Yup. It's huge.
That's the thing. Everyone is saying, 'The Division is trying to be like Destiny'. Since day one, whether it's on Giant Bomb or other website, they've been calling it 'Destiny-like'. Squad based shooter with loot drops?
And Ubi is really stepping up their game and saying 'We're not Destiny, we're better. We have a plan. These 3 expansions will be our 'Year One' with monthly content drops and updates.' Bungie BETTER be looking at what they're doing. No excuses. They have the backing of Activision-Blizzard, one half which makes CoD on a yearly basis and the other half which deals with Diablo+WoW, so Bungie shouldn't be stumbling around like they're being led by the blind.
Bungie has resources. They have connections to people who know how to make the type of game they are trying to make. And Ubisoft, which AFAIK hasn't worked on a game like Division where it's an MMOish type loot game, is able to bring to the table more than Bungie did for Destiny their first year.
I don't like the Division. TPS doesn't interest me much, but if their package has something worth playing, I'll give it a shot. And so far, despite not liking Division, Ubisoft is giving me confidence that if I were to jump into Division, I would have loads of content upfront.
Ugh. Destiny makes me salty.