I watched Murdaro and he does that shit all the time. I got way more respect for krafty.
Yea hahaha I saw him and Lumi play for a few rounds.
Bungie just needs to invis wall those spots
I watched Murdaro and he does that shit all the time. I got way more respect for krafty.
So many 5-4 losses today. Man these hurt so much.
So many 5-4 losses today. Man these hurt so much.
Got any openings? Psn: rcmDez
Edit: This First Curse crucible quest is awful. I can barely make kills with this hand cannon, much less trying to get 7 headshot kills with it.
That actually sounds pretty good. I tried clash, control and rumble, but the most I can get are 3 precision kills a match. That low stability is killing me. A lot.If you don't complete it by next week I'd be willing to team up with another gaffer and you to farm this in whichever classic 6 on 6 free for all works cause I need this quest as well.
I watched Murdaro and he does that shit all the time. I got way more respect for krafty.
That actually sounds pretty good. I tried clash, control and rumble, but the most I can get are 3 precision kills a match. That low stability is killing me. A lot.
Don't know when you're available, but I'm free tomorrow if that works.
Using the bridge is stupid, its bad enough you have to watch a million and one snipe lines without having to keep an eye on two cheese spots as well
Speaking of Krafty, I was watching Ngthly last night and he said everytime he matches him he boots to orbit giving them the free win, as why would he beat him when he's carrying which I thought was really cool/nice, Hovey does the same as well
Sounds good. I'm usually open in the evenings pacific time. I sent you an invite. Psn is rcmDez.Possibly, not sure I'll be around much the next 2 days but you never know. PSN is Dthomp so you can send me a FR if you like. Maybe somebody else also needs this and we can trio it to a corner and murder eachother
Thanks for the Trials cards Igor and Drizz. I realise I'm not ready for those 8 and 9 wins yet and getting chalked up is my greatest weakness. Need to work on that. Playing with you guys is more like going training and listening to Drizz critique my play style has been really helpful. Only wish I could record it.
Need to get better and hope to play with you guys again.
Playing with 2 LFGers and 1 guy is taking Igor to another level. Not only is he yawning constantly, but he's using NLB since he's been to Merc 3x this week -_-
Then, he said this team we're facing only has 1 good guy since they had 2 people ~ 1.01kd and ` ~ 1.5kd and I told him nah they're good too, you can't underestimate just from KD and we lost 1-5.
You have some balls playing Trials with LFGers![]()
Still haven't seen this person play.I watched Murdaro and he does that shit all the time. I got way more respect for krafty.
This one guy that grabbed me was pretty good but his callouts were terrible.
Him: "he's sniping me from the back" me: what's back?
Him: "got him by the bridge. " me: "by their spawn, left, middle or right, top or bottom of bridge?"
Him: "damnit he got me from the rock" me: "what rock?"
I'm way too addicted right now. I just want revenge everytime. We lost semi final boss and it was 345am and I wanted to find yet another group. I briefly looked then said no, I need to go to bed. But this competitive stuff really gets to me because I'm way too competitive and I hate losing. I hate it no matter how it is. Losing to a really great team 0-5 or 1-5 sucks and it's not as bad as losing 4-5, but I still hate it because I feel like I could have done something different to give us a better chance as a team. And even in games we win or are close there are many times I know I could have done better or did thks move instead of that.
That's the fun part about trials, it's like a chess match but with only different pieces against different pieces each match. When you play with good people and have good chemistry, you basically have a Queen, rook and a bishop.
I'll definitely run a couple more cards tomorrow to try to seek revenge.
I've also come to the conclusion that Drizz lives near Kraftyy. I mean it's no coincidence I've been matching against lupo 3x now. Drizz got Kraftyy 4x now I think.
And it made me appreciate folks like Drizz who can jump in and perform no matter their enemies, and, lol, no matter their teammates..
Fear factor is the biggest thing, whenI started playing trials I was always torn between playing my own (bad) game or just blindly following people about, usually resulting in being an orb which doesn't help anyone
Yay Birthday. Going to spend itplaying Destiny!not
Damnit. Lost to DrLupo again this time at Final Boss with no mercy. At least I got Ninja a few times, but yea I played like ass.
Ninja went on both Cheese spot and on top of bridge, though, like is that necessary? :/ But the motto of Destiny is do whatever you can (in game) to win. [not messing with connections, obviously]
Why would you put heavy in skirmish?
It's sad that a super pro player has to win games by using super dumb cheese spots, I mean I sometimes go on top of the bridge, but only in the heavy round and it usually doesn't work so I'll probably stop doing that from now on, I don't really see the advantage of the bridge since you can only be there for 5 seconds, but the ledge needs to be fixed soon.Damnit. Lost to DrLupo again this time at Final Boss with no mercy. At least I got Ninja a few times, but yea I played like ass.
Ninja went on both Cheese spot and on top of bridge, though, like is that necessary? :/ But the motto of Destiny is do whatever you can (in game) to win. [not messing with connections, obviously]
First card they were both 5-4 but last card they were both 5-3. They were all so close that it's basically the same difference anyway. I probably need to take another break from Trials help, games like tonight just take too much out of me.
Its an interesting double edged sword. Just as that moment with fox is one of the greatest moments this game will ever offer, losing a super close game at 8-0 and no mercy (like fox's was) is one of the worst feelings this game can offer as well. It can take way too much out of you.
You and Drizz around for a run right now? I have about 4 hours to play
I can do some games. Not sure about drizz, he burned out pretty hard yesterday.
Happy Easter DGAF, a day we celebrate the first use of Radiance from beyond the grave.
I sincerely hope that Bungie has a sniper rifle or special weapon altogether fix coming in the April update.
I've been playing Destiny for about 6 months and I'm addicted. My goal is to collect all the trophies in the PS4 version.
So far I have not been able to participate in any Raid. As always, GAF is here to help, with the Weekly Newbie Raids. I can only play on Sundays and these are held on Sundays every 4 weeks.
Do you guys know when it's the next Sunday that will have Newbie Raids so I can join?
Happy Easter DGAF, a day we celebrate the first use of Radiance from beyond the grave.
Anyone want to do a fresh Kings Fall HM from beginning to end?
I still need to experience this, someday...
I can join for this as well, though I won't be able to play until after the weekly reset, as I'm visiting family over easter. Can also run PoE 32+ with you.
just shoot me a message when you see me online and need a body.
Happy Easter DGAF, a day we celebrate the first use of Radiance from beyond the grave.