And yet Iv killed people doing just that. It's not meant for that, but I have. Your gonna have to shoot at them as well. Most grenades you have to anyway.
That's the problem, you see. Other classes have grenades that require either no shooting or little shooting to be very, very effective.
Titan has the holyomgwtfbbq Lightning Grenades which do a ton of damage even if they only hit you once. Titans also have two sticky grenades in the form of Magnetic and Fusion.
Warlock has that Storm nade thing which is pretty good as well as Fusion and the other one which I forget the name of. Oh and Axion Bolts/Scatter.
Hunter has lethal grenades too, but none of them can be found on Nightstalker for some reason. Should have given them Axion Bolts. I mean, the bolts stalking players makes sense to me!
That's just my opinion though. If you're doing good with it then great, I just feel like I'm more effective on Bladedancer and Gunslinger.