WARLOCK

yes one of those, I am afraid I will break the controller trying to master that jump and last time I played a warlock was only for the platinum

Wish me luck dgaf

They suck, don't do it!
Weird opinion time:

-The Jewel is my favorite primary in the game second to The Last Word.
-Elimination is a neat new gametype.
-The Trials gear is some of the best looking gear in the game.

I like these things, but I can't stand Trials of Osiris. Or rather, it was cool for a while and now I hope it takes a very long vacation.

It bothers me that every weekend has become "Trials weekend" because it feels like it puts unnecessary pressure on everybody, whether they playing normally, helping others or not even playing PvP. Everybody has to get to Mercuy, but most people either wrack their brains over going 8-1 or spend 36 hours waiting for a chance to be picked up on stream. Even when I wasn't playing and I'd read the thread during the weekends, I felt stressed. Here we have Bungie trying to tell us not to take the Crucible seriously, and yet they have this game mode designed specifically for that purpose.

It's definitely been an interesting addition to the game - for better or for worse - and I've met a lot of awesome people through it that I normally would not have. Nevertheless, I think having it appear every weekend is bad for the game's longevity.

I would have it show up once a month for a week just like Iron Banner, and Elimination should be a permanent playlist on the weeks that it isn't up.
Did people still really obsess over it after a month? I basically only play this game for PVP mostly and I stopped caring about going flawless after the 3rd week and basically only played it for the good armor pieces and to collect guns.

ToO gear is so awesome looking and I'm pretty salty I finally had a perfect armor set completed last week on my hunter with the best rolls and now it's getting rekt by blue gear and TLW sucking.


aka Mannny
According to Bungie, you won't get it ever.
But I can't imagine that will be true. Bungie can't be that foolish.
Hopefully the emblem is got at the last part of the quest. I haven't completely finished any of mine. I still have to turn in the final step.


Weird opinion time:

-The Jewel is my favorite primary in the game second to The Last Word.
-Elimination is a neat new gametype.
-The Trials gear is some of the best looking gear in the game.

But I can't stand Trials of Osiris. Or rather, it was cool for a while and now I hope it takes a very long vacation.

It bothers me that every weekend has become "Trials weekend" because it feels like it puts unnecessary stress on everybody, whether they are helping others, playing normally, or not even playing PvP. Even when I wasn't playing and I'd read the thread during the weekends, I felt stressed. It's definitely been an interesting addition to the game - for better or for worse - and I've met a lot of awesome people through it that I normally would not have. Nevertheless, I think having it appear every weekend is bad for the game's longevity.

I would have it show up once a month for a week just like Iron Banner, and Elimination should be a permanent playlist on the weeks that it isn't up.

Agree with you Zoba.

I played it EVERY weekend. And eventhough was useless, since i have been countless of times on mercury and the package gear is heavily RNG'ed - also mostly disappointing (the 8 pack), i was stressed to do 3x trials on friday, at lunch hour, just have the ''i have done my job/homework/not missing anything out for the week''.

It was a chore for my RL too, ruined every friday night for me (EU timezone). I know it's mostly MY fault, since i should just NOT care... but i can't.

The thing i hate most is the time restriction and the no MM, so i have been forced to have:
a) time on a specific day - every weekend
b) good teammates
c) tryhard mode
d) stress

Oddly... the same thing i despise most of this playlist..... is the one that kept me going... i needed no loot. It was just a TEST for myself if i still ''got it'', if i can still pull Mercury, every week, multiple times. The thrill of it. But yet it somehow also stressed me out. Since i WANTED to do the 8/9 wins. I never did less then 8/9-1, but still.. i cared.
Don't know how.

I love elimination as a playmode. It is fun, to pull a 1v3 and win the round. It is fun to revive snipe. It is fun to outplay skilled opponents. Etc.
I just don't like the time restriction. Maybe it would be more chill if it were all week, not just friday thru monday.

Until i finished my trials, i was in the same ''must do it'' mode as i am when banner launches, until i reach rank5... then i can chill.

One other thing:
Trials had a great success also because HoW, let's be honest, was SEVERELY lucklustre in terms of PvE. Content wise and even more weapon/gear wise. Trials was released at the best possible time.

I fear most, that if King's Fall will be nice, i would literally have no time to focus on trials, unless i say goodbye to RL for good. And that's just bad, since it has a WoW risk of just quitting one day. And i don't wanna quit Destiny. Ever!
(mostly because of this FANTASTIC DGAF community <3)

TLDR: love&hate trials at the same time. But... don't miss them at all atm. DGAF <3


Need two people for one quick NF (34 Hunter) and one slightly harder NF (for my 31 Titan)

Add me on PS4:

The Jewel is a joy to use, and the Warlock Trials set is the best looking armor by far in my opinion.

As for Trials, I don't know. I mean it did generate some stress, but I think Trials is what kept us going through these months. PoE flopped 10 million times harder than Crota. PvE has been dead for like 8 months. This weekly PvP ritual was an entertaining event to participate in and to spectate, to help others in, to dominate in, to go in for fun or a no-stress 5 win armor run... I dunno. I think it did more good than harm.

That said, they limited the map rotation way too much. Burning Shrine burnout is real. They should open it up and maybe switch spawns every round to compensate for less than perfectly balanced maps.

Once a month would be a shame. I think it should either stay weekly or at most come every other week. The armor is fantastic, it's an extra loot roll, the weapons are all solid without being OP, the random element primary is a tantalizing carrot, and it's maybe the only high-stakes challenge out there (for most players).

By far the best thing they've added since VoG in my opinion.

Every other week would be a suitable compromise to me. I agree that it was largely responsible for the replayability with House of Wolves, but I'm burnt out on it after all those months. And I only played it for a few weekends, so I can only imagine how people like Unstable are feeling after helping others week after week.

I'm looking forward to this weekend in part because Trials will be unavailable, and I hope it stays that way until next year. Beforehand, I felt like if I were to log onto Destiny during the weekend, I'd have to play Trials. It wasn't a matter of me being asked to help people, which I didn't necessarily have a problem with (until it conflicted with real life). Rather, it appeared to have such a tremendous presence over the game during the weekends and it made me anxious.

Iron Banner is a one-week event and everybody hops on the train for a few days to rage at lag and rank up to buy the next OP weapon. It's competitive and has always been a mess, but to that end it feels more relaxed. Like I can play with my friends at my leisure and laugh at dumb shit.

Trials doesn't have that to me unless i'm playing blowout matches and go into auto pilot.


Hey guys, do we have data on when the old Vanguard Marks and Crucible Marks can be exchanged?

Next Tuesday? And will this be automatic or manual?


Iron Banner is a one-week event and everybody hops on the train for a few days to rage at lag and rank up to buy the next OP weapon. It's competitive and has always been a mess, but to that end it feels more relaxed. Like I can play with my friends at my leisure and laugh at dumb shit.

Trials doesn't have that to me unless i'm playing blowout matches and go into auto pilot.

I'm the opposite, I like Trials because it's tense, exciting and fun (even though I can't really make it to mercury) but Iron Banner's "laggy mess + rush to hit level 5" stresses the fuck out of me.

Weird opinion from me: I think the Fallen, as an alien race, having a house named after an animal that is found on Earth is weird as fuck.


Every other week would be a suitable compromise to me. I agree that it was largely responsible for the replayability with House of Wolves, but I'm burnt out on it after all those months. And I only played it for a few weekends, so I can only imagine how people like Unstable are feeling after helping others week after week.

I'm looking forward to this weekend in part because Trials will be unavailable, and I hope it stays that way until next year. Beforehand, I felt like if I were to log onto Destiny during the weekend, I'd have to play Trials. It wasn't a matter of me being asked to help people, which I didn't necessarily have a problem with (until it conflicted with real life). Rather, it appeared to have such a tremendous presence over the game during the weekends and it made me anxious.

Iron Banner is a one-week event and everybody hops on the train for a few days to rage at lag and rank up to buy the next OP weapon. It's competitive and has always been a mess, but to that end it feels more relaxed. Like I can play with my friends at my leisure and laugh at dumb shit.

Trials doesn't have that to me unless i'm playing blowout matches and go into auto pilot.
Oh I'm talking from my perspective as someone who ran a few cards a week. Unstable, Rubenov, Drizz and the rest of the gang helping people all weekend long every weekend? I'd have lost my mind in like 2 weeks :p

I'm sure if I were a super good PvP player Trials being there would make me anxious cause I'd keep wanting to help people and burn out quick.
Well then! He hit's like a truck.



The Cryptarch's Bane
I spent my night leisurely getting acquainted with Crucible and taking care of the two Omolon weapon research Armsday bounties. I did not play any rift, and I'm not sure I will until after TTK actually... a little overwhelmed.

I think I'm going to really enjoy Armsday. I like having a reason to try things outside my comfort zone, and this week I got something that was definitely that, plus something decidedly in my comfort zone, and just honestly had a really good time playing the game. Sue me.

I'm also a little puzzled at the backlash that some of the bounties are for the Crucible. As I understood it, half of the point of Armsday was to incentivize players switching up their loadouts in unexpected ways, increasing the likelihood that any given match you enter will not be dominated by 5 or 11 other players all using the exact same crutch/top-tier/no-skill/cheap/et cetera et cetera weapons over and over again. Did we abandon this sentiment at some point? In my ~10-12 matches tonight, I definitely felt the impact of people using the experimental weapons. You guys understand that when someone is using their Armsday fusion or sniper they are necessarily not using a max-range one-shot snipe-shotgun, right? The thing we all want to see less of? If you do play a considerable amount of Crucible, the bounties are obviously quick to complete, and you have all week... I mean, I got them done in my first 6 games on the first night. Every match I played, special slots were filled by a mix of those weapons, old standards, and some surprises. Frankly, this struck me as a vast improvement and it's just the first day. Plus, you don't have to get every bounty done every week... I fully expect not to myself.

Anyway, I've collected some of my thoughts on the two weapons and the Newcible in general. Bear in mind: I am not a top-tier player or anywhere close. In a match against top tier players, it will not matter what weapon I am using and what weapon they are using; they will crush me. I don't take Crucible that seriously, and while I am a >1.0 player across all modes, if I can be reasonably successful with something and have fun using it, I give that a considerable amount of weight, whereas someone who was attempting to play at optimal levels would weight this marginally in comparison. This factor is difficult to describe but I know it impacts my play, and I know plenty would say for the worse. Thus, take everything I say here with a grain of salt. On the other hand, if you are a player like me, the stuff I have to say here might be valuable.

Also bear in mind that this "meta" is nonsense. Everything is going to go nuts in a week.

Let me start with this: it was a pretty surreal run. I had a lot of expectations based on what I'd read here, on reddit, on twitter... and while some of them matched up spot-on or nearly so, others were totally confounded, or made me realize that what I'd heard was misleading.
  • ...I liked it. I mean I just overall had a good time. My expectations were low I guess. It felt more "balanced" (not in the traditional sense, of course, but more evenly distributed across available options). There were far fewer times where I got killed in the exact same way multiple lives in a row.
  • The Omolon sniper: Huh. Well, I expected complete asstasticness... yet I did better with it than I do with traditional snipers. I think what's going on here is that it's not "a sniper's sniper" and my shitty style of wielding one is well suited to it. Basically, I don't ever find good vantage points, line up head shots and take out multiple players at a choke point like I see our all-stars do. I see something on my radar, zoom, haphazardly catch someone in my scope, fling bullets at them until the mag is empty and hope for the best. Often firing while strafing almost like a scout. And I... kind of liked it? Every so often I'd get a headshot and it would come as a shock. I got the bounty done in 4 control matches (and I always recommend Control for bounties like this). By faaaar the biggest factor keeping me from completing it was simply having no clue where the special ammo boxes were on the new maps. I spent more than half of each match with zero reserve. Other than that, the gun looks cool, but its perk is totally wasted in most modes.
  • The Omolon fusion: are you fucking kidding me?
    • Looks hot
    • Sounds like liquid sex
    • Beam fires low, but is very tight. You can aim for the feet for a oneshot in most circumstances.
    • Stability is poor according to the stat lines, but this is reflected in usage very, very differently than other fusions I've used with a similar rating. It has an extremely predictable and gentle kick up. Again, aim for the feet and you're golden.
    • This is my preferred type of fusion rifle: low charge rate, high impact. The variety that Bungie supposedly just nerfed. Okay so: you have to cook your fusion rifles, people! Feather the trigger as soon as you know your next target is inside your kill range. DARE the person in close proximity on your radar to poke their head out at you, from just outside shotty range. If there are a variety of Year 2 ones that are like this or better it'll be paradise for ol' Hawkian.
    • The perk on it is so goddamn perfect for a fusion rifle. Mmmmm. You're telling me this is a test version? The legendaries will have more perks and perform better across the board? I'm going to collect every single fusion rifle that is anything like this one and kill you with all of them. Omolon is aiming to establish itself as my new god and you're calling this thing "butt." NUTS. YOU'RE ALL NUTS. I'M THE ONLY SANE ONE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM
  • Sorry I blacked out there for a second.
  • Thorn: Meh. It's still good/great. Here's the thing... I think people, maybe all of us, wanted in our guts for it to be unusable, because of how many fucking times we've been killed with it under the most goddamn annoying circumstances. But... if I force myself to be objective. It's an Exotic. It should be good and offer something no other weapon does. Its range was hit hard, the DoT doesn't tick for as much even if you get hit multiple times which extends its duration- meaning that while, yes, the now-dreaded 3 body shot to kill is a reality, you just have more opportunities overall to kill someone using a Thorn, and dye from ticking out to the burn less often in uglier scenarios (multiple combatants, one shot + grenade, etc.). At this point, I sincerely do not believe that Thorn will remotely dominate top-tier play the way it used to, even for the span of this week, and certainly not after TTK.
  • It's funny... watching all the initial impressions from serious PvP folk for the first 12 hours or so... I didn't hear the words "Bad Juju" mentioned all that often. Thaaaat is gonna change.
  • Hawkmoon. Okay. I need ya'll to bear with me here. This was the biggest shock of the evening by far. First off, the bad (and it's quite bad): the range is no longer impressive. It really did feel like you had a sniper in your palm back in the day, and that's just gone. I'm not sure it was a good thing for it to be that way- not quite a "hand cannon," see- but it was something we loved about it. And you just can't use it that way anymore. Though, I will say I was expecting even worse! I had seen multiple posts saying "useless at mid range and don't even try past that." Just making sure- everybody switched to Field Choke, right?? When my aim was good, I hit headshots consistently at mid-range and still connected from a bit beyond. However, the onset accuracy nerf is also noticeable. Every now and again, you will "miss" a shot you absolutely know would have connected before the patch, and it is heartbreaking. A little of its range back, maybe 15% would be a charm.

    Now, the wild and crazy: so earlier on at the end of OT29, I was commenting on how, despite the patch notes, Hawkmoon's magazine has not been increased at all, and this is true. Its stat page says a magazine of 11 which I guess it has when you first get it, but Holdin' Aces adds two shots for 13, which is identical to its mag before. However, the chime sound and flash effect when a lucky bullet is fired is brand new. This occurs for all three random lucky bullets, not just the two from Holdin' Aces- although you can occasionally get 2 bullets to stack and thus only have two in the mag. The chime is very noticeable and distinct and the flash, if you're looking for it, is visible even if the sound winds up obscured by explosions or whatever.

    Okay. So. Now you always know how many lucky bullets are remaining in the magazine. This is HUGE. This is a BUFF. Part of my Hawkmoon strategy, and what I always told people when they ask about using it, was to never reload before an empty magazine, unless you were safe and stuck with 4 or fewer bullets. Now? Fuck that. You reload immediately if you know you've fired the third lucky bullet. If you're safe and you know you've fired two already, and more than half the mag remains? Reload that shit. Think about it. You never used to have any idea if you just threw one of the lucky bullets into a wall, or used one to finish someone off with a sliver of health (unless you always notice the adjusted damage values, which I personally don't). No longer. You can gear your entire usage of the weapon around knowing exactly how much bonus damage you're holding at any given time. I gradually adjusted my playstyle as this set in. Once, I had used all 3 by the time my mag read 9- bail out to cover, reload. Never would have done that before. Another time, I hadn't used a single one with 4 left in the mag... you can imagine how it felt coming around the corner with that in the chamber.

    Why isn't anyone talking about this? I guess the onset shock of the nerf just had everyone throw their Hawkmoons back in the box and cry softly, but it has this entire new angle to it now! You can, of course, kill in two body shots if either is a lucky bullet... while my range and accuracy were hit hard, the percentage of my shots that were lucky bullets was much, much higher than before the patch. It almost feels like the Exotic perk has been specifically buffed to repurpose the weapon into something different, and actually more unique. Am I missing something? Maybe it matters less at very high levels of play...? Even if that is the case, I literally have not seen a single post about this. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
  • Back to the rest. I got killed by Hopscotch Pilgrim enough to notice. I haven't experienced the nerf yet personally, but I've always loved my Allfate, so *shrug*
  • Pocket Infinity is still redonkulous. Here's to another year of no one talking about this gun while I casually obliterate people with it. I pulled a 1.2 and then a 1.6 the first and second game I played with it. Bonus: using it to murder people who were obviously trying to get their Omolon kills feels very "Daddy's home."

    My old Ahamkara's Spine build worked like a charm with it, and the 2.0 Ahamkara's extra perks look outstanding. HYPE!
  • It's been said, but Vestian Dynasty. Just, wow. Range is great, TTK is crazy, it always spawns with ammo. I can't even. Nothing more to say, the gun is absolutely a viable option for your special slot in the Crucible.
  • Maps
    • Frontier, Crossroads, The Dungeon and one other whose name I can't remember are good full-stop, possibly even great. The Dungeon has a lot of the stuff I complain about on other maps, but makes it work; can't explain it better than that. Crossroads is my favorite. It's like a Quake map and just put a huge smile on my face multiple times.
    • Memento and Vertigo are... tolerable. I'd take either over some of the vanilla maps. Memento is quite a bit (i.e. too much) like a CoD map for me, though it does have serious and interesting verticality.
    • Sector 618 is the clusterfuckiest clusterfuck that ever fucked a cluster. Just what. What. I would throw down $20 on the table right now to see the design philosophy meeting that addressed this map. Please prove me wrong and unveil a mode that makes its mindboggling set of awkwardly arranged corners and hallways into something magical.
    • I never got a match on Bannerfall, the map I wanna see the most :(
    • First Light. Ugh. Hint: every other match I played tonight finished on score, one of those on mercy (my team won!). First Light- time ran out with 13k for the leading team.
  • Biggest Nerf of the Night award goes to: Arcbolt Grenades. They are like decorations. I've always loved Flux and was sad when I heard I had to switch to be competitive, so I'm happy.
  • Shotguns. *sigh* I'm not going to go as far as some and say that nothing's changed. There were indeed three or four occasions in which I know I would've died from the oneshot before the patch and did not. But... the nerfs did nothing to fix the problem, which is that, with extreme consistently, the well-rolled, max-range, Shot Package high-impact sniper-tubes can still kill people from outside "shotgun range." A shotgun- any shotgun- should be a one-hit kill at extreme close range, and a two-hit kill at close range. These things can be counted on to be one hit kills at ranges that reaaaaallly stretch the definition of "close." And that's the ballgame. Still, overall, through the combination of Armsday and people matching weapon to map more often than they used to, I got killed by them less often, and that's a step up. Also, baiting people whom I recognized as slide-shotgunners using the Omolon FR was butter.


So there's my megapost, sorry it went so long. Was a much more interesting experience than I expected. Feel bad that I never got in touch with Atticus or his fiancé... hopefully they were just tied up. I don't have any signups for tomorrow's newbie raid yet actually so I could do a Skolas or two. Atticus are you out there somewhere? :p
Lol, I came out of the tunnels on the way to the valus strike doing the 50 cabal kills and I was wrecked across the map by a dreg with a 190 shock pistol.

Yeah, turns out all you need is 171 light to kill them. If you are on a warlock you get 170 light. If you then buy Necro from the Kiosk it has 172 light for some reason and gives you enough light to hit 171. He doesn't give a card when killed though so there isn't much point.


Different from the 2 TTK shaders she was selling on Tuesday? Oh man the hype.

I hadnt downloaded the update before yesterday so I dont know which se sold then, but its three shaders this time. Atlantean 5055 and blue marble. I deleted the last one as I needed space so cant check its name right now.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Also, tiny addendum, I didn't use TLW, but in feeling the onset accuracy nerf to Hawkmoon I could understand why it may have been hit so hard. I'm curious as to how much hipfiring in close can compensate, if at all?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Dammit, not enough Hawkmoon tears in that post lol

I am glad you can shrug off Axion bolts now.
ha. :p Couldn't play it at all the same way I used to, but I ended up loving it. It almost feels "more Exotic." Of course it's not as good, overall, but I expected to be crying within minutes and ended up sort of fascinated. Like before it was "awesome handcannon good in every category, with occasional OP damage," but now it's a really unique gun that you can theme your whole playstyle around. All these mini-moons people are rolling with Luck in the Chamber... they don't have that feature, not to mention the two extra rolls.

There's also the matter of... yeah, Hawkmoon can sometimes lose against an auto-rifle up close now. Hawkmoon can lose to a pulse at ideal pulse range. Hawkmoon will always lose to a scout at long range. None of that used to be true and it hurts. But was it really appropriate for it to be the obvious winner in all of those scenarios?
It's criminal what they did to Hawkmoon. I'm hoping going forward that they bring monthly minor tweaks to weapons instead of this current six monthly blanket nerf/boost nonsense


Probably should have spoilered that and you are judging the looks of it off low rez renders? Plus Luke said that not everything is in the database so you really shouldn't jump to conclusions about anything in the Raid.

Done. Low or high rez - still looks ridiculously ugly - just look at the helmets!


ha. :p Couldn't play it at all the same way I used to, but I ended up loving it. It almost feels "more Exotic." Of course it's not as good, overall, but I expected to be crying within minutes and ended up sort of fascinated. Like before it was "awesome handcannon good in every category, with occasional OP damage," but now it's a really unique gun that you can theme your whole playstyle around. All these mini-moons people are rolling with Luck in the Chamber... they don't have that feature, not to mention the two extra rolls.

There's also the matter of... yeah, Hawkmoon can sometimes lose against an auto-rifle up close now. Hawkmoon can lose to a pulse at ideal pulse range. Hawkmoon will always lose to a scout at long range. None of that used to be true and it hurts. But was it really appropriate for it to be the obvious winner in all of those scenarios?

Can't wait to go and acquire that Hawkmoon next week. Sure, it might not be as good it used to be ... but, whatever. I still want it. Seeing your post actually reassures me, somewhat.

TLW is dead though. Can't hit shit at medium-range.


Done. Low or high rez - still looks ridiculously ugly - just look at the helmets!
No armor will ever be uglier than Crota's. And this being Crota's daddy's loot, the same Hive bug influence will be here. I don't like looking like an insect. But I understand why these sets look the way they do.
Can't wait to go and acquire that Hawkmoon next week. Sure, it might not be as good it used to be ... but, whatever. I still want it. Seeing your post actually reassures me, somewhat.

TLW is dead though. Can't hit shit at medium-range.

It's dead, I feel sorry for Xbox users who will never get to use it at its peak.

Edit Crota warlock armour is my favourite in the game


Anyone know how long this Hunter quest line is? I'm currently at "Generate 50 orbs from Golden Gun"
After that you have 1 more step: kill 3 Majors with Golden Gun in a Strike, 15 enemies in total, and complete the strike.

But don't finish this quest until next week. If you turn it in now you won't get the emblem reward.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I understand why people are so upset about it and I expected myself to be among them. But actually I'm pretty curious as to how Xbox users who get them feel about it if they can train themselves to play "new style" with it from the beginning. Once you get accustomed to listening/watching for the chime you can do some pretty awesome stuff.
After that you have 1 more step: kill 3 Majors with Golden Gun in a Strike, 15 enemies in total, and complete the strike.

But don't finish this quest until next week. If you turn it in now you won't get the emblem reward.

they said it'd pop up next week though even if you turned it in early
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