I expect to see all these new CB Doctrine converts on the Iron Banner Trucker Law Convoy next week.
You're 10 out of 11 right now buddy.
I expect to see all these new CB Doctrine converts on the Iron Banner Trucker Law Convoy next week.
Xerobiade - XeRoBlaDe
reeducator - PSN ID
thelongdarkriverofhell - darkistheway
Shinigami no Mori - ShinigamiFrost
LTWood12 - LTWood12(2nd run)
Sky Walker - skywalker_3li
frailimbnursry - frailimb
Psn spaaaaaaaaace___
Hey Aqua, I posted earlier on the previous page. Can I please be added.
Hey Aqua, I posted earlier on the previous page. Can I please be added.
what is did trucker law thingy? I haven't been here
Everyone is thirsting for the Counterbalance Doctrine. CB Doctrine. CB (as in trucker radio) Doctrine (as in law).
(Best said or read in an '80s pro wrestler voice.)
Can I get on the doctrine train? I just need 2 more wins.
PSN Felyx
Added you buddy.
@Colonel and Doctrine folks: I should be able to get online in maybe 30 min, up for CMs or Trials or w/e.
I got you buddy.
I'm done for the night. Only have less than an hour to play (since I'm watching Walking Dead with my bro) and Drizzay won't be on till like 8:30 judging by his post.
Trying to help Wheelhoss was hard since Todd forgot to get a new card and we ended up facing 9-0 teams.
It was and no. the teams rushed us hard. I had no boons since this is just a doctrine run. 3 straight losses.Aw man bet that was scarab city. Did y'all get it done?
I'm done for the night. Only have less than an hour to play (since I'm watching Walking Dead with my bro) and Drizzay won't be on till like 8:30 judging by his post.
Trying to help Wheelhoss was hard since Todd forgot to get a new card and we ended up facing 9-0 teams.
It's my fault. I should have asked if everyone had a new card.Haha. Todd will do that sometimes.
Dang, list is moving that fast, huh?Space is in the raid so it's your turn Tyler.
Haven't heard back from Colonel so I can help with some Doctrine stuff now if there's a train in need of a 2nd conductor. Not sure when he wanted to do Oryx CM but I'll be available most of the evening now.
Haven't heard back from Colonel so I can help with some Doctrine stuff now if there's a train in need of a 2nd conductor. Not sure when he wanted to do Oryx CM but I'll be available most of the evening now.
Dang, list is moving that fast, huh?
Can I get in on a run? Still chasing that counterbalance, yo.
Dang, list is moving that fast, huh?
Can I get in on a run? Still chasing that counterbalance, yo.
Haven't heard back from Colonel so I can help with some Doctrine stuff now if there's a train in need of a 2nd conductor. Not sure when he wanted to do Oryx CM but I'll be available most of the evening now.
Space is in the raid so it's your turn Tyler.
Haven't heard back from Colonel so I can help with some Doctrine stuff now if there's a train in need of a 2nd conductor. Not sure when he wanted to do Oryx CM but I'll be available most of the evening now.
I can help when Ape has to go laterIgor is doing his last run with me. We need 4 more wins. I could use your help after
I'm trying to get everyone that hasn't got one Doctrine for now. If we get through the list then sure!
Did I miss my turn? I thought I replied to the FR.
Sorry, I must have missed it. I will grab you next. We should be ready in 20-30 mins from now. Sound good?
We could give it a try while Drizzay, Ape, etc are working from the list.I wouldn't mind trying to get a doctrine.
We could give it a try while Drizzay, Ape, etc are working from the list.
Could use a strong 3rd if anyone is available.
I was hoping Drizzay would be our 3rd, heh.
Yeah this community really is greatTo the guys doing the Doctrine trains you are true heros! Just wanted to say it is nice seeing the community come together like this.
I'm taking a break while I wait on Drizz to do an Oryx CM run with some folks. After we will be running Frail and then I'll be looking for Space.
Stream and chat are still up here: