Thanks for the run driz. As always I learnt a few new things whilst running with you. Good stuff! Apols for my scrubbiness in a couple of matches
For sure dude, we had some good games! I always try to explain my rationale for making certain plays, etc. Communication and teamwork will always trump pure gun skill, no question. No apologies necessary though! It's all part of learning how to work together when you haven't played with people much before.
The first game we lost was to the #6 ranked Trials player, smh. He has 2700 ELO and his two teammates were decent as well. I played like garbage and he played well so no shame in that, gg's to him. Later when we played the same team 3x straight, we dropped the middle game 4-5 despite outslaying them 38-26. I never want to have 18 kills in a game because that probably means we aren't collapsing on orb control very well, not denying revives, etc. I made a terrible play at the start of the last round when I got sniped because I challenged the same spot as the previous round. You revived me well but it still put us in a bad spot and we couldn't quite overcome their damn firebolts.
When that stuff happens I get myself fired up by being kinda intense, but it's never meant remotely negative about teammates. It's just how I get myself going and play better. No way I was gonna let those t-baggers get us in that third game, haha:
I'll run some more games tonight for Doctrines or to finish a few of those 7-0 cards. I only did ~70 games this weekend but I'm too damn impatient nowadays to run 110+ like before. Tonight's the last night for Indoctrination so it'll be hype.