Need 3 for a wotm run on PS4. PSN Jafku
I'd love to join but I've never done it before and am 386 Light, if that's an issue for your team.
Need 3 for a wotm run on PS4. PSN Jafku
I'd love to join but I've never done it before and am 386 Light, if that's an issue for your team.
Unfortunately it will be. I'm sorry
So someone finally did the calculations and Warpath out DPSs Hezen for Aksis.
Warpath is no longer being sold, but the Dead Orbit rocket launcher this week is the same roll with better stats so even better if you missed Warpath like myself.
Need 3 for a wotm run on PS4. PSN Jafku
this is completely wrong. absolutely raids in destiny are not as complicated as some MMO subscription raids. but raids with push button match making would not be allowed to require communication. Bungie has said this in numerous vi-docs and twitch broadcasts. Every boss encounter in every raid in Destiny requires a lot of communication.
I agree with this. But I really don't understand why people think the tools outside of the game are not worth using. You have LFG, the Bungie App now also has LFG, you can use GAF or Discord, you can use the100.
Honestly I'd rather use the100 than in game LFG or group finder. That way I know that I have a solid group of players who I have played with many times before.
Destiny 2 needs an LFG, but it also needs to have an activity-specific invite system. In other multiplayer focused games I can shoot my friends an invite and they'll know it's to play PvP, but in Destiny there's so much more to do. Let us select an activity and spam out invites to multiple people at once. That'd make things so much easier.
Oh cool, I haven't used the app in two years probably. I'll check it out.That's sort of how their in-app LFG works. It's basically a Help Wanted board for the game that separated into activities.
If Destiny 2 includes a version of that, but in-game, then I'd be set. I don't mind the Destiny app LFG, and I've often found good groups from it. I've mostly used it for Challenge of Elders, but I've also used it for Trials. We didn't go flawless, but we did 7 wins, which is decent for a group of people that never played together.
The tools are definitely worth using. Without them, raids would be almost unplayable. A lot of people don't play with friends they met before destiny. They play with people they met because of Destiny. I have never played a single raid with all friends. And over time, my friends left and I had to play with randoms. People who refuse to use these tools are really losing out. The raids are hands down the best part of the game and arguably the main reason to play.
I would much rather play with an in game LFG. Now that I'm a dad, every second I have to waste on LFG is a load of shit. If we had in game LFG, I could streamline the entire thing and be playing any part of the raid I want in less than a couple minutes.
I've been playing the ROI content for the first time over the past few days, and man, I love the temple social space. It's easily my favorite in the game. Also holy shit, I hadn't heard of the WOTM raid. I knew about King's Fall, but not WOTM. Doooope
the100 is kind of like that. No wasted time. You should try it if you haven't yet. You sign up for a game ahead of time. People show up on time, most people on the site are good so you finish in a reasonable time, people feel invested in the site so they don't just quit mid raid.
And what is better than in game LFG is that if you find a good group then you get to know the people in the group and you know that the raid is gonna go smooth vs being at the mercy of some kind of in game LFG player lottery.
I honestly think the100 or something else like it is a much better experience than what you would get with in game LFG.
the100 is kind of like that. No wasted time. You should try it if you haven't yet. You sign up for a game ahead of time. People show up on time, most people on the site are good so you finish in a reasonable time, people feel invested in the site so they don't just quit mid raid.
And what is better than in game LFG is that if you find a good group then you get to know the people in the group and you know that the raid is gonna go smooth vs being at the mercy of some kind of in game LFG player lottery.
I honestly think the100 or something else like it is a much better experience than what you would get with in game LFG.
Man, I got to 385 quick fast (after coming back a week or so ago after a 2 year break at L27), but the grind to get to 400 from there is quite a bit harder. The problem is I love PvP way more than PvE, but the gear drops I'm getting aren't boosting me that quick.
Just got to 388 though, and got Knight-Errant the other day: can't complain too much
Loving the Destiny buzz again, soo good after a long break!!
Those nerfs were coming whether anyone asked for them or not.
The problem with the 100 is I don't know for a fact when I cam be on and how long. What happens when a group of the 100 gets together then one guy has to leave? I assume they pick up a guy, probably from lfg. Lfg is just easier in every way because it's spontaneous. I will not disagree that playing with people you know is the best way to play, but for a lot of people, that's not an option.
The 100 can still exist if an in game LFG exists.
While I agree, the 100 is much better then LFG, it still can be a lottery. Any kind of group finder/LFG/MM system will be like that, it's just the nature of the beast. I've had great raids and raids that were not so great. The people and community are great though, and even in a bad group it tends to not get toxic or have quitters, which I can't say for LFG.
Really the Destiny community in general is pretty great. As long as people talk and a few people know the raid I don't know if MM/in game LFG would be as bad as everyone seems to think it would be.
At the end of the day, Bungie has to have something this time around. They just do. Whether we here or people like us use it in the end doesn't matter, we can still group up, start clans, etc. But the majority of the player base doesn't want to do that, or doesn't know about things like the 100 or LFG, and that's totally fine. I don't blame them! There should at least be an option in game to do it.
I mean the main reason there is such a low percent of players who have done the raids is because of the lack of grouping options in game. Even if Bungie told people, on the raid node in the director to go to these so and so places I think that would help. The raids are too good to not be played by such a large portion of the player base.
True. Maybe if in the director it had an average length for activities? Like strikes are X long, raids are x-x, that type of thing.Well the other thing is that raids require a serious commitment and that is a big part of what makes them feel good. Lowering the barrier to entry also lowers the commitment level.
And I don't agree that Bungie "has to do something". But we will see eventually.
Barrier to entry definitely does create commitment level. The question is whether or not artificial barrier to entry is necessary and if so, where should that artificial barrier lay?
And heroic strikes are burnless, again.
still waiting for my atheon's epilogue valueAnd heroic strikes are burnless, again.
still waiting for my atheon's epilogue value![]()
still waiting for my atheon's epilogue value![]()
Anybody doing NF? PSN ErnieMcCracken
Cool. Anyone else?I'm up for it.
Well we just got screwed big time on aksis challenge
Did a perfect run, slammed, did dps, he teleports, doesn't open his back, immediately teleports again to the top.
Challenge screwed. No loot for you!
Yes, I'm aware this has been known to happen if you do too much damage in the shorter dps cycles...
Thanks Bungle
Yep.Anyone for a wotm run on PS4?
Got it done on the next try. Phew. Too much DPS on the short cycles is a real problem lol
Only 2 weapons to go.
If you fail to finish him off in two full DPS cycles then you always gotta wait until the third round of the third cycle to do any DPS just to be safe. Also never do DPS before the slam if Aksis is very low health.
If you fail to finish him off in two full DPS cycles then you always gotta wait until the third round of the third cycle to do any DPS just to be safe. Also never do DPS before the slam if Aksis is very low health.
Well, I still don't have a full team but would you mind doing just Aksis?Yep.
psn greatgeek5
me me me meAnyone for a wotm run on PS4?
Ah sorry, got a team in the meantime. Although I would want to do the weekly raid which would be at 390 ;pIf anyone wants to do WOTM on Normal, I just hit LL 372. I need raid teachers! PS4.
me me me me
PSN ID = psyfi-
Watch this strim if you want to know what not to do for this week's featured raid. Sit back and enjoy the struggle bus.