That was a blast, I'm down to do that again and friday would be much better on this old ass. I feel your pain, 4 1/2 hours of sleep is just not enough.
Getch' your hot pipin' knights. Oh and shoot the shooters.
Heck yeah man. Justin and I have been playing for a little while and he really appreciated the runs too. He and his gf allowed my son to accompany them in Trials and they had fun.
Holy crap I'm beat
Check pmthat's awesome but Who was that guy anyway?
This is sexy.
2 shots left for counterbalance. Might even go home during the day to do a card if i can.
Last day of Doctrine Train
I could start now but need a good second.
Now where the heck is that list
Damnit phen0m24, after watching the stream last night, I cannot read any of your posts without Hank's voice being in my head. You guys were too funny to watch.
As one of the lonely few who doesn't have one, can anyone suggest a good counter to Doctrine? It would be nice to have a chance of survival against the relentless hail of bullets in Iron Banner this week. I play on XB1 which mostly rules out DGAF Doctrine trains, most of my friends list were playing The Division beta instead this weekend and I'm not that great at PvP anyway.
Can I join on a 260 Light alt? PSN:Need 1 for Trials bounties.
I don't understand this group think. When did Doctrine become some super weapon? Does anyone have any data that is superior to anything? It seems the Destiny community is susceptible to flavor of the week hype with weapons, then it gets compounded by confirmation bias. Some guns like TLW have lower time to kill (TTK) than others, but it is somewhat balanced by the poor range and hard to master hip fire. What is the doctrine promising now, fast fire rate? And? That makes it poor for range and hard to handle. Of course every gun can "shred" in the right hands.
Gun with obvious "balance" issues are TLW and Thorn.
Damnit phen0m24, after watching the stream last night, I cannot read any of your posts without Hank's voice being in my head. You guys were too funny to watch.
I'll be free to be carried like a baby in about an hour
Last day of Doctrine Train
I could start now but need a good second.
Now where the heck is that list
This morning I got some excellent news and some kind of bad news which leads to another good thing. Bad news, my car won't start so I can't go to work. That leads to me being available to help trim the Trials list down with Nami before Ape comes back.
Do you want to run Dark, Nami?
Can I join on a 260 Light alt? PSN: AlejandroJP if so
Can I join on a 260 Light alt? PSN: AlejandroJP if so
This is sexy.
Ya join us.
Sent req and edited out that PSNShoot me a request Kyoufu2. Doing Clash in the meantime.
You forgot the NOT!
I hope your wife picks out your kids' clothes
Thanks specX!
Wiped and I were riffing off each other more crazily the more tired we got. And poor oak we were zinging him too.
I default to Hank but do several other voices - is fun trying to keep everyone laughing
Now that's just mean.
That's mean.You people are crazy. That armor/shader combo is baller. Go wear your fucking Gwar raid gear and your dog helmets.
I don't understand this group think. When did Doctrine become some super weapon? Does anyone have any data that is superior to anything? It seems the Destiny community is susceptible to flavor of the week hype with weapons, then it gets compounded by confirmation bias. Some guns like TLW have lower time to kill (TTK) than others, but it is somewhat balanced by the poor range and hard to master hip fire. What is the doctrine promising now, fast fire rate? And? That makes it poor for range and hard to handle. Of course every gun can "shred" in the right hands.
Gun with obvious "balance" issues are TLW and Thorn.
You people are crazy. That armor/shader combo is baller. Go wear your fucking Gwar raid gear and your dog helmets.
I agree with that. I think Destiny's pvp right now in terms of balance with their primary weapons has been as balanced as it has ever been. Obviously snipers with such high AA are still ridiculous but once Bungie figures out a way to nerf that and really not touch anything else, then they might have the most balanced pvp since the game launched....
But this is Bungie and they will fuck something up in the next pvp patch.
Hey, I'm reeducator on psn -- I already got a Doctrine (even though it's not CB ), so someone else should probably take my spot today, even though I do want to go lol
I'd love to help other gaffers, but I only have a 1.03 kd, so while I'm not terrible, I am probably not what people are looking for in a helper.
All they need to do to balance snipers is not allow the high impact variety have quick handling.
Ie, high impact snipers should not be able to roll with snapshot, quickdraw or low zoom scopes.
It would promote use of low impact snipers and reduce to the use of the current body shot > primary meta.
This is sexy.
You people are crazy. That armor/shader combo is baller. Go wear your fucking Gwar raid gear and your dog helmets.
Words like crazy and stupid can get you banned LT. Don't get nuked
Nice pose, will try to get a screenshot of my Titan wearing her FWC armor when I get home
Words like crazy and stupid can get you banned LT. Don't get nuked
Yeah the infinite lines stuff is really cool.
It's the Crucible Handler gauntlets and chest armor. Osiris boots.
Is there a list to help complete the 7-0 cards for a chance to the lighthouse? Yesterday Ape and Igor carried me to get the Doctrine and I have a 7-0 card and the mercy boon still intact, this is the closest I've been to the lighthouse. Stuck at work right now, but I can get online around 7:30-8 EST.
The plan was to try to get some folks (prioritizing mercury virgins i guess) with 7-0 cards to mercury but it might not be viable. Not with such few helpers. We'd need twilight to come back and do a marathon with drizz but he's not around. I'll only be able to begin playing like 3 hours from now and i wont have much time either.
Xerobiade - XeRoBlaDe
thelongdarkriverofhell - darkistheway
Shinigami no Mori - ShinigamiFrost
LTWood12 - LTWood12(2nd run)
Sky Walker - skywalker_3li
Psn spaaaaaaaaace___
PSN Felyx
This is beauty:
Edit: I went all in on my Trials love and infused all my 320 stuff into my Trials gear. My light is now 319.
If we're talking year two armor aesthetics, my dusty space cowboy Warlock is my favorite overall look.
So what specifically don't people like about my look? I think the gauntlets and chest armor are fantastic, but can see how the boots sort of look like weird rodeo chaps with shin guards.
The Doctrine is TLW in AR form. With the counter balance roll you can out shoot good Pulse Rifles and Scout Rifles. It's exactly what a bullet hose should be. Guns like the Necro and Hardlight are similar but you often have to fight the left to right recoil. The Doctrine is straight up and down with the best roll and melts people. On top of all that, it's a really fun gun to use.