What shader are you wearing here?
Good question.. hmm.. it should be "Goldspiral". It's iron banner rank 3 one.
What shader are you wearing here?
If they are new, they probably don't know what the strat is/was in the beginning...
I hope Crota's End gives everyone swords. I love that little mechanic that was barely used.
OMFG, yes. The Sword was fun to use. We need a whole level with them.
Shotguns still running rampant in the Crucible. Bungie's incompetence really blows me away.
They would need to redesign almost every Crucible map in order to make shotgun actually less viable choice. They can't balance weapon class for PvP when maps are build around of having a lot turns and short distances / corridors.
Well okay they can "balance" shotguns for this shit map design, but in process they could just delete shotguns from the game as whole.
Weird. I always get every checkpoint in raid even if I'm not fireteam leader.
(Looks better in game, of course :/)
...and? This is just my opinion, I know many (possibly the majority) disagree.
Sword combat was extremely shallow. They would have to either implement a whole new combat system for the swords, or leave it as a gimmick and hopefully add a few more such things. Personally I would have preferred the latter (we got neither)
And sis!
This is disgusting.Loot From last Tues-today.
Vex Mythoclast
MIDA Multi Tool
Vision of Confluence
27 strange coins (18 from 2 character heroic runs, 9 more from nightfall. meh.). I need The Last Word from Xur!
Last piece of raid gear needed for level 30 (warlock helmet)
Grim Citizen III (From a blue)
Not too bad, was in a slump.
Yeah everyone still rocking shotties and auto-rifles. Maybe there will be another round of nerfs.
I did see one person rocking a pulse rifle. Well, to be fair, I dont know any pulse rifles so I might be dead wrong. Most likely I am absolutely wrong
Best way to get the 25 kill/death spread for Invictus? Only played two matches in The Crucible before, .80 KD both times.
Sorry Sunbreakers, this coat is TOO fucking sexy.
(Looks better in game, of course :/)
I see you joined Todd's side...You know what I'm gonna do? You can have it, nami. Then when you least expect it, I'm gonna push you off the edge to your death and take it for myself. Mwahahaha.
I was hoping the 3rd subclass for the Titan would have a sword like blade dancer. Then I saw the leaked subclasses. :,(
still holding out hope
I'm using a Pulse rifle. Nothing as good has dropped for me doing non raid non weekly heroic.
Which pulse rifle? I just recently started using Vision of Confluence myself. trying to branch out from just auto-rifles and handcannons
I see you joined Todd's side...
Okay, okay. I see how it is. You know this means war, right?
I was hoping the 3rd subclass for the Titan would have a sword like blade dancer. Then I saw the leaked subclasses. :,(
still holding out hope
You know I had to make a video after getting the Last Word to finally drop for me:
Good luck to those still looking for it, or any other exotic. May RNGesus bless you.
Went ahead and bought a vanguard legendary item just so I can reload my Last Word even faster now. I have not used another weapon for days now. I better switch it up a bit though before bungle catches on and hits it with the nerf bat.
I'll still protect you from Todd just so I can kill you myself. Watch your back.![]()
You know I had to make a video after getting the Last Word to finally drop for me:
Good luck to those still looking for it, or any other exotic. May RNGesus bless you.
Went ahead and bought a vanguard legendary item just so I can reload my Last Word even faster now. I have not used another weapon for days now. I better switch it up a bit though before bungle catches on and hits it with the nerf bat.
What do you mean? Weapon switching for reload animation cancelling or using perk ability from another weapon?
Nah, just gear with the "increased reload speed with hand cannons". Out of all the gear I've obtained, none of it had that perk so I ended up buying something from the vanguard.
My Gjallahorn is ready for tomorrow.
Just need to gather some more Helium and i can max it out.
Whaaat? That's an actual gear perk? I've only seen "extra ammo for handcannons". That's awesome.
2 needed for normal raid join Seep_UK
Found Verdict is pretty much what I use in PVP right now. I would like to use Invective but I prefer an exotic for my Primary.
Alright kids. After attempting to get a group together on destinylfg (lots of shady characters on there looking for money), I have decided to come here instead. My regular group has already run through hard for the week but I still have to do it.
So, tonight, 7pm ET, 6pm CT, I'd like to do a run through of the raid on hard on PS4.
Me: level 29 defender titan, completed the normal raid a few times and have cleared the gatekeeper part on hard. Will need an experienced team to help me out. I come with Hawkmoon, maxed Shadow Price, Ice Breaker, raid RL among other weapons.
If you are interested, please hit me back on this thread and I'll get a list together.Give me your PSN ID, level, and subclass and I'll hit you back with an FR. First come, first served with a preference to experienced level 30s.
1) GKW212 (me)
About the raid, is it still possible to do the Raid on normal until you reach Atheon and get the checkpoint so you can leave, come back and choose hard?
We've tried it minutes ago and the one person doing ot had to start at the beginning on hard. Was that already patched?
I have a couple of pieces of gear with that perk. Unfortunately, none of it is level 30 type gear. Makes a noticeable difference though.
I am in the luxury of both
Suros + Found Verdict
Shadow Price (Field scout lolz) + Invective.
Still need to upgrade FV though.
Sorry it's full now.PS4? Normal from the beginning?
Here is my warlock. This is how she will look until DLC drops with new gear, but until then she will look just like hundreds of other warlocks.
I don't feel unique or "Legend", too little variety in gear at end game.
One of my most wanted weapons. I really, really should have bought it when Xur had it. My top 3 most wanted currently:
1. Mythoclast (duh)
2. The Last Word and Gjallahorn tie
I got Vex this week, Gjallahorn from a raid chest, and the Last Word from Nightfall![]()
One of my most wanted weapons. I really, really should have bought it when Xur had it. My top 3 most wanted currently:
1. Mythoclast (duh)
2. The Last Word and Gjallahorn tie