The new PoE with matchmaking is level 41, where the PoE without matchmaking is level 42.
They showed it in the new PoE stuff, plus I'm pretty sure HM kings fall is level 42
He definitely mentions the enemy level while talking about the two new PoE modes.Right but is that just something the deva said?
I'm pretty sure I'm game he matchmaking Poe just says "requires light level 260"
I don't think it mentions the activity by level.
Right but is that just something the devs said?
I'm pretty sure In game he matchmaking Poe just says "requires light level 260"
I don't think it mentions the activity by level.
Thanks for the IB practice trains lady and gents.
I presume 260 light replaces the level 28 PoE, so that one will have MM the rest fireteam
Xur this week:
Empyrean Bellicose
Crest of Alpha Lupi
Alchemist's Raiment
Legacy Primary Engram
Figures the week I don't have a bunch of SCs is Legacy Primary, but I do need the Crest of Alpha Lupi for my hunter so at least I'll get that.
He definitely mentions the enemy level while talking about the two new PoE modes.
EDIT: Also this video shows the level in the tooltip.
Yeah, GGs everyone! Thanks to Kadey for hosting it. Bummer that my internet wouldn't cooperate but it was fun while it lasted.
Took two games to remember why I only play Trials.
Xur this week:
Empyrean Bellicose
Crest of Alpha Lupi
Alchemist's Raiment
Legacy Primary Engram
Figures the week I don't have a bunch of SCs is Legacy Primary, but I do need the Crest of Alpha Lupi for my hunter so at least I'll get that.
The helmer he is wearing is the Malok helmet
I believe
At work and can't turn up audio. Summary?
At work and can't turn up audio. Summary?
Armor/Weapon shaders/glow that adds a glow. Due to limited info, we only know of the Red, Blue and Taken glow.
To add to what Lnkn said, supposedly the two extra nodes on the left side of the Her Fury skill tree that we saw would be the toggle on/off buttons for Chroma glow on that weapon. Click top node to turn on the red glow, bottom node to turn it off. The Warlock's hand cannon in those pictures had the red Chroma turned on, Titan armor had blue, Hunter armor and Warlock shotgun had Taken Chroma.
Keep in mind this is still somewhat speculation but he says that Activision sent out additional screen shots to YouTubers that apparently confirmed it. I didn't notice new pictures in that video so maybe he can't use them, I dunno. Sounds like a reasonable theory. Still no idea if Everse will get involved or not.
Drizz, Igor, and the rest of you dope people...I will be on about 30-40 after reset for as many cards as I can today.
You played normal crucible? :O :O
Did you forget already?![]()
If I had to guess. This is the "Event" portion of the update. The part that is meant to pull in real world money. Thus, I expect Bungie will give everyone a taste (likely that package the postmaster had) for free, and then ask silver of you to expand upon it.
Maybe even in the future we'll see Chroma as Nightfall drops.
Hey Bungie, just put MM back to whatever it was prior to the December update. I've always been more of a PVE guy, but I've been attempting to git gud by focusing my playtime on PVP for the past 2 weeks and I think I'm fucking done with anything PVP related until they fix this shit.
Playing Clash, the featured daily PVP playlist, I'm waiting around 2-3 minutes to be matched up and the result is being put in a game with 4 red bars and 3 yellow bars in the first game. I decided to stick around for another match and between matches the same player's connections all show green bar but once the game starts right back to red and yellow. My Fusion nades stick to enemies and don't kill. Multiple point blank Invective shots on an enemy loses out to a Titan Melee. Focusing fire on a guy's head and watching his health ping pong back and forth only to die to a Fusion nade I never even saw the guy throw. Getting sniped through the unopened doors on Black Shield.
That sounds like it's more down to the lack of people playing at the minute which means the pool of people you are getting matched against are from all the corners of the globe. Which just means high pings all around and a terrible experience for everyone. No matchmaking settings can get around a small playerbase
Hey Bungie, just put MM back to whatever it was prior to the December update. I've always been more of a PVE guy, but I've been attempting to git gud by focusing my playtime on PVP for the past 2 weeks and I think I'm fucking done with anything PVP related until they fix this shit.
Playing Clash, the featured daily PVP playlist, I'm waiting around 2-3 minutes to be matched up and the result is being put in a game with 4 red bars and 3 yellow bars in the first game. I decided to stick around for another match and between matches the same player's connections all show green bar but once the game starts right back to red and yellow. My Fusion nades stick to enemies and don't kill. Multiple point blank Invective shots on an enemy loses out to a Titan Melee. Focusing fire on a guy's head and watching his health ping pong back and forth only to die to a Fusion nade I never even saw the guy throw. Getting sniped through the unopened doors on Black Shield.
Guys what if chroma glows are microtransactions
Thatd be funny
Guys what if chroma glows are microtransactions
Thatd be funny
Probably some of them are. If all of them are then it would bother me.
You're in a population slump right now.
People are off trying different things, and then on top of that, Destiny players know that changes are coming, which typically deters regular players from playing until the changes go through.
Thus, you're going to be left playing mostly die-hard fans.
It's not a probably, it's most likely a certainty. They want to make money, it's a vanity item and does nothing for the player experience in regards to power. Of course they are going to sell the shit out of it. I would be disappointed if they didn't. Not saying I like it but cmon.
We'll most likely get a few free but optional ones will be available to buy and when they come out with more the ones that used to be sold will most likely be added to NF loot table.
Guys what if chroma glows are microtransactions
Thatd be funny
If the taken one costs silver that will make me very unhappy. It's probably going to cost like 1500 silver right?
The extremely small amount of content that we are getting with this update does not make me want to play it or spend real money on these skin things.
Drizz, Igor, and the rest of you dope people...I will be on about 30-40 after reset for as many cards as I can today.
Nice dude. Yeah, I think I'll be around then. Depending on everyone's schedule we can team up however makes sense. I know John probably has the most restrictive schedule so I'll defer to his availability if we have 4+ folks looking to play.
I made a new account recently. There are a ton of terrible players still playing pvp, they're just hidden away from anyone with a positive kd.
Matchmaking on that account was incredibly fast and lag free to start with, then after 10 or so games you get sorted into a higher SBMM bracket and everything reverts to longer MM times, red bars and try hards.
I also started playing Black Ops 3 recently. I jumped in at rank 1 and get matched against people who have gone prestige multiple times, yet I can generally hold my own against them because the connections are perfect. The way it should be.
I made a new account recently. There are a ton of terrible players still playing pvp, they're just hidden away from anyone with a positive kd.
Matchmaking on that account was incredibly fast and lag free to start with, then after 10 or so games you get sorted into a higher SBMM bracket and everything reverts to longer MM times, red bars and try hards.
I also started playing Black Ops 3 recently. I jumped in at rank 1 and get matched against people who have gone prestige multiple times, yet I can generally hold my own against them because the connections are perfect. The way it should be.
It was the dumbest and most unnecessary move by Bungie to change anything in the MM. I am blaming the crybabies on reddit that wanted "equal" games.
For a while Wish You Luck was creating a new account every day to combat the SBMM, and he was recking people with green and blue weapons too lol.
Well we all know that Bungie cares a lot about attracting new players and keeping newer players engaged with the game. And we should care about that too if we want Destiny to have long and healthy legs as a game. Destiny PvP is currently very skill heavy. Maybe at the highest levels there is no "skill gap", but the difference between the top 30% and the bottom 30% is huge. If the bottom 30% just kept getting rekt every match they would quit and stop playing. That's why we have the SBMM.
I don't think so at all. Call of Duty has a skill differential as well and does just fine with connection. Some games a person will get rekt and some they will dominate. The percentage of people that quit because they suck is probably not that high.
Matchmaking was perfect during HoW and some loudmouths just complained too much. That's all there was too it. Making a big problem out of nothing is something Bungie likes to do sometimes.
For a while Wish You Luck was creating a new account every day to combat the SBMM, and he was recking people with green and blue weapons too lol.
Well we all know that Bungie cares a lot about attracting new players and keeping newer players engaged with the game. And we should care about that too if we want Destiny to have long and healthy legs as a game. Destiny PvP is currently very skill heavy. Maybe at the highest levels there is no "skill gap", but the difference between the top 30% and the bottom 30% is huge. If the bottom 30% just kept getting rekt every match they would quit and stop playing. That's why we have the SBMM.
If the bottom 30% just kept getting rekt every match they would quit and stop playing. That's why we have the SBMM.
Connection Based MM so weak that E92 still has his Christmas tree up.
Just saw BvS. No spoilers but here's my one word review: WOOF!