Bungle want's it to be accessible and fun for everyone IMO. But it wont be fun with Thorn spam.
hmmm... I like Thorn... I like spam...
where is the problem? XD
Bungle want's it to be accessible and fun for everyone IMO. But it wont be fun with Thorn spam.
Bungle want's it to be accessible and fun for everyone IMO. But it wont be fun with Thorn spam.
hmmm... I like Thorn... I like spam...
where is the problem? XD
edit: ToP
i'd like to revisit the pineapple on pizza thing.
Hawaiian pizza with red onions, bacon, and jalapenos is the best.
Going to be interesting to see how the rewards work for CD, specifically the 320 ghost that so many will be chasing. Will there be a rank requirement you have to hit before it can drop? Will it be completely rng? I forsee some poeple grinding the whole week and still not getting one, but I hope it's more of a guaranteed type thing for a certain amount of participation.
Going to be interesting to see how the rewards work for CD, specifically the 320 ghost that so many will be chasing. Will there be a rank requirement you have to hit before it can drop? Will it be completely rng? I forsee some poeple grinding the whole week and still not getting one, but I hope it's more of a guaranteed type thing for a certain amount of participation.
Going to be interesting to see how the rewards work for CD, specifically the 320 ghost that so many will be chasing. Will there be a rank requirement you have to hit before it can drop? Will it be completely rng? I forsee some poeple grinding the whole week and still not getting one, but I hope it's more of a guaranteed type thing for a certain amount of participation.
I'm going full Thorn + RAM + solar armor + sunsinger. I've not used that combo in Y2, but it's clearly time to abuse the system.
Also, Her Benevolence.
I'm going full Thorn + RAM + solar armor + sunsinger. I've not used that combo in Y2, but it's clearly time to abuse the system.
Also, Her Benevolence.
Frenden pls...
I'm going full Thorn + RAM + solar armor + sunsinger. I've not used that combo in Y2, but it's clearly time to abuse the system.
Also, Her Benevolence.
I'm going full Thorn + RAM + solar armor + sunsinger. I've not used that combo in Y2, but it's clearly time to abuse the system.
Also, Her Benevolence.
Crucible Playbook has an upvoted post about how using year one weapons is perfectly honorable and good and fair and kind. If they say it's fine, it must be!*
*Sob. Whimper. Sniffle. WHY U DO DIS--WHY NO POWER LEVELS?!
I get that they want this to be returning player friendly by not having power levels enabled, but I think it has equal chance to do the opposite by allowing sweaty Crucible Playbook type folks to equip their most OP year one gear and obliterate the field.
Don't give a fu...?You're better than them. You're from DGAF.
Im salivating right now
Crimson Days indeed.
Replace Cupcakes with 320 ghosts
Don't give a fu...?
Once I get the shaders I'm done with CD. I stopped chasing 320 a while ago.
That's all I want too.
I'm going full Thorn + RAM + solar armor + sunsinger. I've not used that combo in Y2, but it's clearly time to abuse the system.
You have a better beard. I'll be Solo. You be Chewie.
I haven't used Thorn except for one or two games where Ape and I were screwing around. Using y1 guns just feels gross. But Crimson Doubles needs to be ruined by Thorn. Bungie must know their folly.
I'm gonna take down the system from the inside SLC Punk style.
And so there I was. I was gonna go to Doubles. It was obvious. I was gonna be a Ramlock and play in the God-damned system, and that was that. I was my old man. He knew, so what else could I do? I mean, there's no future in Y2 gun puritism; I mean let's face it. But when I was into it, there was never a thought of the future. I mean we were certain the world was gonna end, but when it didn't, I had to do something, so fuck it. I could always use Thorn in Doubles and piss the shit out of the kindergaurdians. I mean that was me: a trouble maker of the future. The guy that was one of those guys that the Traveler so arrogantly saved the world for, so we could fuck it up. We can do a hell of a lot more damage in the system than outside of it. That was the final irony, I think. That, and well, this. And "fuck you" for all of you who were thinking it: I guess when all was said and done, I was nothing more than a God-damned, trendy-ass poser.
You have a better beard. I'll be Solo. You be Chewie.
Yes, but I won't be able to get online until tonight,that probably doesn't help you out too much.Don't wanna have to beg but I need to do the WP challenge on my titan.
Anyone still need it done?
Heh. Trials today?
Gotta play a lot of trials to get the fail footage for the next thread banner ape
Next thread will be a while tho..
You have a better beard. I'll be Solo. You be Chewie.
That movie was my 90s lol
Works for me! Is Chewie's Bowcaster a Y2 gun?
Dude. Dude. Yup.
I'm gonna run Nechrochasm in CD. I think CD should not have a rank system similar to IB, just like how ToO doesn't have a rank system. Just do your bounties and get rewards, and get after match rewards. I guess we find out tomorrow after the patch.
Completing Gold or Silver bounty should give a guaranteed 320 ghost IMOyeah right
The more important question, is there a dumb book I have to buy for silver?
Just did the Nightfall. My drop was a sparrow horn. FML.
Works for me! Is Chewie's Bowcaster a Y2 gun?
Hahahaha. Did you TFA? It's exotic Y1 for sure.
Crimson Doubles is going to be a disaster :d
I've got 6 more treasure keys to get my Her Courtesy, its actually quite enjoyable blitzing through lvl28 PoE's
Queenbreaker's Bow?
Can't wait to get out my Her Benevolence. That chocolate Ghost will be mine, especially since I can't eat chocolate right now.