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Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love


Everytime a shadestepping hunter slips through my cross map stormcaller melee it aggravates me to no end. No wonder I always get tea bagged as a nightstalker

Ohhh top page, ay? Get your guaranteed 7 win Doctrines this weekend, boys and grils.
Trials hype



Anyway Mass effect had one of the best world building lore. Love the codex. Fuck grimore give me codex.
I chose red because killing the reapers was the fucking reason why we started this damn journey.

Sorry, Joker, but you can always visit the sleaziest parts of the Citadel or many of the red light districts back on earth when you're feeling lonely. I'm sure there's someone out there that can pretend to be EDI for an hour.
I don't like those statements either but I've heard most streamers make at least a comment that can be taken the wrong way like that. I do miss when Nghtly wasn't super popular and was super chill with awesome music.

Yeah, for sure. Lord knows I relate to getting fired up in the heat of battle, haha. It's definitely understandable. That's also why those Nghtly streams were cool since it was really unique to have someone play at that high level while remaining so relaxed.
I chose red because killing the reapers was the fucking reason why we started this damn journey.

Sorry, Joker, but you can always visit the sleaziest parts of the Citadel or many of the red light districts back on earth when you're feeling lonely. I'm sure there's someone out there that can pretend to be EDI for an hour.
That pairing creeped me out. But I guess that's the joke..joker...lol. He fell in love with the ship.
Alright guys, who's up for HM KF raid? Starting from Totems.
I'm thinking 9pm est.

NCR Redslayer
Dreamgazer - Up to Oryx

Ps. I'm a bit rusty, as I haven't played in a bit.

Another bump.....

Edit: One more person!
That's the thing, Bungie doesn't care about the PVE Community, all they care about is PVP and the streamers. PVE should be fun, not mindless running around with shit weapons. Their inability to balance PVP and PVE separately they have made PVE very boring. I want the ability to be able to 1-2 shot Yellow bar captains with a shotty again. PoE may have been boring but plowing through enemies with Found Verdict was a blast.

The original Doom is still a great example of how to balance PvE: give a superhuman player character an unholy arsenal of powerful weapons but then open the gates of hell against him. Doom Guy runs faster than Usain Bolt on meth and the shotgun can 1-hit-kill enemies across the map but so many strong enemies are thrown out that you need all these abilities to survive. It still feels great to play nearly a quarter century after release.

But of course Destiny has the whole PvP problem. The only way around that is to introduce a lot more "against minions of the Darkness" perks and stat boosts. Not those garbage situational "does more damage to Hive Wizards" kinda perks, but things that make the guns flat out more powerful in all PvE without affecting PvP balance. Preferably boosts built into the weapons themselves instead of selectable perks you have to choose at the expense of something else. Of course they did that with HoW-era shotguns but still neutered them anyway despite everyone loving the change. I like snipers but damn, I'm tired of using them exclusively.

They have to stop being afraid of the player base. Millions of people playing your game means someone will find the optimal strats, someone will min/max the gear loadouts, and that information will spread through the community. Stronger gear being available means more extreme min/maxing and more powerful players. So what? Bring the enemies up to match (but not like Crota HM), don't knock us down so everything feels bland. Sadly that was their confused direction for Year 2, with an equally confused execution. They removed elemental primaries because too many people used Fatebringer... except there were no arc shields in Year 1 raids. Read this statement of purpose from the 2.0 patch notes:

Year One Perks
We have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality and reinforce specialization so players are making meaningful trade-offs on weapons.

We're not specialists! We're badass space marines! We're supposed to be Doom Guy or Doom Girl. Without a fundamental change in philosophy it's not going to get better. Embrace the powerful player. That's how they leave happy and come back wanting more.


That pairing creeped me out. But I guess that's the joke..joker...lol. He fell in love with the ship.
There were some folks that wanted her to be a love interest for maleShep.

I don't care what the canon is. My first maleshep survived and went on to have human-Quarian half breeds with Tali. My second maleShep said fuck it to relationships and went off with Garrus doing all kinds of shit throughout the galaxy, all while trying to one up the other. My first and only FemShep went off with Garrus.

I miss my bromance with Garrus. ;___;
Yeah, for sure. Lord knows I relate to getting fired up in the heat of battle, haha. It's definitely understandable. That's also why those Nghtly streams were cool since it was really unique to have someone play at that high level while remaining so relaxed.

Exactly. Coupled with no selfie video so not needing to act fake in any way. It was the perfect vibe.

I understand the ultra competitive but I do think degrading or making negative remarks about the opponents skill in any way is a no-no. Even comments like "Come on, these are scrubs we're up against." I understand losing to people with lower skill is frustrating, but it's easy to rephrase that to something like "Come on, let's pick it up. We can beat these guys". Not saying that is much better, but you know.


I hope it pricks you one day.

PJSalt Kappa

I chose red because killing the reapers was the fucking reason why we started this damn journey.

Sorry, Joker, but you can always visit the sleaziest parts of the Citadel or many of the red light districts back on earth when you're feeling lonely. I'm sure there's someone out there that can pretend to be EDI for an hour.
I prefer that ending one just because
Shepard lives
Hide his keyboard and mouse.

LOL. It's always weird to me when someone from my relatively small-ish city plays Destiny (since it seems only the 0.01% of the 0.01% hardcore are still playing), let alone someone I work with. I've worked at this company for almost 7 years and I know a lot of people here so that's why it's surprising.
There were some folks that wanted her to be a love interest for maleShep.

I don't care what the canon is. My first maleshep survived and went on to have human-Quarian half breeds with Tali. My second maleShep said fuck it to relationships and went off with Garrus doing all kinds of shit throughout the galaxy, all while trying to one up the other. My first and only FemShep went off with Garrus.

I miss my bromance with Garrus. ;___;
Garrus was the shit. Drinking beer and sniping from the top of the citadel.
I would like light level to go away. It is an artificial limit on the gameplay. It barely impacts how you play the game, only serving to gate endgame activities from a casual player.

In the spring, Bungie will up the light level so instead of chasing 320, we will chase 350. There is no other effect. It is a pointless, arbitrary change.

Instead, I propose that they make experience levels the main limit on available activities. Make level 50 the new cap and then make it take a while to get there. Reorganize the endgame around these - similar to how PoE was.

Make loot available in tiers. White is common, yellow is exotic, with appropriate rarity.

All tiers would be usable in any activity with impact rating determining damage output.

White would have no perks but you might find a gun that feels really good to use. Or green armor that looks really cool.

Green, blue and purple would have increasing # of perks with exotics continuing to have their unique perks.

The equipment could require a certain level to equip but something like this really only matters for a short amount of time.

I would make the stats like INT, DISC and STR be a part of the skill trees for the subclasses.

Just some random ideas...


LOL. It's always weird to me when someone from my relatively small-ish city plays Destiny (since it seems only the 0.01% of the 0.01% hardcore are still playing), let alone someone I work with. I've worked at this company for almost 7 years and I know a lot of people here so that's why it's surprising.
Now you can pack your bags and move to Mercury


The original Doom is still a great example of how to balance PvE: give a superhuman player character an unholy arsenal of powerful weapons but then open the gates of hell against him. Doom Guy runs faster than Usain Bolt on meth and the shotgun can 1-hit-kill enemies across the map but so many strong enemies are thrown out that you need all these abilities to survive. It still feels great to play nearly a quarter century after release.

But of course Destiny has the whole PvP problem. The only way around that is to introduce a lot more "against minions of the Darkness" perks and stat boosts. Not those garbage situational "does more damage to Hive Wizards" kinda perks, but things that make the guns flat out more powerful in all PvE without affecting PvP balance. Preferably boosts built into the weapons themselves instead of selectable perks you have to choose at the expense of something else. Of course they did that with HoW-era shotguns but still neutered them anyway despite everyone loving the change. I like snipers but damn, I'm tired of using them exclusively.

They have to stop being afraid of the player base. Millions of people playing your game means someone will find the optimal strats, someone will min/max the gear loadouts, and that information will spread through the community. Stronger gear being available means more extreme min/maxing and more powerful players. So what? Bring the enemies up to match (but not like Crota HM), don't knock us down so everything feels bland. Sadly that was their confused direction for Year 2, with an equally confused execution. They removed elemental primaries because too many people used Fatebringer... except there were no arc shields in Year 1 raids. Read this statement of purpose from the 2.0 patch notes:

We're not specialists! We're badass space marines! We're supposed to be Doom Guy or Doom Girl. Without a fundamental change in philosophy it's not going to get better. Embrace the powerful player. That's how they leave happy and come back wanting more.

The almost complete reversal of the overwhelming popular shotgun buff is still one of the most mind boggling changes I've seen them make.

1.0 Shotguns are garbage in PvE. No one uses them.

1.1.1 Shotgun damage is doubled (increased by 100%). Suddenly Shotguns are fantastic and a lot of fun risk/reward weapon. If you're willing to risk getting up close to a major/boss you get to feel like a badass. Snipers were still going to be something you used a lot of the time, but now there was something for getting in an enemy's face. Exotics like Invective & 4th Horseman became great in PvE. Lord of Wolves once added to the game is a fun choice and a viable exotic choice. Found Verdict, Swordbreaker, and even the vendor shotguns get used.

2.0 No fun allowed. Shotgun damage is reduced by 45% in PvE, effectively completely reversing the previous change. Shotgun damage is now about 10% higher than it was in 1.0. Result? No one uses shotguns in PvE for anything other than goofing around.
100(1.0) x 2 = 200(1.1.1)
200(1.1.1) x 55%=110 (2.0)

Fun Fact! Digging back into these past updates, and previews of updates reveals another discrepancy akin to the .04% auto rifle bullshit.

In the July 16th preview of the 2.0 Weapon Tuning, Jon Weisnewski states the following:

The PVE boost to Shotguns in 1.1.1 was significant, and since then we’ve seen groups of Guardians gang up with their boom sticks and trivially roll through some pretty tough PVE encounters. The reward of gut blasting a hulking enemy is super sweet, but that close-quarters action could benefit from a slight reduction in outgoing damage.
Changes: Reduce damage against AI combatants by 10%

When the 2.0 update actually hits on September 8th, here's what actually happens:

Damage done against AI combatants reduced by 45% ( 2.25-> 1.15)

MORE THAN TRIPLE THE NERF THAT WAS ADVERTISED. Seriously what the fuck happened here?
I feel like Bungie is playing mind game with us. And Destiny is really just a giant study run secretly by the government. To see how far they can push the player base before insanity takes hold.
Read this statement of purpose from the 2.0 patch notes:

Year One Perks
We have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality and reinforce specialization so players are making meaningful trade-offs on weapons.
We're not specialists! We're badass space marines! We're supposed to be Doom Guy or Doom Girl. Without a fundamental change in philosophy it's not going to get better. Embrace the powerful player. That's how they leave happy and come back wanting more.

Yo FUCK that statement. I say fuck against alot of the things in this game, but this statement in particular. FUCK it.

Fuck it beyond any normalized accounts of what Bungie thinks this game should be, because I have never seen so much fucking wrong on how to balance a game since Diablo 3 came out with the Auction House. "We've weakened the Year 1 weapons because comparatively the year 2 weapons are complete horseshit.". Their statement of purpose is literally spelling out that the Year 2 weapons are shit. Because fuck making fun weapons that make the player feel strong, right? Can't have your users cutting through your sparse-as-fuck content, your shitty little amusement park levels. That's giving it too much credit though, atleast in amusement parks you get to do what you want to do. No, Bungie has to fall back to fucking nerfing everything because their engine is so damn shit that they can't make changes on the fly like every other MMO or loot game could do, they can't experiment because then they'd have to actually work constantly and dealing with the shit that they have. That's why patches are few and far between, and that's why patches tend to do nothing but nerf.

Fuck Bungies philosophy. Just fuck it, whether or not that philosophy is applied to Destiny or if that sort of philosophy was used in a different game, it's a toxic philosophy that only serves to take away power the player. And it's not because the player is abusing something overtly powerful, it's because Bungie is too afraid to make everyone feel powerful. Whether it's because the content they have is piss-easy after the first couple weeks, or because there isn't enough of replay value unless they dangle drops and not because it's enjoyable to do, Bungie needs to step up there game.

Because they are reaching a point where Destiny is failing to live up to the expectations that Bungie themselves set up for it. There is no tale to tell about the exotic that you found. And at the end of the day, Bungie needs to understand that garbage is still garbage, no matter how much they think they're making it better.

Seriously, fuck that statement of purpose and fuck Bungie for believing in it. Garbage is still garbage.
MORE THAN TRIPLE THE NERF THAT WAS ADVERTISED. Seriously what the fuck happened here?

I think he's the only somewhat famous streamer playing Destiny on a KB/M setup though. Not that he isn't skilled, but I don't think that's fair at all.
Watch his stream. This is the most common misconception, it's not some magical advantage at all. It emulates a controller, so mouse movements literally act like moving a control stick. This means aiming with the mouse has to deal with the built in aim assist, stick dead zones, max turn speed, etc. It's not like playing a pc game.
It always boggles my mind how Bungie comes up with these ideas but never really put any thought into how they actually work and effect real world settings.

Shadestep with their invincibility frames and Viking Funeral for Sunsinger come into mind.

I'm pretty sure the invincibility frames are there to cover up a different mechanic, and that is that due to the way the game tries to compensate for lag. When you shadestep and blink, for a very brief moment, you are actually in 2 different places at once.

Thus, the answer is to make the character immune for that brief moment to avoid taking damage from two different locations at the same time. Technically a well timed grenade could hit you twice during shadestep/blink if you weren't immune.

It's an interesting trade off, and I can see the logic behind it, but of course, I never would have implemented blink/shadestep to begin with.


OP PvE shotguns made Majors meaningless. It wasn't risk/reward when there wasn't any risk. Shotguns took care of enemies quicker than heavy did.

I remember a boss in one of those early TDB missions - a super buffed knight. Dude tanked 4 Gjallarhorn shots no problem. Ate Thunderlord like nothing. But Found Verdict or 4th Horseman melted him in seconds.

I remember when Minotaur Duty during Gatekeepers required a lot of care. You had to handle precious Epilogue ammo with your Magnetic grenade cooldown and have some Corrective Measure in store as a backup. It was still easy but had a hint of challenge which made it fun. After the buff it was just spawn raping them with a shotty, which apparently is more fun?

They basically took what Shotguns in PvE were and turned it into swords - basically, requiringg Heavy Ammo to deal Heavy Weapon-tier DPS.



You would have some Pappy. Respect.

I drink it out of novelty shot glasses shaped like cowboy boots and post it to Instagram with the Pappy community's agreed upon hashtag.

If you browsed the hashtag, you'd see tons of photos of well dressed folks in fancy places sipping pappy and then me and a bud, shitfaced, with novelty shot glasses in my kitchen.

Best trolling ever.
I drink it out of novelty shot glasses shaped like cowboy boots and post it to Instagram with the Pappy community's agreed upon hashtag.

If you browsed the hashtag, you'd see tons of photos of well dressed folks in fancy places sipping pappy and then me and a bud, shitfaced, with novelty shot glasses in my kitchen.

Best trolling ever.

Everyday I learn something new about Frenden. Everyday.

I might try and do some Shaxx bounties tonight. Maybe.


Watch his stream. This is the most common misconception, it's not some magical advantage at all. It emulates a controller, so mouse movements literally act like moving a control stick. This means aiming with the mouse has to deal with the built in aim assist, stick dead zones, max turn speed, etc. It's not like playing a pc game.
Oh I've watched it. Which is why I took care not to say "oh he sucks he's just getting kills because Mouse" or anything of the sort dude is talented. But if it weren't an advantage he wouldn't be using it you know?

I'm sure I would play like shit if given a setup like that. It must take a lot of practice to work out the muscle memory required to deal with AA and turn speed etc on a mouse - has to be hella weird. But once you overcome that, you're left with a far more flexible setup for precise simultaneous inputs.

One could argue that Suff paddles and Turbo Hori pads are similar in this regard - and they are. But this just seems like a step too far

Regardless, guy is super good - not calling that into question.
I've watched his stream for awhile and he seems like a nice guy but the KB/M thing is weird. Also, I was watching last weekend when he pulled off his own 1v3 Trials match but it was kinda lame imo. After he won he was just like "I bet those kids are super sad!" as if it was a good thing. I guess it's good for building a stream but seems like a waste of player skill when there are so many people always looking for Trials help. Of course everyone gets to decide what to do with their time and he does help w carries but that stuff still rubs me the wrong way.

Howdy Rene! Most days we're powered by 90% salt and 10% faith but the ratio is bound to improve eventually. Probably. Maybe. Anyway, hope you are doing well!

But everyone loves Dark Souls! Kappa
The dude does carries and double carries all weekend long. His trials help isn't just for subscribers either, he takes any viewers. Besides that, he prioritiezes people that have never been to the lighthouse. He often does "secret sherpa" runs where the two of them find a lighthouse virgin and pretend to be looking to just play casually/downplay their skill and end up taking the person to the lighthouse. They then reveal, or don't reveal, they've been streaming the whole time. The 1v3's is a recent thing and is requested by the viewers who find it incredibly entertaining.


OP PvE shotguns made Majors meaningless. It wasn't risk/reward when there wasn't any risk. Shotguns took care of enemies quicker than heavy did.

I remember a boss in one of those early TDB missions - a super buffed knight. Dude tanked 4 Gjallarhorn shots no problem. Are Thunderlord like nothing. But Found Verdict or 4th Horseman melted him in seconds.

I remember when Minotaur Duty during Gatekeepers required a lot of care. You had to handle precious Epilogue ammo with your Magnetic grenade cooldown and have some Corrective Measure in store as a backup. It was still easy but had a hint of challenge which made it fun. After the buff it was just spawn raping then with a shotty, which apparently is more fun?

They basically took what Shotguns in PvP were and turned it into swords - basically, requiringg Heavy Ammo to deal Heavy Weapon-tier DPS.

They were perfect. Now, just like Fusion Rifles, there is never a reason to use them in PvE. Ever.

The advertised 10% nerf would have been totally fine. Shotguns would still get used in PvE at 180% of their original Vanilla damage.
OP PvE shotguns made Majors meaningless. It wasn't risk/reward when there wasn't any risk. Shotguns took care of enemies quicker than heavy did.

I remember a boss in one of those early TDB missions - a super buffed knight. Dude tanked 4 Gjallarhorn shots no problem. Are Thunderlord like nothing. But Found Verdict or 4th Horseman melted him in seconds.

I remember when Minotaur Duty during Gatekeepers required a lot of care. You had to handle precious Epilogue ammo with your Magnetic grenade cooldown and have some Corrective Measure in store as a backup. It was still easy but had a hint of challenge which made it fun. After the buff it was just spawn raping then with a shotty, which apparently is more fun?

They basically took what Shotguns in PvP were and turned it into swords - basically, requiringg Heavy Ammo to deal Heavy Weapon-tier DPS.

There is nothing wrong with making the player, you, feel powerful. Oh so shotguns cut down through majors easily? Try that shit against a spider tank in the strike or Skolas. Try it. I'll wait right here. Oh what's that, you're dead? Yes, because those fights are actually challenging. Try doing it in a nightfall with a burn geared towards the majority of the enemi-oh you're dead because you tried to run up to them and shotgun them.

See, it's not the shotguns fault that made the content trivial. It's because the AI is trash. It's because Bungie is afraid to toss actual difficult content in the things like Strikes or just simply the world PvE. Even the Raid became piss easy once you completed it once(Again, Vault of Glass being the exception in that case since it's sincerely difficult.)

No, shotguns were fine. The trade off was you had to run up close to the enemies and that left you open to fire. In Nightfalls there is a risk reward component to using a shotgun. Of course you'd find issue with it if you're citing shitty low level heroics or story missions and saying 'Look at how fast I'm clearing things!'

Great. That's not the fault of the shotguns strength. It's Bungies fault for not making content actually difficult. What you're seeing is an artificial bloat of difficulty by nerfing weapons, in this case shotgun, in this case year 2 exotics, and whatever other nerfs they do. It's not that the weapons are stronger than they should be, it's that their content is piss easy otherwise so instead of making it challenging and throwing harder hitting enemies, they nerf your weapons to make it 'feel' harder, but we know what a farce it is.

Similarly, Like I've mentioned before. Despite your light level, even if you're 320, you'll die in 3 hits in a level 260 heroic strike. Not because the enemy is that powerful, but because Bungie doesn't know how to balance and because they have to artificialky increase the difficulty through nerfs and through cheap tactics like making the enemies hit for the same no matter your light level.

E92 M3

The almost complete reversal of the overwhelming popular shotgun buff is still one of the most mind boggling changes I've seen them make.

1.0 Shotguns are garbage in PvE. No one uses them.

1.1.1 Shotgun damage is doubled (increased by 100%). Suddenly Shotguns are fantastic and a lot of fun risk/reward weapon. If you're willing to risk getting up close to a major/boss you get to feel like a badass. Snipers were still going to be something you used a lot of the time, but now there was something for getting in an enemy's face. Exotics like Invective & 4th Horseman became great in PvE. Lord of Wolves once added to the game is a fun choice and a viable exotic choice. Found Verdict, Swordbreaker, and even the vendor shotguns get used.

2.0 No fun allowed. Shotgun damage is reduced by 45% in PvE, effectively completely reversing the previous change. Shotgun damage is now about 10% higher than it was in 1.0. Result? No one uses shotguns in PvE for anything other than goofing around.
100(1.0) x 2 = 200(1.1.1)
200(1.1.1) x 55%=110 (2.0)

Fun Fact! Digging back into these past updates, and previews of updates reveals another discrepancy akin to the .04% auto rifle bullshit.

In the July 16th preview of the 2.0 Weapon Tuning, Jon Weisnewski states the following:

When the 2.0 update actually hits on September 8th, here's what actually happens:

MORE THAN TRIPLE THE NERF THAT WAS ADVERTISED. Seriously what the fuck happened here?

Good post; we'll never get the answers from Bungie.

I am genuinely convinced that they have a department with the one purpose of restricting fun. I know we all joke about Bungie hating fun, but so far every change they make goes in that direction.

People had to suicide to get a guaranteed ghost. Why couldn't they just offer a guaranteed item from the get go?

Things like that.


OP PvE shotguns made Majors meaningless. It wasn't risk/reward when there wasn't any risk. Shotguns took care of enemies quicker than heavy did.

I remember a boss in one of those early TDB missions - a super buffed knight. Dude tanked 4 Gjallarhorn shots no problem. Ate Thunderlord like nothing. But Found Verdict or 4th Horseman melted him in seconds.

I remember when Minotaur Duty during Gatekeepers required a lot of care. You had to handle precious Epilogue ammo with your Magnetic grenade cooldown and have some Corrective Measure in store as a backup. It was still easy but had a hint of challenge which made it fun. After the buff it was just spawn raping them with a shotty, which apparently is more fun?

They basically took what Shotguns in PvE were and turned it into swords - basically, requiringg Heavy Ammo to deal Heavy Weapon-tier DPS.

Didn't think of it like that, but you're right. I hated Bungie for nerfing shotguns in PvE and actually cashed in my special ammo packs when they killed them after 2.0. Now that I have the exotic swords, I don't feel like I need the shotgun anymore and the swords are a suitable replacement.
Oh I've watched it. Which is why I took care not to say "oh he sucks he's just getting kills because Mouse" or anything of the sort dude is talented. But if it weren't an advantage he wouldn't be using it you know?

I'm sure I would play like shit if given a setup like that. It must take a lot of practice to work out the muscle memory required to deal with AA and turn speed etc on a mouse - has to be hella weird. But once you overcome that, you're left with a far more flexible setup for precise simultaneous inputs.

One could argue that Suff paddles and Turbo Hori pads are similar in this regard - and they are. But this just seems like a step too far

Regardless, guy is super good - not calling that into question.
"Precise simultaneous inputs"- that's what I have a problem with. It's not precise. It does not give the precision of a mouse on a pc game. As far as simultaneous inputs go, I have an elite controller (Xbox) as do many others. PS players have scuf controllers.


"Precise simultaneous inputs"- that's what I have a problem with. It's not precise. It does not give the precision of a mouse on a pc game. As far as simultaneous inputs go, I have an elite controller (Xbox) as do many others. PS players have scuf controllers.
I meant precise as in more precision than you get with a 1 inch thumb stick. But no use in arguing, let's say the dude is actually running at a severe handicap by using a mouse just to show how amazing he is and leave it at that. I shudder to imagine how great he'd be with a controller.
Tfue's got the Imago Loop grind on lockdown, get him to low health the other two kill themselves then you suicide rocket like we did with Draksis

You have to wipe before the undying mind is dead.

When I watched Slayerage this morning they were using bolt caster or dragon's breath to kill it after they all were dead. The timing has to be super tight though. Really, it seems faster to just speed run then bother with the death-wipe strat.

Fake edit: I checked the stream and it sounds like Tfue had a string of good runs for a bit but right now they are screwing it up.
I just can't take PVP seriously anymore in this game. Sometimes I honestly think they should shut down Crucible all together for at least a month (The Division is coming out soon👀) and just figured out what the hell they can do to cater the casual players vs. the "hardcore" players in this game. I jumped into this game to play for fun with my friends, but the matches we get in are sweaty ALLL the time. And it's just getting aggravated, I just feel like the PVP side of the community is very toxic, but that is just my opinion. I just want to do something PVE again in this game if not I guess I'll have the Division for that and if I want to play competitively or sweaty I'll play COD. It's like yesterday I hit 320 on my Warlock and someone in here told me "Terrible stats, try again", yeah I would give a shit about my stats if PVP wasn't a fucking mess.

So that's just me about the game right now. ;/
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