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Destiny |OT8| Whine and Cheese

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OMG,I just got Patience and Time from a legendary special weapon engram I got from Rahool!!!!


The Last Word and Patience and Time both received within 10 minutes of each other. RNGesus has accepted my offerings.

My mates are going to be raging, they each have 3 characters of the same class but they barely have an Raid gear or exotic weapons, whilst I have only one one character and I got full raid gear and nearly every exotic weapon in the game lol

EDIT:WTF is up with the constant disconnects from Destiny?! Caterpillar can fuck off.


As the end of the cheese draws near, the hunger causes people to turn on each other. The threat of no loot through difficult mechanics is a harsh one, causing much fear and gnashing of teeth.

Lol. I want to do this twice before patch and we've been at it for a while.

Right. Be cool if I'd had a message before the kick. Could have explained.

It's ok though, I'll find another group. Hope you guys manage it.

Sorry man, been having way too many who say they can do it and then just sit in. No personal offense meant but I just want to get it over with.
As the end of the cheese draws near, the hunger causes people to turn on each other. The threat of no loot through difficult mechanics is a harsh one, causing much fear and gnashing of teeth.

The reason why I've never tried hard Raid and will probably never will. The game is already reaching borderline non-enjoyment for me after 8 normal raids and zero armor drops.


Can I grab it from you? Even if they patch the cheese the fight isn't terribly hard anyway

I'm on right now if you can do it

Team I have now wants to do it asap, but they will do again with the other character, I will take the checkpoint and look for GAF people for the second, hang in there


As the end of the cheese draws near, the hunger causes people to turn on each other. The threat of no loot through difficult mechanics is a harsh one, causing much fear and gnashing of teeth.

Lmao I was sulking like a motherfucker the sunday after I found out Xur sold Ice Breaker and I missed it. My GF was hatin on me so hard for that too.


Yessssss. Just hit Level 26, I'm raid ready. Need to herd my friends together at the same time now.

Finally got my Vanguard up to Level 2, bought myself a legendary chest, gauntlets and boots, dropped all 13 of my strange coins on Xur for a ridiculous exotic helmet (Light Beyond Nemesis, its has feathers! I look amazing) so I'm feeling pretty swish.

Also, finally got a a couple of legendary weapon decodes, the Red Hand IX handcannon and Unfriendly Giant Rocket Launcher. I was never a fan of hand cannons, but this one has converted me to their awesomeness. Something deeply satisfying about the noise and recoil, its become my most favoured primary.

I'm still looking for a decent legendary auto rifle though, looking like I have my sights set on Shadow Price at the Vaguard Quartermaster. Need to get Vanguard to Rank 3 first though.

I've also just realised how much farming I'm going to have to do to upgrade my armour, looks like I'm going to be on the moon a lot hunting for Helium Filaments....

Deku Tree

I'm gonna try the Raid one more week and if I don't get any boots, I'm done with it for now. The amount of time for each session is not worth it. I'll probably keep playing Crucible to rank up my faction and buy their greaves instead. At least I actually have fun in PVP.

But you just bought your Sony gold headset...


Finally got my third armor piece so I can hit 30 after clearing every week since the first VoG was open. I'm not sure at this point if I still wanna go back in there for the small chance at the helm.


Died at the point I would have sworn I knocked Atheon down, found myself with a Chatterwhite and some Ass Shards in the inventory, so I guess it worked. That's all I had to show for it though.


How do you keep getting checkpoint so fast?

Well, the first one, Hard, I found a guy that was handing them out in masses on Destiny LFG.

The second one, Normal, was a group of people asking someone to cheese normal for them. So I volunteered to try. However as I had no mic, and the party leader started messaging me while I entered the instance, they started to whine that I had no idea what I was doing.

Pretty ridiculous but whatever, I ended up with the checkpoint. Would have liked them to give me atleast a few tries before getting judging me, but meh.

Does anyone know the level requirement for VoG Hard?


Is there any cheese to go with the nightfall this week? Don't think I've done summoning pits yet on nightfall.

Well you can camp in the entrance room and slowly pick them off, or there's the rock in the back left. Also if a few people on your team have the icebreaker you can perma-stun Phogath by shooting him in his crit spot and alternating with a teammate.


429/500 Void Crucible kills for Thorn. This bounty is sick. I'm almost done with this part thankfully.

Is the Summoning Pits hidden boss hard?


Is the Summoning Pits hidden boss hard?

I did it as level 30 and fucker rekt my face in hard few times. Luckily I play Warlock so sunbro build came to rescue.

Also friend as safetynet hanging at entrance, just in case.

Bungie saying it's for level 26 is bullshit.


Gjallarhorned my way to Phagoth before work and got killed from across the room by the most perfect Knight blast in history. It's probably for the best; RNGesus is grumpy in the mornings in my experience. He probably would have given me exotic Warlock gauntlets or something else I couldn't use.

E92 M3

If your like me and you tried for several weeks in a row with no raid helm and no vex mytho... Then all you missed out on was trying...

I did it legit once for the sake of posterity and got the vex lol. But don't worry i've been stuck at 29!

29 if you actually want to stay alive decently.

There is no patch notes up so I would say patch isn't either. Still time to enjoy some wine and cheese with Atheon.

I'm at work lol, don't want to get jealous haha.
429/500 Void Crucible kills for Thorn. This bounty is sick. I'm almost done with this part thankfully.

Is the Summoning Pits hidden boss hard?

I did it together with another Defender Titan. We both had Armor of Light and extra orbs of light on our bubbles, we managed to do it pretty quickly.


Gjallarhorned my way to Phagoth before work and got killed from across the room by the most perfect Knight blast in history. It's probably for the best; RNGesus us grumpy in the mornings in my experience. He probably would have given me exotic Warlock gauntlets or something else I couldn't use.

So what's the secret to keeping ammo stocked for Rocket Launchers? Even with ammo packs, the cooldown sucks ass.


Well you can camp in the entrance room and slowly pick them off, or there's the rock in the back left. Also if a few people on your team have the icebreaker you can perma-stun Phogath by shooting him in his crit spot and alternating with a teammate.
I thought if you camped at the entrance a shrieker would spawn on top of you?
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