So I'm confused...
Tower Weapons and other dropped "normal mode" weapons probably have a max attack value of 280...
And "heroic" and "adept" weapons seem to have a max attack value of 310...
Also the exotic sword on stream had a max attack value of 310...
... but the exotic sword had an "infuse" node that allowed you to upgrade it's attack value with an exotic shard, and legendary marks, and some other stuff... they surfed over the node for a split second on stream...
... and also the adept weapons seem to have an "infuse" node so that you can raise their attack value by absorbing other higher attack value weapons.
... so if you can infuse 310 attack weapons then where do you get the legendary weapons with attack values that are higher than 310? Seems like all the hardest tier content drops 310 attack weapons? Does completing the heroic
in the Kings Fall Raid give you a chance at higher attack value weapon?