Did you fill up?Looking to join or start IB train.
Edit: Slow day for me.
Did you fill up?Looking to join or start IB train.
They suck my Juju constantly \(°□°)/
Wow this matchmaking.
Loads in with 4v6.
Fine, we manage to get some points without being over run but then one guy is afk, 2 leave and I'm left alone on the team 1v6.
Game is almost over and game matches 1 guy into my team who obviously gets spawn killed instantly.
GG matchmaking, GG.
I want to kill or severely damage something in front of me.
I throw a void wall or any other Nightstalker grenade at enemy in front of me.
Nothing happens.
Tell me it's a good grenade again.
Well that'll be why so few people have gotten the ship before now. Bring on that rank 5, I want that shipyuppers and i was doing poorly. RNGesus was merciful.
I can start in about 5 minutes.Starting up a fresh raid, got room for four guardians.
PSN CamoKid42
As am I, tired of playing solo.
Plz send an fr to Hawkian if I don't have you, and if I do, join the fireteam
I did not fill up, please joinDid you fill up?
Edit: Slow day for me.
Join on hawkian.As am I, tired of playing solo.
Has Rifled Barrel, oversized rounds, Full auto...worth keeping around?
Count me in and I have a friend that I can bring along if you don't mind. PSN Mutenturtle.Starting up a fresh raid, got room for four guardians.
PSN CamoKid42
Well that'll be why so few people have gotten the ship before now. Bring on that rank 5, I want that ship![]()
👍gun this gun have the same horizontal recoil that the hawksaw has? both guns have extremely similar base stats. full auto + rifled barrel is a good roll.
I wish there were a better way to get heavy weapon kills in the IB matches. Still need like 9 more for this bounty.
Don't know what's going on. I'm playing possessed. I'm not sniping as much and just rushing down.
gun this gun have the same horizontal recoil that the hawksaw has? both guns have extremely similar base stats. full auto + rifled barrel is a good roll.
All you really need is braced frame. The other perks don't really matter. It's a free gun after all, just use it if you like it. And if you don't, buy the vendor gun. 90 marks is very cheap.
You need to try the gun and see what you think. there's no way to control the perks you get other than buying the vendor one and it doesn't have rangefinder seems like a good roll to me if you enjoy the gun.
I have oryx cp, GergR123Anyone doing a raid?
Add me on psn the_id
Starting one with a friend.
1. The_id
2. Chunkydip_
yuppers and i was doing poorly. RNGesus was merciful.
Well that'll be why so few people have gotten the ship before now. Bring on that rank 5, I want that ship![]()
Ran into El_Bombastico last night in IB. Probably only the second time I faced GAF'ers in PvP after fighting Tears in Trials and Phaethon & Wicked in one of the old IBs.
Well Bomba (and his alt accounts) are perma-banned, so I dunno if that counts as running into a GAF'er
Sure it's awesome but Last Stand fits the raid battle way better.
Oh that's nice! I switched characters as soon as I hit Rank 5 just now, may have to switch back later and try to get that ship...
That last game was the laggiest match yet this week.
Finally rank 5, hopefully the pulse is better than the rare one I've been using.
Did u turn the weekly bounties when you reached rank 4? Or did you do it earlier. I'm at rank 3.5 so debating to turn them in tomorrow
Well Bomba (and his alt accounts) are perma-banned, so I dunno if that counts as running into a GAF'er![]()
How far away are you from rank 5? If it's a question of whether you should infuse it, I would say no, unless you have lots of extra marks and materials lying around. A perk that relies on teammates dying is never a good thing.Yeah, but with the state of things as it is I have to decide which one to infuse and commit to. I really wish it had rolled anything but Last Resort but I don't know how good it is at all.
On a separate note:
Need three for a fresh KF starting now:
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. rdepena
Turn them all in. Win more matches and instant rank 5. I didn't save them.
Called "Hebridean Thoughtcrime" I like it, looks like a military plane.
I'm going to wait for daily reset, 4 hours for more xp.
I'll join you if you have a spot. PSN is MrJellyBean. I should be ready in about 5-10 minutes.Yeah, but with the state of things as it is I have to decide which one to infuse and commit to. I really wish it had rolled anything but Last Resort but I don't know how good it is at all.
On a separate note:
Need three for a fresh KF starting now:
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. rdepena
I'm going to wait for daily reset, 4 hours for more xp.
That's how you play Iron Banner.
Yeah tomorrow it's going to be at 60% increase. Although Sunday it'll be at 100%...
Joining.Spot opened.
Did u turn the weekly bounties when you reached rank 4? Or did you do it earlier. I'm at rank 3.5 so debating to turn them in tomorrow
It's not the cloak, but I'll take it.