Much better than Pantheon at least.After that last No Carry Flawless* run I'm all walking round the house like:
I feel like I can actually honestly wear my flawless emblem now.
Burning Shrine, such a great map.
Much better than Pantheon at least.After that last No Carry Flawless* run I'm all walking round the house like:
I feel like I can actually honestly wear my flawless emblem now.
Burning Shrine, such a great map.
Let the anger flow through you.Good games Igor and D. Sorry I got heated at the end. Dumb snipers.
Good games Igor and D. Sorry I got heated at the end. Dumb snipers.
I'll give you guys moral support.7-0, US players again according to the Netduma
8-0, US players again according to the Netduma.
Time to come back, Drizz
Good games Igor and D. Sorry I got heated at the end. Dumb snipers.
After that last No Carry Flawless* run I'm all walking round the house like:
I feel like I can actually honestly wear my flawless emblem now.
Burning Shrine, such a great map.
I got one at that same light level from gold earlier on my hunter.302 artifact from gold. What the....
I'm still upset that the game kicked him out. John would have truly been flawless if not for that error.The only thing that can beat you John is a Quail.
John is so good he snipes without a revive sniper in Trials.
This guy must be playing either on 3G or on Edge.igor pls
Like me when we played a week ago. I know the feels302 artifact from gold. What the....
The only thing that can beat you John is a Quail.
John is so good he snipes without a revive sniper in Trials.
I'm still upset that the game kicked him out. John would have truly been flawless if not for that error.
Hidden Hand Glass Promatory, baby. Better chance of head shots. Faster ROFs for double taps. Plus it's got Short Gaze!
I'd be waaaaay more upset if I'd never been to the lighthouse before. Now I feel like I've earned the rewards I received before. Still one day I will return, not as a tourist, but as a champion.
Hidden Hand Glass Promatory, baby. Better chance of head shots. Faster ROFs for double taps. Plus it's got Short Gaze!
Nice try bro, too bad I was watching the stream for that last game haha
Never apologize for Trials rage. Never!![]()
hmm.. got the Fallout4 Platinum.
I really wish there were something in Destiny that felt fun to play :/
Alright Ape and Neo's master is up next. T minus whatever.
Custom settings courtesy of Unstable. A custom game on a blank slate map with max movement speed, jump height, unlimited thruster, railgun/hydra starts, bottomless clip and unlimited ammo. A bit like tribes lolthat's nuts, what game mode is that?
Good goodDear DestinyGAF
I've fallen in love
The only cure is Crimson Doubles this Tuesday
I should make a sign up. So far I've got-
Deku Bleep
What you'll get-Some good ol' doubles where I'll try my best to carry.
What I'll get-Someone to blame when I fail to carry
Good good
I see you planned out everything.![]()
Has anyone had a go with the NM Auto?
Righteous VII
43 round mag
Perfect balance
Rifled barrel
Glass half full
ROF: 88
Impact: 8
Range: 41
Stability: 86
Mag: says 32 on Bungie.net - mine says 43 in game
Guys I just played the daily crucible control match...on First Light.
I don't believe you.
I seriously don't. I miss that map. I miss it so much.
Had a good time with it in crucible. You can drop a guy in half a mag, and the bottom half drops the next guy faster.I just leveled mine up. More range than suros in a Medium ROF AR. Seems fun.
Does anybody know the day or the archive where drizz an crew beat kraffty
Hm. It was at least two weeks ago on a Sunday???
Hm. It was at least two weeks ago on a Sunday???
Oh it seems like it was way more than two weeks ago.
I had previously discussed this with a couple Gaffers last night, so I am assuming they're still interested until I hear otherwise; anyone interested in doing HM raid (with CM) from Totems through (maybe) daughters? About 9 EST?
1) shiv2099
2) dthomp
3) robdraggoo