Will you cheese? If so, can I join?Psn sucks for messaging , do you still need help?
Will you cheese? If so, can I join?Psn sucks for messaging , do you still need help?
The thing is, it's really easy to gear up when you have more than one of the same class. Having one 29 means having two 29's. Even if you hit 30 and have that extra class sitting the back, when it comes time for an expansion, you'll be able to do the same thing again and receive gear a lot faster, reducing the time to gear by weeks, and also receive greater mastery of that class. Since you're sharing gear you'll use less ascendant shards, allowing you to have a stock to use for new gear acquired, and you'll have more of those class specific upgrade items since you'll be likely acquiring more greens and blues relevant to the class you were playing at the time.
I say this having had 1 of each class then deleting one to make a second Warlock. I think I'll probably keep the 3rd slot for variety since having two slots of the same classes seems to speed up the receipt of gear well enough. The grind to make a new character really isn't that bad if you just are going for the daily bounties consistently.
I can't since I am a hunterWill you cheese? If so, can I join?
how many more hours until your online?
Just got Light/Beware from a legendary engram. Is it any good?
Sign me up! 29 Hunter, we are already friends on PSN, kuppii930.Alright kids. After attempting to get a group together on destinylfg (lots of shady characters on there looking for money), I have decided to come here instead. My regular group has already run through hard for the week but I still have to do it.
So, tonight, 7pm ET, 6pm CT, I'd like to do a run through of the raid on hard on PS4.
Me: level 29 defender titan, completed the normal raid a few times and have cleared the gatekeeper part on hard. Will need an experienced team to help me out. I come with Hawkmoon, maxed Shadow Price, Ice Breaker, raid RL among other weapons.
If you are interested, please hit me back on this thread and I'll get a list together.Give me your PSN ID, level, and subclass and I'll hit you back with an FR. First come, first served with a preference to experienced level 30s.
1) GKW212 (me)
2) Kor_of_Memory (29 titan)
3) x__xo__o (29 warlock)
4) PaulKersey (29 titan)
5) T_urdburger (29 titan)
If your goal is to reach level 30 as fast as possible, if definitely makes sense. I just don't think there's much to gain by reaching 30 as fast as possible, at least not so much that it's worth missing out on the other classes. This game doesn't have a lot of content yet, so just trying to reach level 30 with all three classes keeps me entertained. Right now I have one level 30 and two level 29s. If I was all the same class, and thus all level 30s, I'm not sure what I'd do anymore.
I've seen it a few times but people complaining about the "loot system" is very strange to me.
The game is up and down nearly an MMO in all of its game mechanics...
and coming from an MMO, the "loot system" is exactly how it should be. It's not Diablo where you're just swimming in loot. It's all about just doing the end game content and hoping you get the drop you want (without worrying about splitting the loot up amongst others).
lol, what game are you playing? We have a choice of shotguns (op), fusion rifles (mega op if you have thumbs) and sniper rifles... and you are complaining about the snipers!Actually it still wouldn't bother me as much as the snipers in this game since using hand cannons actually takes skill instead of hiding across the whole map and shooting someone in the foot for a one shot kill.
You know I had to make a video after getting the Last Word to finally drop for me:
Good luck to those still looking for it, or any other exotic. May RNGesus bless you.
I've seen it a few times but people complaining about the "loot system" is very strange to me.
The game is up and down nearly an MMO in all of its game mechanics...
and coming from an MMO, the "loot system" is exactly how it should be. It's not Diablo where you're just swimming in loot. It's all about just doing the end game content and hoping you get the drop you want (without worrying about splitting the loot up amongst others).
I've seen it a few times but people complaining about the "loot system" is very strange to me.
The game is up and down nearly an MMO in all of its game mechanics...
and coming from an MMO, the "loot system" is exactly how it should be. It's not Diablo where you're just swimming in loot. It's all about just doing the end game content and hoping you get the drop you want (without worrying about splitting the loot up amongst others).
Nice to see I'm not the only one thinking thisI've seen it a few times but people complaining about the "loot system" is very strange to me.
The game is up and down nearly an MMO in all of its game mechanics...
and coming from an MMO, the "loot system" is exactly how it should be. It's not Diablo where you're just swimming in loot. It's all about just doing the end game content and hoping you get the drop you want (without worrying about splitting the loot up amongst others).
Just got Light/Beware from a legendary engram. Is it any good?
I agree that this is what Bungie did wrong. However this isn't the complaint I hear repeated over and over on GAF, my friends list and elsewhere. When most people complain about loot in this game they are referring specifically to the raid not giving them exactly what they want, because they deserve to be 30 NOW, damnit.The complaints aren't about the loot system, as much as they are about loot tables.
I would love it if I knew that I could go to 1 of 6 specific strikes with a chance of getting 2 or 3 specific pieces of gear that I need.
I think back to WoW vanilla. 1 dungeon had boots, 1 had helmets, 1 had chest pieces, 1 had legs, etc...
In Destiny, it doesn't matter where you go or what you do 99% of the time, everything you get is a random drop. The only exception is the final boss of the raid actually has a loot table. Which is so odd to me. It's like they're aware the concept exists, but didn't want to apply it anywhere else.
How much happier would everyone be if you knew that
-20% to drop a legendary primary weapon engram.
-20% to drop gloves for all classes based around strength.
-20% to drop a legendary special weapon engram.
-20% chance to drop boots for all classes based around int
-20% to drop a legendary heavy weapon engram
-20% chance to drop gloves based on strenght
Of course, this also only works if I can actually queue up the appropriate level of the strike I want to do. Which is a whole different issue, but obviously ties in.
lol, what game are you playing? We have a choice of shotguns (op), fusion rifles (mega op if you have thumbs) and sniper rifles... and you are complaining about the snipers!
Almost other than the Venus strikes being split up with the Mars in the middle. Guessing moon strike will be here tomorrow as well.Do the weekly/nightfall strikes go in order? Is Phogoth pretty much confirmed for next week?
Done with the Thorn bounty till tomorrow. Otherwise I'll lose my sanity.
Yes sir I do!
Added you!
Added you too!
4 in, 2 to go.
Turdburger, you mean later as in how many hours from now? Just to know.
Almost other than the Venus strikes being split up with the Mars in the middle. Guessing moon strike will be here tomorrow as well.
Heh I've finished the raid like 5 times normal 3 times hard.Got the Vex on Sunday. Told myself I would quit if I got no raid gear after this week. Feels like so long I've been 29 and still no piece, and in reality it has been. Mythoclast saved your ass Bungie.
Every sniper is 2 hit kill in crucible. Or 1 headshot. Very few maps are large enough to make snipers beneficial (I use them for fun, I would do better with Shottie or FR or even nothing in most games.You still have to actually aim a shotgun and fusion rifle (while having to charge it too) and get in close to use them. That's the risk to go along with the reward. You're completely open to supers and other people using those guns.
But where's the risk to snipers? Hiding across a map with a sniper rifle that delivers one shot kills regardless of where you hit them is one of the most pathetic ways to score kills in this game. Especially with the ridiculous aim assist.
Yeah I really like it. Best Legendary fusion gun I've used. Not sure if there is better.
Just got Light/Beware from a legendary engram. Is it any good?
Yeah but I think the ricochet is the big deal here. Haven't bothered upgrading mine yet... have 2 of them now.Hard Light has a perk that says it overpenetrates enemies. Does this mean I can line up a bunch of adds and just shoot through all of them?
The 3 waves section is the hardest part... until of course they "fix" the phogoth encounter. But yeah, I wouldn't do it solo either though it is doable. I have no idea how you beat the last encounter solo without using the entrance.Thanks. I don't think I'll be able to solo that one.
Yeah I really like it. Best Legendary fusion gun I've used. Not sure if there is better.
Heh I've finished the raid like 5 times normal 3 times hard.
Zero raid gear but I did get vex....the week they destroyed it.
Yeah but I think the ricochet is the big deal here. Haven't bothered upgrading mine yet... have 2 of them now.
The 3 waves section is the hardest part... until of course they "fix" the phogoth encounter. But yeah, I wouldn't do it solo either though it is doable. I have no idea how you beat the last encounter solo without using the entrance.
Every sniper is 2 hit kill in crucible. Or 1 headshot. Very few maps are large enough to make snipers beneficial (I use them for fun, I would do better with Shottie or FR or even nothing in most games.
And shotguns take more skill to aim than snipers? Ok.
I haven't seen the ricochet in use but from what people say it makes it sound like it just constantly bounces around until it hits a target. Could be useful in tight quarters... but like I said, mine doesn't even have the first upgrade so I haven't tried it personally.I have never seen the point of ricochet. Over penetrating seems to be the big thing here. In the VoG you can mow down those waves of fanatics.
That really sucks and is why leveling should not be linked with RNG. I got my chest, gloves and boots by my fifth normal raid. It sucks for others who haven't gotten their gear