It is a good gun.We just lost to a team using AE. Seriously?
It is a good gun.We just lost to a team using AE. Seriously?
How long did this update take to download for everyone? 99+ hours seems a little long. See you all next week I guess.
I hope you're ok Nami.Fuck. I won't be able to make it. An emergency just came up and I'm fucking shaken. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Pro tip: don't get into a melee battle with someone who is the last guy alive.
did someone say...pineapple pizza?
Pro tip: don't get into a melee battle with someone who is the last guy alive.
didn't they say they were fixing the verification thing too
With each update, we encounter reports of players being required to re-download all update content in order to play Destiny once again, or general issues installing the most recent update. Were aware that some consoles attempt to verify previously installed patches to ensure there are no issues with previously downloaded content. Do not cancel out of this verification, or you will be required to re-download all previous updates.
why for not? do tells
Nah, they basically said the verification thing is necessary and that players shouldn't cancel out of it or else they may have to actually re-download the entire update history.
This is going to sound really lame.
But I don't have any Destiny buddies on my friends list. I have no one to do the Raid with...no one to do nightfall with. Would be awesome to have some Destiny friends to play with.
Anyone willing to add me? I am lvl 310
They have extra armor so they survive 2 punches![]()
Oh! is that a last survivor kind of buff?
I hate myself.
To my opponents, sorry. I'd prefer these year1 guns were removed, but Bungie are ignorant and its literally easymode with Thorn.
I hate myself.
This is going to sound really lame.
But I don't have any Destiny buddies on my friends list. I have no one to do the Raid with...no one to do nightfall with. Would be awesome to have some Destiny friends to play with.
Anyone willing to add me? I am lvl 310
Yeah. The last player alive gets big stat buffs to armor, recovery, agility, and weapon handling.
You have come to the right place. DGAF is the best Destiny community. So many cool people here that are very welcoming.
It is rather slow here right now because the content has been out for a while and everyone has what they want or have done everything. Not that you won't be able to find raids and such but best way is to just post and keep your party open. Obviously, like any game or expansion, it has died down but when TTK released this place was booming.
Welcome to DGaF.
Psn thenal84
You can add me: the_id. Real world is keeping me busy this week but DGAF is a great group where you can hang out and play the game plus complain about bungie.Oops. That would help
Then what is dead may never die. Pineapples only bring out the best in ham for me.pineapple, ham, bacon bits, red onion and jalapenos. if you haven't had it - you have yet to live.
I'm up for a nightfall. Anyone want to be our 3rd?Any chance of getting 2 to carry me through Nightfall? Only Lvl 270 so need some help.
PSN ErnieMcCracken
I'm up for a nightfall. Anyone want to be our 3rd?
PSN churmom
Ice Breaker makes the special ammo nerf completely redundant, I can spawn in with between 12-18 shots with a 1k stare in the second round without picking up a special ammo box.
Doubles bounty gave me a ghost shell and the tantrum emote.
Today I was excited to find out that Ace of Spades proc's precision kills when you shoot the orbs so it keeps refilling the mag. You can actually hold the entire gaze without using up a single bullet.
There should be an event for every holiday. Good Friday is next so there should be a Jesus emote and shader.
So two shaders, two ghosts, and an emblem is all we get right?