I'll keep doing the raid (which so far has been sparse) until I get the two pieces of raid armor I need to reach level 30
Wow. Sounds completely pointless. Vehicle combat isn't even that interesting in this game, which is a shame since it's so fun in the Halo games.supposed to be 6v6 with vehicles. at first it was just control and clash but i think they changed it to just first light and bastion with clash/control.
*Looks around*
Am I the only one that doesn't care about the raid patch? I went through it twice, don't really plan on doing it again unless I'm on a fun team or somehow a hard raid team materializes. Just how often do you guys do that mission?
The Vex are on Venus and Bungie is somewhere beyond the Kuiper belt. It seems to be part arrogance, stubbornness, and just a sprinkle of good old-fashioned groupthink and stupidity.I can't get past his paragraph in the BWU:
Are we playing the same game?
Getting sick of the shotgun shit fest that this multiplayer consists of.
At this point I don't even care about this stupid exotic bounty. Ridiculous.
But they nerfed shotguns?
Wow. Sounds completely pointless. Vehicle combat isn't even that interesting in this game, which is a shame since it's so fun in the Halo games.
They should make it an 8 vs 8 mode. I think that would be a little better, otherwise it just seems like a normal mode.
That's... a lot of raiding. You can't stand the stench of the lowly level 29 rating or is it the lack of a mythoclast that won't let you rest?
I'm the only one here that liked the random... for me it was the only way to work since begining.
Teleport the last 3 guys was always bullshit to me... makes no sense.
I have Mythoclast.. Still a decent gun, but after the nerf it's sitting in my vault.
Like many, it's the push for 30.. I need one more piece to get me there.
I've been 29 for far too long. If it weren't for raiding, I'd probably retire this game until DLC.
There should be no single answer for how to win in Destiny.
This is what you claim your design philosophy to be. So what is the reasoning you have behind things such as soft kill barriers or even just soft barriers? For instance, in the VoG's Templar fight, you have now blocked off the pillars. It seems that this was done to ensure the fight was beaten 'correctly.' But the pillar strategy is, in fact, a strategy. By taking that away, it seems like you are saying 'there is only one way you should be able to play this game, and it is this way.' People, many independently and simultaneously, came up with this strategy. It is still difficult and carries risk, but is one some players feel is 'easier.' But does that make it wrong? I don't think so.
Why do we not have the freedom in this game we were led to expect? You keep on adding limitations instead of incentives. Instead of adding soft kill barriers, just make enemies more grenade prone or increase their aggro range or something. Make it more difficult to do these things, not impossible. It just seems like decisions such as these are condemning ways to play the game other than the one intended way. And I find this unfortunate..
It is the opposite to me.Random is bullshit.
I justify 3 furthest making sense by throwing the three most defensive and cautious players into the fire, makes perfect sense in the context of these reverse-engineered fairy stories Bungie have been spouting recently. Theybcan't have it both ways. It was intentional but easily combated with experience and planning.
Random is just lol, it's a band-aid to further irritate and frustrate the majority of players who have the brass balls to actually come up with team tactics and work to their invividual strengths in a team greater than the sum of the parts.
So that atheon "fix" makes new raiders even more of a liability, why would I accept anyone who isn't optimally geared and kitted out for oracle destroying into my group now? Same goes for someone that's lower in level etc. I was fine with carrying previously since I feel everyone should get a shot at lvl 30(even though the RNGjeebus distinctly disagrees) but I probably won't bother at soon as the patch goes live. I guess they want even less of their playerbase to experience the raid.
Furthermore I find it odd that they would remove planning from a raid. This raid already suffers from class obsolesence in that there's no clear cut roles you could assign to any specific class. Maybe that's how they want it but it seems odd considering more traditional MMO raid style gameplay. Secondly, they distinctly teach you to set up teams by forcing you to split up to defend the plates and confluxes, yet now they don't want you teamed up and just want some random team to go in? I thought this raid was about teaching you gameplay "verbs", and it seemed to me like splitting up to form smaller focused teams is the very first gameplay "verb" it was teaching. The second being stand on stuff to make stuff activate and the third being all the loot is going to be assborne. Also something about oracles and instawipes, but whatever.
It also makes pickup play even more difficult, I could clear the raid with any group of randoms because I atleast knew what the fuck was going on. I knew what was going on because we spent like 5 minutes discussing a strategy and reworking if neccesary. Now there is no strategy besides go in and wait to see what sort of RNG rolls happen. If I have to somehow identify voices as to who got teleported, who's holding the relic and is cleansing, who's shooting the oracles, who has to call out which side they're on it's going to be a ridiculous infuriating mess of yelling in any random group. I honestly play this game to have fun but it seems like Bungie is intent on making this game frustrating and annoying. Instawiping because the lvl 26 guy got teleported into the oracle chambers instead of the lvl 30 that's quasi useless outside does not seem like fun to me.
Oh and the final caveat is that the raid is pointless if you don't succeed since none of the enemies give xp or have meaningful drops, so 4 hours of repeat failure is just 4 hours of failure, there is no silver lining or progress you're making if you don't make it. I already think that's beyond bullshit because you're utterly disincentivizing repeat runs to help friends or people that don't have a steady group to raid with. They literally make the "hardest" and most inspired content they have useless for a week after you beat it.
Is the Golden Gun effective against Atheon while being inside the Relic shield? Haven't even tried it yesterday, I just used my Icebreaker.
Is the Golden Gun effective against Atheon while being inside the Relic shield? Haven't even tried it yesterday, I just used my Icebreaker.
I have the checkpoint too and asked earlier but got no answer. Let me know if you'll be trying please! Need a helmet so badDoes anyone want to cheese Atheon for me? i have the save point. Psn: Stfndt
Holy shit, didn't even think of that. Radiance getting nerfed confirmed.Will anyone be throwing three sunbros off the edge like so many Atheons to ensure the portal team go through after the "fix"*? Would it be viable?
*read bandage botch papering Bungie's imagined cracks
You don't need to be inside the relic shield btw... the damage boost is for everybody after back from portal.Is the Golden Gun effective against Atheon while being inside the Relic shield? Haven't even tried it yesterday, I just used my Icebreaker.
Random is bullshit.
I justify 3 furthest making sense by throwing the three most defensive and cautious players into the fire, makes perfect sense in the context of these reverse-engineered fairy stories Bungie have been spouting recently. Theybcan't have it both ways. It was intentional but easily combated with experience and planning.
Random is just lol, it's a band-aid to further irritate and frustrate the majority of players who have the brass balls to actually come up with team tactics and work to their invividual strengths in a team greater than the sum of the parts.
I have the checkpoint too and asked earlier but got no answer. Let me know if you'll be trying please! Need a helmet so bad
a_javierp on PS4!!
Ice Breaker is only solar... the name already says itThis game trolls so damn hard
Got a purple engram. Turns exotic! Oh wait it is the same Ice Breaker I bought from Xur last week. Not even a different elemental which would have been cool.
I have also had this happen with The Truth. That is my other exotic upgrades of the 3 purples that changed. So 2 Legendary turn into the same Rocket Launcher and the other turns into the gun I paid 17 Strange Coins for. Something this "RNG" has a dark sense of humor.
Or I can just blame Rahool!
Question, if my main charac. is a male and I make a female alt, same class, can she use my main's armor?
Question, if my main charac. is a male and I make a female alt, same class, can she use my main's armor?
I'd too like a go at Atheon. College_Boy
Added you. Anyone else with that ancient Cheese Knowledge who can help a guy out, please let me know over here or at a_javierp. That Atheon checkpoint on Hard must be cleared![]()
If by that you mean being on the outside team and killing harpies aka easy mode, then yes.
This game trolls so damn hard
Got a purple engram. Turns exotic! Oh wait it is the same Ice Breaker I bought from Xur last week. Not even a different elemental which would have been cool.
I have also had this happen with The Truth. That is my other exotic upgrades of the 3 purples that changed. So 2 Legendary turn into the same Rocket Launcher and the other turns into the gun I paid 17 Strange Coins for. Something this "RNG" has a dark sense of humor.
Or I can just blame Rahool!
Added you. Anyone else with that ancient Cheese Knowledge who can help a guy out, please let me know over here or at a_javierp. That Atheon checkpoint on Hard must be cleared![]()
Yeah I have gotten two leg primary from Rahool and I'm Lvl 26 cryptarch both turned into Crusader 1 scout rifles with the most recent being last night, . Just to twist the knife Rahool put High Caliber Rounds as a perk for the one I got last night leading me to shard my already XP'd up first copyThis game trolls so damn hard
Got a purple engram. Turns exotic! Oh wait it is the same Ice Breaker I bought from Xur last week. Not even a different elemental which would have been cool.
I have also had this happen with The Truth. That is my other exotic upgrades of the 3 purples that changed. So 2 Legendary turn into the same Rocket Launcher and the other turns into the gun I paid 17 Strange Coins for. Something this "RNG" has a dark sense of humor.
Or I can just blame Rahool!
I can give it to you aswell if you wantI can't really help out but I was helping people out last night. Is it possible I can grab the checkpoint and leave? I want to hold it to pass to an alt that isn't level 20 yet but will be shortly (going to share armor). If so my PSN is Darryl_M_R. Also I'm asking around for you with the people who cheesed with me last night. So much whine though, it was a rough night.
Added you. Anyone else with that ancient Cheese Knowledge who can help a guy out, please let me know over here or at a_javierp. That Atheon checkpoint on Hard must be cleared![]()
Never done the cheese before but happy to help if you need another Voidwalker/Sunsinger to chuck grenades at his feet... PSN ID same as my name on Gaf.Added you. Anyone else with that ancient Cheese Knowledge who can help a guy out, please let me know over here or at a_javierp. That Atheon checkpoint on Hard must be cleared![]()
Can I join you guys?I'll go. Adamkoy on PSN. 28 Warlock OK?
Yeah I have gotten two leg primary from Rahool and I'm Lvl 26 cryptarch both turned into Crusader 1 scout rifles with the most recent being last night, . Just to twist the knife Rahool put High Caliber Rounds as a perk for the one I got last night leading me to shard my already XP'd up first copyI love the extra impact and stagger HCR gives on my AFsomethingsomething but now I have a scout with 1 more round and HCR so I'll XP that up in a bit after I finish this bought Shadow Price.
Still like a fruit machine addict I gots to pull that lever, come on Rahool gimme something for lvl 27!
I can give it to you aswell if you want