I got 250 Hives left to kill befote taking a crack at part 3.Anyone looking to defeat Xyor for the Thorn bounty?
PSN: Subtervotion
maybe tonight
I got 250 Hives left to kill befote taking a crack at part 3.Anyone looking to defeat Xyor for the Thorn bounty?
PSN: Subtervotion
I should have used Gjallahorn for the kill. I should have.
Instead, I thought I could melee him for the kill.
I don't feel like fighting him again now.
Ignore the edit. Relic won't go to that area but it will for the first area.Damn, while exploring, I found a good spot for the shield guy to go to that gives him a good view of middle, his two right spawn points, and one of his left spawn points. And best part of it, it's high above the arena ground.
Edit: found an even better spot!
To become legend that's why!Wait you tried to melee the Templar?
People need to stop posting these exploits on youtube for views, because they are just going to be patched in a week or two.
I got 250 Hives left to kill befote taking a crack at part 3.
maybe tonight
If you are doing a normal run I would be up for it in about 30 minutes.
I would be willing to do a run with either my warlock (27 sunbro) or titan (28 bubble boy).
Let's do it
But we need 4 others!!!
Just got Fair and Square from a legendary engram. I am not too big on pulse rifles, anyone know if it is worth investing in?
Let's do it
But we need 4 others!!!
I wonder if there's anything exciting coming this Tuesday? Wishful thinking?
Let's do it
But we need 4 others!!!
a_javierp on PS4 if you're running a fresh Normal.
a_javierp on PS4 if you're running a fresh Normal.
a_javierp on PS4 if you're running a fresh Normal.
Psn is HigXx, I'd be up for it
I'm ready for a fresh normal run of Raid on PS4, just add me and hopefully we'll get a full fireteam.Psn is HigXx
I'd be down on my 27 Titan. PS4: j2theizzay
I'd like to join, too!
27 Sunbro
edit: PSN is Zocano
edit edit: Oh Xbone. Womp.
Wait you tried to melee the Templar?
Ahh man xbox one
I've run into this issue with my recent Hunter alt. I ended up buying green engrams from Rahool whenever he has them since there's little use of glimmer anyway besides ammo packs that I rarely use.Is there any easy way to get random blue and green armour for dismantling? Somehow my Warlock alt is really struggling to get mats for upgrades...
I've run into this issue with my recent Hunter alt. I ended up buying green engrams from Rahool whenever he has them since there's little use of glimmer anyway besides ammo packs that I rarely use.
How fast can you level up the cryptarch by buying greens and then decryping them?
Thanks everyone for the raid, it was fun, and not too bad for a raid with two newbies.
Anyway be ready for the hard mode, with all the goddamn shards I got I'm almost 29 now....
Saw this on Reddit:
Hey sorry just finished up the housework I needed to get out of the way. I have a 28 Titan, 29 Warlock, 28 Hunter and I'll be a 27 Warlock if you are still gathering people.
Any badass gaffers willing to help out a 27 alt Hunter in the nightfall
shit, i forgot about that.You still have to do the Void damage in Crucible right?
Looking for a (mostly experienced team) Normal Raid for my alt Warlock lvl 27. I have fully upgraded VoC and Icebreaker. Completed Raid on Normal multiple times and succefully once on Hard.
PSN: Subtervotion
Add me at a_javierp! I'm also looking for a Normal run. I have run the raid several times before as wellLooking for a (mostly experienced team) Normal Raid for my alt Warlock lvl 27. I have fully upgraded VoC and Icebreaker. Completed Raid on Normal multiple times and succefully once on Hard.
PSN: Subtervotion
If youre on xbox one, mind if i join as well? Whats your GT?
Im looking for ppl to raid with on xbox one
Already have you on my friends list. I will go with you on my Hunter.
Add me at a_javierp! I'm also looking for a Normal run. I have run the raid several times before as well
My Titan is level 29. I hope we can get a group together!
I'm ready whenever.
Y'know I kinda like the starter ship, the Arcadia rust bucket.
Guess it's because it looks so unlike all the other ships in the game.