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Destiny |OT8| Whine and Cheese

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I was just upgrading one of my weapons and started wondering... does the attack stat on weapons actually do anything? We've all heard how it's supposed to help you attack higher level enemies but has anyone actually tested it? I mean Iron Banner where stats matter turned out to be BS. If I upgrade my raid rocket launcher from 257 to 267 or whatever, does it actually do anything more on raid enemies?

Your damage to enemies that are of lower level than you is capped at a fixed value. Once you are doing the max allowed damage, leveling your weapon further (or yourself for that matter) won't grant your any damage bonus any more against lower level enemies.


Doing another weekly 28 on my Warlock.

PSN is College_Boy

Room is public so you should be able to hop in. If not I can add you to my friends list.


I think if Atheon "fix" makes it less fun or frustrating, I'll just stick to playing up to Gatekeeper. Not like beating Atheon guarantees you anything great anyway.


Are non-fireteam-leaders getting checkpoints because of a bug? I could've sworn that Bungie specifically stated that only fireteam leaders would have progress saved to their account for the week. Did they change this in an update?


You should be working at Bungie.

And to improve on your idea, if you wipe, you lose any chance of getting the raid exclusive exotic weapon. Oh and if someone joins the team after a group has passed that part and wiped once, they too don't get the weapon. >:)

Basically, if people join someone who has passed that part to get the checkpoint, they won't be able to get the weapon.
All raids should be this way, no drops if you missed (skipped) a checkpoint :D


I don't know if we will have enough people. I figured joing one of the GAf clans just to have more members. I played with Efertlis my first night and we caught up. I'll let you know when I have time this week. I want to get enough to try a full raid since I haven't done one yet.
We should totally have a clan. If you guys create one, I'd like to join. Things changed a lot since the resistance days. I've got a baby. Can't talk most of the times when I play. But I'd love to catch up with you guys.
How your suggestion makes sense then?

So there is "one best tactic" for Atheon, but so what? No one is forcing you to use said tactic if you don't want to, but can come up with distraction tactics etc. that you mention yourself.

Why removing tactic from the game and forcing people to use certain way of play makes encounter better? If you are all for tactic variety, like you seem to claim to be?, then how removing tactic adds variety?

You want "challenge tactic" to be only tactic for the boss because one of the current tactics bore you?

How that makes sense or add variety to the game?


I definitely do not believe being able to shoot out of the shield is a bug at all, or in any way is unknown to Bungie. They would have addressed it by now if that were the case (see: randomness of teleporting).

Removing that tactic would be completely pointless considering it is obviously working as intended. You don't have fun doing it? Then don't run to the middle. Stand outside the bubble and shoot Atheon however you want.

Yes, the bubble tactic is obviously the best, and there is nothing wrong with that...it in no way restricts you from trying anything else.

The example regarding multiple ways to fight the Templar is compelling. But consider the fact that, once your team is powerful enough and granted everyone is competent, blocking his teleports is also clearly the best tactic as it burns him the fastest. The risk is negligible, and is comparable to the various blunders typically associated with getting your team into the middle to hide in the cleanse bubble for Atheon (people missing the platform, getting hit by splash damage, not bailing in time, etc).


How your suggestion makes sense then?

So there is "one best tactic" for Atheon, but so what? No one is forcing you to use said tactic if you don't want to, but can come up with distraction tactics etc. that you mention yourself.

Why removing tactic from the game and forcing people to use certain way of play makes encounter better? If you are all for tactic variety, like you seem to claim to be?, then how removing tactic adds variety?

You want "challenge tactic" to be only tactic for the boss because one of the current tactics bore you?

How that makes sense or add variety to the game?

What I want is for Atheon to have the same variety as the Templar. We've done different things for Templar different runs and I hear of other groups doing things different from me. It's a much more dynamic fight.

What you want is for the relic bubble strat to stay because it is by FAR the safest and most effective strat. Nothing else comes even close. There is no reward whether it be speed or safety or DPS for doing it any other way. Tactic variety should mean there are multiple paths for success and one isn't better than the other. The Templar fight does this well. Tactic variety does NOT mean that there is ONE SUPREME ULTIMATE STRAT WITH MAX SAFETY AND MAX DPS and other strats that are optional "challenges" for shits and gigs. That's not what true tactic variety should be.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are. Why do you think Luke didn't say anything about that 'bug' when he mentioned the Atheon one? Sounds like a pretty big and exploitative bug to me.

This is a fair point, it is weird they didn't mention fixing it. Could mean its designed as intended, could mean its something they just decided to let stay and play out. Idk.


Can a mod replace the thread's title with just


could never
If you're raiding on normal, inv me. PSN Assassio

XD I never got to beat Atheon yesterday but do not mind starting fresh or earlier than the end.
What I want is for Atheon to have the same variety as the Templar. We've done different things for Templar different runs and I hear of other groups doing things different from me. It's a much more dynamic fight.

What you want is for the relic bubble strat to stay because it is by FAR the safest and most effective strat. Nothing else comes even close.

6 Gjallarhorns disagree.


Was rough, but newbies need to learn too. I thought up until that part they did well.

Yeah, we came so close too. A learning process for myself as well. My friend that couldnt seem to make the simple jump to the middle at Atheon every time ... I had a good laugh at him yesterday afternoon for that.
Well lets get one thing out of the way. We don't know how it was designed to play. We know that Atheon teleporting being random was the way it was designed. And that's being fixed.

Actually, it seems pretty transparent that the cleanse bubble is working as intended and was designed to do what it does. It's universally well known to raiders and by obvious extension, Bungie, that this is the tactic being used to take down the boss.

From a design standpoint, if they did not intend players to use that tactic it would be even more damaging to their vision for the encounter than the randomization of the teleporting, considering it is such an outstanding way to burn the boss.

It would be likely be a prioritized fix over the teleportation if it was not working as intended.


I guess if they don't change the relic bubble I hope the future raids are more varied in the way you attack them.

Future raids better not have the same relic shield/oracle shit. They should be unique so each one is a new experience. Maybe it'll be the same with different variations but I'm hoping they try new stuff.


could never
Yeah, we came so close too. A learning process for myself as well. My friend that couldnt seem to make the simple jump to the middle at Atheon every time ... I had a good laugh at him yesterday afternoon for that.
Yeah, I kept seeing him go sailing past the platform in front of me LOL, was pretty funny.



I definitely do not believe being able to shoot out of the shield is a bug at all, or in any way is unknown to Bungie. They would have addressed it by now if that were the case (see: randomness of teleporting
Regarding the 'random teleports', I'm not so sure about this assumption. It seems unlikely that they could implement the '3 furthest away' over random decision purely by accident. I read it as working as originally intended, but being tweaked to alter this fight somehow.

And there's nothing wrong with that, as the elements and best strategies of the raid become more widely known, it makes sense to tweak things to slightly up the difficulty. While we were learning the raid we only had to learn one role each - though it was wise to have some idea of what others were doing. Now everyone needs to know every role better, but that's ok because the relic, teleports, strategies etc are more widely known/documented.

It will require much better communication in the moment, which is surely a good thing.

The rest of the discussion I agree with you, relic shield is working as intended and takes nothing away from the fight. I know many groups that prefer not to use the middle strategy (or to only send the teleport team there) because it has its own risks associated with it (and makes surprisingly little difference to how the fight plays out).


I wish Bungie released statistics of how many players are in what level range. Are we the outlier or are the majority 28+. I honestly don't know anymore.

I'm kind of surprised they haven't done this yet. I would like to see class breakdown along with level, race, what is played more, average hours played, etc.


Has Bungie said anything in regards to the almost universal hatred and vitriol across the Internet regarding fixing the teleportation "bug"?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Well I booted up my Titan and Hunter alts. they have the Atheon or Gatekeeper checkpoints

I went on my Warlock for the last 2 weeks and it would send me to the start even though I had Hard Atheon checkpoint



All raids should be this way, no drops if you missed (skipped) a checkpoint :D
You would have people bitching about not being able to get this and that. Then again, I don't give a crap what they say as they all just want to be lazy and let someone else do the work for them. People worked their asses off to get to a certain point and you got people who just want to piggyback on your final checkpoint for free.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of those asking for Athean checkpoint as you can tell. I worked my ass off to get to level 30 and get the Vex Mythocast. And will do the same for future raids.

E92 M3

Future raids better not have the same relic shield/oracle shit. They should be unique so each one is a new experience. Maybe it'll be the same with different variations but I'm hoping they try new stuff.

I hope Crota's End gives everyone swords. I love that little mechanic that was barely used.


This is a fair point, it is weird they didn't mention fixing it. Could mean its designed as intended, could mean its something they just decided to let stay and play out. Idk.

If shield start wasn't intended it would be a far bigger issue than the fake bug of teleporting the furthest 3.
What you want is for the relic bubble strat to stay because it is by FAR the safest and most effective strat. Nothing else comes even close.

There is some Atheon strat variety though. The team that beat him in 17 seconds on hard mode didn't use that bubble strat with everyone inside. It is definitely possible to spread people out around the room. Also, you can put the relic bubble in the middle platform to avoid Supplicants, or at the back of the room so people aren't in danger of falling off. Using the relic super is pretty terrible for DPS so using it as a shield makes more sense usually. The 2-man team that beat the normal raid had the relic guy drop the relic and fire Gjallahorn then pick it back up to damage Atheon.


Level 26 strike playlist supposedly coming with The Dark Below expansion in December, and Level 28 playlist supposedly coming with House of Wolves expansion in 2015.
Stuff like that really makes me wonder what their internal projections were for leveling speed.

That and I wonder if they got lucky people were able to blitz through things...I could see people being upset at it being slow.

I hope Crota's End gives everyone swords. I love that little mechanic that was barely used.

I'm shocked they haven't tried saying it was training us to use the Relic.


I guess if they don't change the relic bubble I hope the future raids are more varied in the way you attack them.

I thought you could shoot and throw grenades out from inside the Relic bubble, but trying to shoot rockets out would blow yourself up similar to doing so inside a Titan bubble. Is this correct?

Normally, the Relic holder and two other inside portal players would book it to the back a bit before Atheon stops taking damage. However, with the new hot fix telaporting three random players, I guess everyone can just stay in the center until that happens. Should be able to get more damage in on Atheon because of this.
Regarding the 'random teleports', I'm not so sure about this assumption. It seems unlikely that they could implement the '3 furthest away' over random decision purely by accident. I read it as working as originally intended, but being tweaked to alter this fight somehow.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that the teleportation was a bug as it exists today. I just meant, it is something they viewed as an issue with the encounter and they addressed it as such.

Whether it was a bug, was working as intended and they were just unhappy with it...who knows, and who cares. Change is coming, and people will forget about it in a week once their group gets through it.


What I want is for Atheon to have the same variety as the Templar. We've done different things for Templar different runs and I hear of other groups doing things different from me. It's a much more dynamic fight.

What you want is for the relic bubble strat to stay because it is by FAR the safest and most effective strat. Nothing else comes even close. There is no reward whether it be speed or safety or DPS for doing it any other way. Tactic variety should mean there are multiple paths for success and one isn't better than the other. The Templar fight does this well. Tactic variety does NOT mean that there is ONE SUPREME ULTIMATE STRAT WITH MAX SAFETY AND MAX DPS and other strats that are optional "challenges" for shits and gigs. That's not what true tactic variety should be.

This is a fair point, it is weird they didn't mention fixing it. Could mean its designed as intended, could mean its something they just decided to let stay and play out. Idk.
It isn't max DPS, you lose more time transitioning than other strats. It also isn't 100% safe, plenty of things can (and do) go wrong, especially if you cram all 6 players into the bubble. I know plenty of people prefer different strategies (hell even Datto mentions this and says he prefers not to use it and he was what, world second?). Your suggestion removes this strategy and adds nothing.

And calling it a bug is craaaazy reaching...

(I still don't think the teleporting is a bug either, but that is certainly debatable, at least)
I wish Bungie released statistics of how many players are in what level range. Are we the outlier or are the majority 28+. I honestly don't know anymore.

Check out the statistics on the percentage of people who have completed the hard raid trophy. IIRC it's less than 5%


You just need to get used to it. Use the "direct connection setting. Sit closer to your ps4. Lower your look sensitivity to 2 and then graduately tuen it up. Mine is set to 3 now. I did my entire pocket infinity bounty, several level 28 daily missions, and countless portrols on the vita.

I'll try lowering it that's a good idea. The connection seems fine.


Best way to get the 25 kill/death spread for Invictus? Only played two matches in The Crucible before, .80 KD both times.


Is it just me or is there a consensus that we need an activity between the 24 strikes (highest level in the strike playlist currently available) and the harder content like the nightfall and the raid?

Once you've done the harder content, level 24 seems too easy by far and really not fun, and there's no reason to play the harder content once you've been rewarded, except to help other players or for the fun through difficulty.

I'd love to see a level 26 or 28 strike with relevant awards for replayability. The rewards would need to be better than the 24 strike but not as good as nightfall/strike, so it'd be difficult to get a good balance, but something like 5% chance of a legendary engram would be along the lines of my thinking.

Level 24 is simply too easy and I need something to keep playing where I am rewarded with something beyond blue engrams which became useless long ago.


Level 28 strikes with
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