Sky Walker

Finally *died from happiness*

I was hoping for a pulse rifle. At least better than getting the Auto rifle lol.
Boguestsr, want to play a bit with gunawi and I? We have been looking for a third forever now.
Oh look a bladedancer. Wack.]
Something about this image makes me very happy. The Tower is going to be really boring next week.
Yea drizz i'm down for carries Monday i think.
Something about this image makes me very happy. The Tower is going to be really boring next week.
Where do I sign up?
I helped someone with NF last night and got a 303 Apple of Disdain.That was fun.
Souds good TG. I'll be around. Great pic btw. Gotta remember to glue my Oryx mask before reset...
Played a guy last night with a Full Auto-Headseeker-Braced Frame Apple. That thing wrecked even though we still rekt their team.
Some people have all the lucky drops, like Hidden Hand 1k YS. My kingdom for a Shortgaze-Snapshot-Hidden Hand Stare.
I guess this is the weekend where everyone remembered Invective exists.
I guess this is the weekend where everyone remembered Invective exists.
Souds good TG. I'll be around. Great pic btw. Gotta remember to glue my Oryx mask before reset...
Played a guy last night with a Full Auto-Headseeker-Braced Frame Apple. That thing wrecked even though we still rekt their team.
Some people have all the lucky drops, like Hidden Hand 1k YS. My kingdom for a Shortgaze-Snapshot-Hidden Hand Stare.
My only epic roll has been that Treads but I am not typically a scout rifle guy. Yeah Crowd Control Field Scout and Outlaw but would trade for similar perfect balance pulse. Am liking the Hakke Lyudmila oh yeah the one you got!
Thanks again for the help last night. Ironic that we got it done when I died what a slacker
Still looking?Boguestsr, want to play a bit with gunawi and I? We have been looking for a third forever now.
To the 3 self rez invective warlocks with superburn grenades in trials last night: I hate you.
So completely off topic but damm this will take me away from Destiny for a while!
Still looking?
Anyone up for trials or hmm oryx kill.
Anyone up for a HM KF starting from totems today, or am I out of luck?
WTF is happening with crucible all the sudden? Every match I'm in the second our team falls behind 3-4 people immediately drop out which basically screws us over.
WTF is happening with crucible all the sudden? Every match I'm in the second our team falls behind 3-4 people immediately drop out which basically screws us over. This is the 9th match in a row I've lost because people dropping. It's not even just one mode. Happening in control, rift and clash. Wtf? I don't remember this being such an issue in the past. It's absolutely infuriating.
Am I the only person this is happening to or something? I haven't seen anyone else talking about it.
I should be available for reset raids on Tuesday if you chaps are still doing them.
Is there anything from trials worth playing for? Aesthetically the gear looks the same as previous trials and weapons seem underwhelming, is there any weapon that stands out?
That, and the imprecation quest, the exotic sword quest, the rank 25 faction quest, the weaponsmith bounties, etc.People are still doing the crucible questline that requires wins in all gamemodes.
Might as well quit out of the game if the other team has a good start :/ nothing is to be gained from staying.
I'd be down for a run. I can't start until 12est, 4.5 hours from now, however.
Cool...Dodecagon add us...
I'll join.
Sorry was tasked with breakfast duty won't be on for another 20min
People are still doing the crucible questline that requires wins in all gamemodes.
Might as well quit out of the game if the other team has a good start :/ nothing is to be gained from staying.
It's crazy. COD sydrome.
I've been in games where my team has been on the brink of losing and we've pulled it back right at the end.
I dont understand why people leave.
That, and the imprecation quest, the exotic sword quest, the rank 25 faction quest, the weaponsmith bounties, etc.
Once people are done with those, they tend to not stay in the games; that's why you don't "force" people who don't enjoy pvp into this mode Bungie...
Still floating around in orbitI realized this week was the 1 year anniversary of when I started the reset raid group w YzenUp. And now I'm the only original member left standing aka dumb enough to be playing the same game a year later...
Anyone feel like trying for a ToO Mercury run? I still have never been... -_- and I'm done dealing with this dropout bullshit in crucible (12th match in a row)
Anyone up for a HM KF starting from totems today, or am I out of luck?
I'd be down for a run. I can't start until 12est, 4.5 hours from now, however.
Yeah I'll be there like always. Afaik everyone else is still down for it, it's basically the only Destiny Unstable plays each week. Me Stabie and Jigga did some reminiscing down memory lane after our runs this week by going back through old Destiny Tracker games. Found our first NM and HM VoG clears, when they started doing reset raids, etc. I realized this week was the 1 year anniversary of when I started the reset raid group w YzenUp. And now I'm the only original member left standing aka dumb enough to be playing the same game a year later...
As for Trials: loot is alright. Not as good as last year. Boots and helmets have nice unique perks that are useful for Trials but that only matters if you actually want to play Trials. As for the weapons:
Hand cannon: it's bad, HCs are bad, meh.
Pulse Rifle: same archetype as Iron Banner Nirwen's but worse stats. Good but nothing special, no Messenger 2.0
Auto rifle: lol no... Fastest RoF/lowest impact, although I wanna try one with counterbalance for fun
Scout rifle: fastest RoF archetype, like NL Shadow, with full auto so I like it but it's not competitive. Fun to use.
Sniper: good perks, decent base stats except another low impact gun. Useless for Trials, maybe good for 6v6 if you get the roll w Hiden Hand
Shotgun: really bad. High impact but w 0 boosts to range from perks or barrels. Objectively worse than quest reward Conspiracy D
Fusion: lol no
Rocket Launcher: really bad unless it rolls w Grenades and Horseshoes, then just bad. Battle runner on a rocket launcher? Wut.
Machine Gun: haven't seen this one yet actually, heard it's decent. Eh.
Mercury weapons are the same but come with Last Resort as a bonus perk. Mehhhhh. Best Trials loot is either getting lucky with a 311+ Light exotic from the silver tier bounty or getting 311+ Light primaries from Mercury as infusion for better guns.
Even still I don't remember this being as big of an issue in the past. Previously maybe 1 or 2 people would drop out which is totally recoverable but just this weekend I've noticed 3-4 people are dropping out which is impossible to recover from. Why? Why are more people dropping every single game than in the past? It's making crucible genuinely frustrating and no fun whatsoever.
Still floating around in orbit![]()
just dont have as much free time to do reset raids every week like in the past...I finally realize I needed to spend my mornings going to classes early and reviewing when my professor wrote something like "There is noting close to being correct about your answer. But I will give you points for attempting." on my weekly quiz.2 lowest would have been dropped anyways..
We need one. Add me.
Where's the easiest spot on Mars to get a warsat event?
8 bounties handed in. Not even close to filling up the first bubble on this armor piece.
You wanna go again? I'm ready for an uninterrupted run!Hooray for getting steamrolled in your very first trials match -_- *sigh*
Can anybody help me out with the Undying Mind strike for the Hunger Pangs quest? Almost at the boss.
You're probably done but I need that quest so I'll help.