Souldestroyer Reborn
T3 CoO anyone?
Are people really pining for this? It looked just ok to me.
It's got better stats than the 55a-allfate, one of the best pulse rifles in the game. It's a godroll, and Y2 attack as well. It all depends on if it has weird left kick or not.
T3 CoO anyone?
I don't think it does if Braced Frame is chosen. Not sure though, but it seems to be a copy of HYPESCOTCH which doesn't have it either.
Gonna eat and then its iron banner time yo.
Lost by 300, smh
Sorry. The god roll I got on mine was so good before TTK dropped.
Of course you did. You dont pull your own weight and let RuinedSnowWhite do all the work by himself Kappa
Hopefully you've got those sweet, sweet Legendary marks saved up.Well, I hit rank 3. Just two more ranks for that sweet pulse rifle.
Of course you did. You dont pull your own weight and let RuinedSnowWhite do all the work by himself Kappa
200 ready for whatever.Hopefully you've got those sweet, sweet Legendary marks saved up.
T3 CoO anyone?
Give me 15 minutes and I'll join you. What's your PSN?
Hum... I can go for this on multiple chars. I have like 50 runes across all 3 to get done.
OK on now.
Does anyone need their sword? I'm helping now. We have 1 for void.
Anyone doing kings fall raid need another?
I've gotten all my specific drops on legendary sajj.Regarding strike specific rewards, do you guys just run legendary or heroic? Are the strike specific gear drop rates that much higher with heroic strikes?
If there is one fresh going on, I would like to join too.
4 for kings fall raid. Hopefully if you've done it before as I don't have much too much time.
We need 1 more for IB.
Need 2 for fresh Kings Fall
Need 2 for fresh Kings Fall
Nah, I'll be playing for another 90 minutes.FINALLY
(watch Nami leave after one game)
Anyone need swords done? Have all 3 needed to be completed so I'm up for anyone. I'll be on in 5min.
I'll join... have experience.
PSN : MikeGaum1984
Need 2 for fresh Kings Fall