I just can't take PVP seriously anymore in this game. Sometimes I honestly think they should shut down Crucible all together for at least a month (The Division is coming out soon👀
and just figured out what the hell they can do to cater the casual players vs. the "hardcore" players in this game. I jumped into this game to play for fun with my friends, but the matches we get in are sweaty ALLL the time. And it's just getting aggravated, I just feel like the PVP side of the community is very toxic, but that is just my opinion. I just want to do something PVE again in this game if not I guess I'll have the Division for that and if I want to play competitively or sweaty I'll play COD. It's like yesterday I hit 320 on my Warlock and someone in here told me "Terrible stats, try again", yeah I would give a shit about my stats if PVP wasn't a fucking mess.
So that's just me about the game right now. ;/