Anyone want to kick Xyors ass?
Heh I've finished the raid like 5 times normal 3 times hard.
Zero raid gear but I did get vex....the week they destroyed it.
I've seen it a few times but people complaining about the "loot system" is very strange to me.
The game is up and down nearly an MMO in all of its game mechanics...
and coming from an MMO, the "loot system" is exactly how it should be. It's not Diablo where you're just swimming in loot. It's all about just doing the end game content and hoping you get the drop you want (without worrying about splitting the loot up amongst others).
Pisses me off.That really sucks and is why leveling should not be linked with RNG. I got my chest, gloves and boots by my fifth normal raid. It sucks for others who haven't gotten their gear
Alright kids. After attempting to get a group together on destinylfg (lots of shady characters on there looking for money), I have decided to come here instead. My regular group has already run through hard for the week but I still have to do it.
So, tonight, 7pm ET, 6pm CT, I'd like to do a run through of the raid on hard on PS4.
Me: level 29 defender titan, completed the normal raid a few times and have cleared the gatekeeper part on hard. Will need an experienced team to help me out. I come with Hawkmoon, maxed Shadow Price, Ice Breaker, raid RL among other weapons.
If you are interested, please hit me back on this thread and I'll get a list together.Give me your PSN ID, level, and subclass and I'll hit you back with an FR. First come, first served with a preference to experienced level 30s.
1) GKW212 (me)
2) Kor_of_Memory (29 titan)
3) x__xo__o (29 warlock)
4) PaulKersey (29 titan)
5) T_urdburger (29 titan)
Interesting new video from Datto about exotics and how easy it is to acquire them:
I agree with a lot about it and I've been thinking about it everytime Xur goes up or when someone gets an exotic randomly from PvP. There's no sense of accomplishment at all and I couldn't care less about what people are using or wearing. I always think "oh yeah, he bought that like everyone else". Suros being the prime example. Nothing significant about that rifle, it could just as well have been a blue weapon type.
Exotic bounties are a great idea but they should be hard as hell. Or at least challenges that took dedication and a lot of time to accomplish. I actually like the Thorn bounty, even though it's not the greatest. But it makes me think that the people using it actually took their time to go through something rather challenging.
Yep. Not gonna be able to solo Weekly level 28 with my level 27 warlock.
Need a 28 or higher to help out.
Thorn is so much better than people think it is. If you're someone who knows the maps and don't rush into fights with multiple people you can really do damage with it in PVP. I just started using it in PVP, it's upgraded just past the DOT perk and I'm getting kills from fleeing enimies and assists like crazy.
I don't understand how folks can defend this broken loot system. I am tired of trying to get 'wires' for my Hunter. For those that don't know, when Hunters dismantle their armor we get wires.
Problem is the stupid game refuses to spawn Green orbs for me to dismantle. This is bullshit
My friends are dropping this game left & right. Thankfully, may fellow gaffers are sticking with this game so I still have company. You guys make this game fun (not Bungie)
Now everything else about the loot system might be normal MMO fare. It's even more generous I'd say. But it is messed up I am not getting crappy greens at the very least to dismantle. Broken!!!
Just did. If doesn't go through, I set my thing for you to join.Invite meh.
I've been doing great with it without needing extra shots. My post wasn't saying it was the best HC in the game simply that it's better than I was lead to believe reading posts about it. I have and prefer The Last Word to it but I was pretty suprised that it wasn't absolute garbage in PVP.It really achieves nothing that you can't get better out of a 12-13 round HC, the DoT is nice, but I'll take 6 more bullets and probably a faster reload on some random lucky blue. The Devil You Know shits on it from a far height, and has great perks straight from the vendor.
Except not everyone bought it. I got mine last week as a raid reward-- it's certainly in the eye of the user. And I like Xur as an option when you really want something but it doesn't drop. It's good to know I've got a shot at the Gjallerhorn if it shows up at Xur again because I could go forever without it dropping naturally for me...I always think "oh yeah, he bought that like everyone else". Suros being the prime example. Nothing significant about that rifle, it could just as well have been a blue weapon type.
So my Destiny conundrum:
I just unlocked all the slots on my Raid Chest and I have the exact amount of shards needed to max it out which would make me lvl 30. The problem is I want Praxic Fire and I don't know how long it'll take to get another 21 shards. I have this gut feeling Praxic will be there this weekend too. I'm thinking just stay put and collect shards and if I get it to the point where I could max both chests, go ahead and do it. I might be far more tempted if Xur doesn't bring Praxic this weekend... I think he will though, too soon to bring Sunbreakers back yet, did helmet last weekend and the other chest the one before, no exotic boots for lock...Surely it's Praxic's turn to shine!
I've been doing great with it without needing extra shots. My post wasn't saying it was the best HC in the game simply that it's better than I was lead to believe reading posts about it. I have and prefer The Last Word to it but I was pretty suprised that it wasn't absolute garbage in PVP.
Except not everyone bought it. I got mine last week as a raid reward-- it's certainly in the eye of the user. And I like Xur as an option when you really want something but it doesn't drop. It's good to know I've got a shot at the Gjallerhorn if it shows up at Xur again because I could go forever without it dropping naturally for me.
Can anyone help me with the last part of thorn?
Doing the moon strike and killing the wizard Xyor?
Can anyone help me with the last part of thorn?
Doing the moon strike and killing the wizard Xyor?
I had a similar back in forth in one of the other threads about Super Good Advice. I'm not one of those players who has to have "the best gun" I use the other guns because I find them interesting and they force me to play differently. I find the game less monotonous when I do this. Also my KDR was about the same using Thorn so I don't really feel like I was gimping myself.But why gimp yourself? It's still not going to make you as effective as a ton of other options in the game.
I can assist you PSN iRAWRasaurus. I should have enough time before my food gets here
Question about public events. Do you only get ascendent materials once from each one? I haven't got any in like 7/8 events. Was trying to farm them, went good at first. But now I never get anything.
It really achieves nothing that you can't get better out of a 12-13 round HC, the DoT is nice, but I'll take 6 more bullets and probably a faster reload on some random lucky blue. The Devil You Know shits on it from a far height, and has great perks straight from the vendor.
Do strikes, you get plenty of engrams during and after...I have close to a 1,000 wire, wish they'd add some kind of material exchange.
For some reason I can't see you on PSN.
Add me at Jignxs
I had a similar back in forth in one of the other threads about Suoer Good Advice. I'm not one of those players who has to have "the best gun" I use the other guns because I find them interesting and they force me to play differently. I find the game less monotonous when I do this. Also my KDR was about the same using Thorn so I don't really feel like I was gimping myself.
I try to avoid strikes. I wished Crucible granted more green loot. It's like god damn Bungie I am L27. I just want some greens from crucible, world mobs, & raid. Don't force me into strikes![]()
Another day, another destiny
It's total bullshit the exotic bounties involve playing several PVP matches, which is something I'm never going to do. I deleted the whole goddam bounty. I wish I had known beforehand what it involved, so I wouldn't have had to waste my time on those five Strikes it gave me first. I truly loathe how Bungie is trying to force PVE players to enter the PVP battlefield by also locking five of the vendors out of their reach.
Just found the suros from the crucible... Wow.
although I like this one person's reasoning with the 5 vendors. You can farm 100+ materials an hour and just do non-stop turns ins for your crucible rep/marks and never touch PVP. If you're good enough to do 150+ mats an hour it's better/faster than pvp (not including pvp bounties for rep)
For new page.
Need a good team for hard raid gatekeeper checkpoint, would like to finish before the reset, don't care if we cheese Atheon after, there will be lots of time to do it the normal way after the patch, just want to finish it today.
PSN babyghost853.
I try to avoid strikes. I wished Crucible granted more green loot. It's like god damn Bungie I am L27. I just want some greens from crucible, world mobs, & raid. Don't force me into strikes![]()
Added you, I'm at gatekeeper also.