So I decided to give Destiny one more shot and went into Crucible with my TDYK with explosive rounds this time. Explosive rounds wrecks people, period. It staggers players and makes them miss their shots. I was averaging a K/D of ~2.5 each game for 8 games in a row.
I went up against a TLW player and won my encounters everytime. Looking around the internet, a reddit user also agrees with me that HCs with explosive rounds is pretty ridiculous in pvp. I wonder if this will be patched.
I actually used a shotgun in the Crucible for the first time since the patch (never really interested me before), and you have to get pretty fucking close to someone to kill them with it. The range on my Found Verdict is abysmal too and didn't have any upgrades, so it's not like people are getting kills from ridiculous ranges.
I feel like people won't stop complaining about shotguns until you can't one-shot someone at all.
I don't get why people keep saying this. This is a game where you want to get better and better loot and higher and higher levels. I see someone wandering around with better loot and a higher level and I want what they have. I don't think to myself "oh, phft, raid gear, I don't want that."
Every time I see that statement made in these threads I can't help but see just wilful ignorance of what kind of game this is. I'm not arguing one way or another that level 30 should be attainable only through raid gear, but this attitude and response towards people who question it should not be the final word in the argument.
I'll raid on normal with a group, experienced but I can't use mic atm.
Found Verdict has maybe longest reach out of all shotguns. It can OHK players in Crucible at laughable long ranges for being shotgun.
I always use shotgun in Crucible and I think they are a joke in a sense that they are way too effective. I still blame map design over CQB weapon class.
I don't understand what the Shotgun complainers want... do they want to dance around firing ARs into eachothers torsos? Do they want every close quarters encounter to be a slap fight death trade?
I LOVE people's dependence on shotguns because I get to dump rounds into their face while they desperately sprint towards me from 20ft away.
I've rarely died to shotties. It's only if I'm in their faces. Fusion Rifles are my biggest gripe with PVP.
VexyWexy said:I LOVE people's dependence on shotguns because I get to dump rounds into their face while they desperately sprint towards me from 20ft away
I don't understand what the Shotgun complainers want... do they want to dance around firing ARs into eachothers torsos? Do they want every close quarters encounter to be a slap fight death trade?
I LOVE people's dependence on shotguns because I get to dump rounds into their face while they desperately sprint towards me from 20ft away.
Yeah, but at least you saved the f'ng day? Eh? EH?!Completed hard raid last night. Got rocket launcher, which was cool. Then after Atheon died I got 2x Atheon's Epilogue and the Raid speeder, both of which I already have.
I do love that :lol. Especially when they slide too early and barely graze me. Fuckers.
Thorn bounty requiring PvP Void kills is a bitch. I'm making progress but it's so so slow. Magnetic grenades forever man.
Anyone got an Atheon hard mode checkpoint?
The bubble was meant to block incoming fire and it's the safest way. It's not cheese and was designed that way. Yeah it's easy and boring but oh well. I'm not going to do it the harder way just because.
This makes no sense.Ok, so you don't like this one and bulletproof tactic to kill him? That is fine, but what I don't get is why you would take piss into everyone cereal and take that tactic away from everyone just because you find it boring?
You should be able to form few viable tactics for each boss while restricting everyone to single "way it's intended" tactic is poor design and that makes for bad experience. Now you can use "Let boss roam" -tactic if you choose to, but so you can use "All under bubble, one spot and nuke" -tactic.
Your relic suggestion would kill variety of tactics from Atheon.
Anyone got an Atheon hard mode checkpoint?
You gotta admit it's pretty underwhelming as it is. Hopefully the next raid will have an obstacle course or something. Something like the Indiana Jones maps in Halo Reach would be interesting.
Well that's just stupid.
If you don't mind a level 28 I'm down to join. I beat the hard raid twice without cheesing. (Though I'm not lactose intolerant)Normal checkpoints needs to be accessed via Square... Hard checkpoints is directly... works for all members of the firesteam since he reached a checkpoint or died.
So you can enter in a firesteam, die and back to the Orbit with the checkpoint.
BTW I will be up for Hard Raid tonight from the Oracle part because I need three bosses rewards and 2 chests (I can start from beginning too).
I look forward to the Atheon changes come Tuesday.
I look forward to the Atheon changes come Tuesday.
Is it just me or is Thorn's cross hair not accurate? I have to aim a bit higher than the green dot if I want a precision shot
Son, dont start. Defeated the Gatekeeper. Bungie servers being a bitch. Gah!
Just take out a shotgun, dead blade dancer
snooooooooooozeHopefully not. I don't want to play metal gear solid or super meat boy. I want to shoot at things.
So we're going to run away from a giant boulder rolling toward us? No wait! A giant rolling ogre pretending to be Samus from Metroid!![]()
I think you have to deal about 400 points to a bladedancer before he drops. A single point-blank hit with a shotgun is not enough, he needs to be wounded first.
I've stuck an incoming bladedancer with a magnetic grenade and he didn't die.
Seems like there are huge server problems for Europeans at the moment.What the f....
Two caterpillars doing the Daily, so I go off and do something else elsewhere. No problems.
Try the Daily again, and another caterpillar! Fuck sake.
Do we know its coming Tuesday? The last patch was Wednesday wasn't it?
I think you have to deal about 400 points to a bladedancer before he drops. A single point-blank hit with a shotgun is not enough, he needs to be wounded first.
I've stuck an incoming bladedancer with a magnetic grenade and he didn't die.
Everyone gets the checkpoint? You can join a raid and immediately leave and you'll still get the checkpoint...Anyone out there that can hook me up with finishing off some of my raid stop gaps?
I need Atheon on my Titan 27 - Normal Raid
I need Gatekeepers + Atheon on 27 - Hunter Normal Raid
28 Warlock needs Oracles, Templar, Gatekeepers for Hard Raid
I swear to god I join random groups, somehow Oracles/Templar get downed, but either people fuck up a lot on the Gatekeepers or burn out beating Gatekeeper that when Atheon can't be cheesed or tried legit a few times people give up
I seriously hate the only Fireteam leader gets the checkpoint bullshit
I earned as much as 5 others, I should also have it, it's stupid looking for said leader and hoping they didn't finish or start the raid from the start, and see it falter at the exact same place you got ditched in last raid
If there is anyone out there who is cheesing Atheon, can you please let me join so I can get some fucking drops
I'm getting tired of getting fucked over every raid group I join and get assed out cause of very weird situations
Some GAFfers invite and just coax or have time constraints... then why the hell do the Raid in the first place!
They should make the labyrinth much bigger, with 6 plates spawning in randomly that must all be activated at the same timeBungie should make it so if a person dies during the platforming part of the raid everybody has to do it over again.
So the Boulder runs through narrow cave so no jumping over it. On the way back down they're are six little caves on either side that only one person can fit in and its low so you have to slide in. One person gets hit and its a wipeSo we're going to run away from a giant boulder rolling toward us? No wait! A giant rolling ogre pretending to be Samus from Metroid!![]()
Is it just me or is there a consensus that we need an activity between the 24 strikes (highest level in the strike playlist currently available) and the harder content like the nightfall and the raid?
Once you've done the harder content, level 24 seems too easy by far and really not fun, and there's no reason to play the harder content once you've been rewarded, except to help other players or for the fun through difficulty.
I'd love to see a level 26 or 28 strike with relevant awards for replayability. The rewards would need to be better than the 24 strike but not as good as nightfall/strike, so it'd be difficult to get a good balance, but something like 5% chance of a legendary engram would be along the lines of my thinking.
Level 24 is simply too easy and I need something to keep playing where I am rewarded with something beyond blue engrams which became useless long ago.
Seems like there are huge server problems for Europeans at the moment.
They will probably get it out as early as they can Tuesday so people can't cheese Atheon another time for the week.
Is it just me or is there a consensus that we need an activity between the 24 strikes (highest level in the strike playlist currently available) and the harder content like the nightfall and the raid?
Once you've done the harder content, level 24 seems too easy by far and really not fun, and there's no reason to play the harder content once you've been rewarded, except to help other players or for the fun through difficulty.
I'd love to see a level 26 or 28 strike with relevant awards for replayability. The rewards would need to be better than the 24 strike but not as good as nightfall/strike, so it'd be difficult to get a good balance, but something like 5% chance of a legendary engram would be along the lines of my thinking.
Level 24 is simply too easy and I need something to keep playing where I am rewarded with something beyond blue engrams which became useless long ago.
This makes no sense.
You SHOULD be able to form a few viable tactics for bosses. For instance. For the Templar fight, one tactic is to block his teleports to get more DPS on him at a risk of being overun by minotaurs Or maybe just block every other one or play it safe and none at all. Another tactic is grouping together in order to use the relic cleanse for everyone when marked instead of trying to wipe out oracles. My group never does that but I heard it works. I've heard both tactics being done.
In Atheon, because of the way the relic bubble works right now there is only ONE best, viable tactic. Any other strategy is just purposely handicapping yourself for a challenge. It offers no risk/reward, speed for safety, any variety.
If the bubble didn't allow you to shoot out much more variety would come out of that fight. Player positions, does the relic guy distract boss with bubble or does he use the relic super. Where are players gonna be positioned to spread out atheons fire but still get clear shots on him.
Which sight are you using?
I find Thorn to be my most accurate hand cannon. I can pretty much snipe with that business.
I wish I could control remote at on vita with the daughter and I ae home sick. Perfect time to level my last class, but she wants to watch backyardigans...
Tried playing with the vita but I can't aim and am not agile with that thing. I kept dying on regular story missions.
There are a lot of European xbl users (and a few psn ones) reporting problems right now. Some can't connect at all, and others keep getting disconnected in the middle of a strike / the daily.So far, it just seems to be that mission. Or at least that's the only occurrence I've had...cross fingers.
Everything else is fine, I'm seeing other guardians in the wild, Tower loads fine etc.
EU X1.
Well lets get one thing out of the way. We don't know how it was designed to play. We know that Atheon teleporting being random was the way it was designed. And that's being fixed.
The relic bubble, we don't know if the way it is was on purpose. And for the record I don't know either. It could very well be designed to block fire and be shot out of or it could be designed to block fire in and out.
I just made an observation that I don't think it makes sense that they allowed you to shoot out of the bubble, It just feels too safe and foolproof to me. But I could be wrong.
There are a lot of European xbl users (and a few psn ones) reporting problems right now. Some can't connect at all, and others keep getting disconnected in the middle of a strike / the daily.
Bungie is apparently aware of the problem and working on it (hopefully).
You should be working at Bungie.So the Boulder runs through narrow cave so no jumping over it. On the way back down they're are six little caves on either side that only one person can fit in and its low so you have to slide in. One person gets hit and its a wipe
Dude, I'll play with you. Let's get Kittonwy and some of the old R:FoM guys in on this action!
We should just make a new clan: got any ideas for a name? If you want to join a GAF clan, just search for them on Bungie's site. You can't join the "main" clan because clans have a member limit. You'll have to join one of the GAF sub-clans. This is why I'm saying we should just start a new one.
Anyone out there that can hook me up with finishing off some of my raid stop gaps?
I need Atheon on my Titan 27 - Normal Raid
I need Gatekeepers + Atheon on 27 - Hunter Normal Raid
28 Warlock needs Oracles, Templar, Gatekeepers for Hard Raid
I swear to god I join random groups, somehow Oracles/Templar get downed, but either people fuck up a lot on the Gatekeepers or burn out beating Gatekeeper that when Atheon can't be cheesed or tried legit a few times people give up
I seriously hate the only Fireteam leader gets the checkpoint bullshit
I earned as much as 5 others, I should also have it, it's stupid looking for said leader and hoping they didn't finish or start the raid from the start, and see it falter at the exact same place you got ditched in last raid
If there is anyone out there who is cheesing Atheon, can you please let me join so I can get some fucking drops
I'm getting tired of getting fucked over every raid group I join and get assed out cause of very weird situations
Some GAFfers invite and just coax or have time constraints... then why the hell do the Raid in the first place!
For what it's worth, I rarely ever see sub-24s in the tower or the patrols nowadays...I wish Bungie released statistics of how many players are in what level range. Are we the outlier or are the majority 28+. I honestly don't know anymore.