Dark souls 2 SoTFS is fucking great.
Bloodborne has the better level design, atmosphere and mechanics, but DS2 has the content, the builds, the multiplayer, the fashion souls, the new game +. And the PS4 version hardly has load times and runs at a high framerate.
Bloodborne has the most lazy NG+ of any Souls type game. The game also cockblocks you from maxing more than one weapon per playthrough unless you go Chalice which frankly is a shitty addition.
For a single run, BB is better. But I feel DS2 is underrated. Yes, its not as good as Demon's, DS1 and BB. But its still better than 80% of the games I bought on PS4. It will set you back for weeks, and its just crazy well made compared to so many other games out in the wild. But I guess the criticisms show how absurdly good this franchise actually is.