nice one Kadey. And thank you for hiding my K/D in that pic.
Haha, its still not the lowest i've seen. A Gaffer who shall not be named pulled a 0.07 the other day
Edit top of the page Warlock master race
nice one Kadey. And thank you for hiding my K/D in that pic.
Congrats! I did the first column then quit. What a pain these material hunts Bungie added.
nice one Kadey. And thank you for hiding my K/D in that pic.
Haha, its still not the lowest i've seen. A Gaffer who shall not be named pulled a 0.07 the other day
Edit top of the page Warlock master race
This is the ugliest cloak in the game.
I redeemed myself.
Thats why I think FWC is perfect for the titan... so beautiful... on a Hunter... lol no. Hunter = Dead Orbit. New Monarchy for the Ferrari Ship only.
Edit top of the page Warlock master race
FWC and Warlocks both irrelevant so nobody cares
Quoted because this is the one true way to PvP!!
Yeah, Warlocks are for noobs who needs to revive... But FWC armor looks awesome
Radiance, Thorn, that helmet... yeah, sure... for noobs with no skill who needs all the help they can
1 v 1 Black OPs
Meme of 20161 v 1 Black OPs
What's noobie about the Ram?
Firebolts and Transcendence need a nerf badly, but Bungie wants to buff Warlocks instead.
Getting all the help you can have... I guess... I don't know, I am a little bit burned about Warlocks lately... too many of them on Osiris. Their punch is from afar, also burns, a lot, their grenade, the same, burns a lot, their super, same, and have two... there is even a chest that always spawns with full grenade bar. I hope a good nerf is coming soon... every other class and subclass has been nerfed to the ground, time to nerf the remaining one... Bungie, do you read this?
I don't know i think you could still say the same about most classes to be honest. There are aspects of all three that could still be changed. But i don't play Trials so i don't know what that's like.
From my Iron Banana experience i still hate titans the most, the shoulder charge and the lightning grenade are just bullsh*t.
Getting all the help you can have... I guess... I don't know, I am a little bit burned about Warlocks lately... too many of them on Osiris. Their punch is from afar, also burns, a lot, their grenade, the same, burns a lot, their super, same, and have two... there is even a chest that always spawns with full grenade bar. I hope a good nerf is coming soon... every other class and subclass has been nerfed to the ground, time to nerf the remaining one... Bungie, do you read this?
Even with DoT dmg I still need to shoot you once to confirm the kill.
Warlock is meta, don't hate the player, hate the game.
Fill up the bank with salty Warlock kills. LolI like that my Ghost gives me glimmer for killing filthy warlocks.
Anyone having perks not activating in iron banner? Hungering blade works like 1/3 of the time. And on my warlock everyone's favourite touch of flame doesn't activate often. As in the guy gets hit by my firebolt but doesn't get the DoT.
Anyone having perks not activating in iron banner? Hungering blade works like 1/3 of the time. And on my warlock everyone's favourite touch of flame doesn't activate often. As in the guy gets hit by my firebolt but doesn't get the DoT.
What in God's name are talking about? Increase the DOT? Stop with that nonsense. The fact that firebolts takes you out of the fight for 10+ seconds is absolutely ridiculous.Other classes grenades can be instant kill. Would you rather the firebolt grenade did instant dmg or the DoT it has now?
Even with DoT dmg I still need to shoot you once to confirm the kill.
Personally the fireborn animation needs to be quicker as it leaves us open for too long.
The firebolt DoT should do more dmg but reduce the timer as this allows quicker recovery for the affected.
267 matches of IB and I still can't get a weyloran's with short gaze
What in God's name are talking about? Increase the DOT? Stop with that nonsense. The fact that firebolts takes you out of the fight for 10+ seconds is absolutely ridiculous.
I don't even want to know how many I have played, I just want a damn ship.
People hate firebolts because it stops them camping in corners or just hard scoping all game, if you tried moving around you wouldn't get hit by them so much
annoying guy from my clan got one randomly on Saturday
People hate firebolts because it stops them camping in corners or just hard scoping all game, if you tried moving around you wouldn't get hit by them so much
People hate firebolts because it stops them camping in corners or just hard scoping all game, if you tried moving around you wouldn't get hit by them so much
A noble death for this warlock last weekend:
Booo! Superburn combined with thorn and it takes forver to get your shield back.