Me! Bring your laser.So who's gonna do a train early tomorrow?
Me! Bring your laser.So who's gonna do a train early tomorrow?
So like, where did that team come from? One second not there, next I am dead. Also, I punched that titan 4 times and did nothing...
I saw that! Wtf. GGs duders. Reflection sum w/ hidden hand. At least it wasn't an artifact.
I saw that! Wtf. GGs duders. Reflection sum w/ hidden hand. At least it wasn't an artifact.
All I can say is: I've had a very bad day. Sorry to all those who played trials with me today.
All I can say is: I've had a very bad day. Sorry to all those who played trials with me today.
So quiet now. Where you guys hanging out?
1000 Undying Mind Kills and only ~450 drops between all three fireteam members. I'm enjoying watching Slayerage beat his bloody fists against Destiny's stingy RNG. I'm in DGAF@E3 chat there if anyone else is bored.
When is the next time Doctrine Trials rolls around?
Reddit is right, OEG + SB + RF is legit in crucible, just played a game with it.
Only problem is that the scope tricks you into thinking that you have scout like range, but you don't. Don't go up against scouts thinking you can out shoot them.
Thanks to Der_Pate and his friend for getting me to 7 wins a second time this weekend. Got another Rodeo Doctrine out of it. Going to have to practice more PvP to realize a trip to the Lighthouse in Y2.
When is the next time Doctrine Trials rolls around?
I got Grasp of Malok with outlaw and spray and play, how's that roll?
I got Grasp of Malok with outlaw and spray and play, how's that roll?
Goddamnit GAF, I feel like a huge failure lol. Have spent so much time now trying to go flawless in Y2 without a carry, and I feel like I'm okay at the game (1.05 kd as of right now) and I just *can't*. It's fucking insane; I play with competent people, I think, we communicate, and work well together, but 7 or 8th round rolls around and it's GG every fucking time. It's starting to put me off of Destiny completely :|
I'm about ready to cave in and go find a carry or something but it'll kill me to do that. Can't win either way :
We don't carry around here. We support like pillars.
Doing nightfall .. At boss and need one more
PSN is sajj316
I'll join - PSN is Dthomp
I'll join if you guys still got a spot.Need one for nightfall w/ me and T
Goddamnit GAF, I feel like a huge failure lol. Have spent so much time now trying to go flawless in Y2 without a carry, and I feel like I'm okay at the game (1.05 kd as of right now) and I just *can't*. It's fucking insane; I play with competent people, I think, we communicate, and work well together, but 7 or 8th round rolls around and it's GG every fucking time. It's starting to put me off of Destiny completely :|
I'm about ready to cave in and go find a carry or something but it'll kill me to do that. Can't win either way :\
How many cards do you guys run per week? Also, are you guys learning from your mistakes? Individual K/D doesn't really mean all that much, unless it's like a K/D of 2+ or something.
Goddamnit GAF, I feel like a huge failure lol. Have spent so much time now trying to go flawless in Y2 without a carry, and I feel like I'm okay at the game (1.05 kd as of right now) and I just *can't*. It's fucking insane; I play with competent people, I think, we communicate, and work well together, but 7 or 8th round rolls around and it's GG every fucking time. It's starting to put me off of Destiny completely :|
I'm about ready to cave in and go find a carry or something but it'll kill me to do that. Can't win either way :
Thanks to Der_Pate and his friend for getting me to 7 wins a second time this weekend. Got another Rodeo Doctrine out of it. Going to have to practice more PvP to realize a trip to the Lighthouse in Y2.
When is the next time Doctrine Trials rolls around?
I'll join if you guys still got a spot.
EDIT: 18 strange coins. Better than most drops. You guys both did it already?
I wish I could say this about my team, but they don't work together, listen to the calls outs amd what to do, or try to improve and bring gear that will make us competitive. I can't play trials like this anymore since everything we try we end up getting destroyed. Sorry I'm ranting, but had to blow off steam after we continued to die to stupid mistakes, simple mistakes like not getting the revive over a kill.....Taking a food break now but should be up for at least one, maybe two more Doctrine runs before reset if anyone is around.
Stick it out with your team. You'll get there eventually and it'll be so much sweeter because of that.
Also Year 2 Trials MM sucks, in case I haven't mentioned that 5000x by now.
Tell Der to get a new Gaf account already. Also, tell him to look out for that cliff on the side of the map. And for his own lightning grenades Kappa