are you guys cheesing this week's atheon? or last week;s?
are you guys cheesing this week's atheon? or last week;s?
For 30 you need 4 x raid gear or 3 x raid plus one exotic right?
YesFor 30 you need 4 x raid gear or 3 x raid plus one exotic right?
This week, it's still not patched yet.
It's so crazy how very cheesable almost every part of the raid is right now.
I can join you in five or ten minutes. I've cheese Atheon sveral times. Level 29 sunbro. Ps4 dekubleep
oh shit i'd like to get it on this!
psn milkham if anyone has room
I can join you in five or ten minutes. I've cheese Atheon sveral times. Level 29 sunbro. Ps4 dekubleep
And the oracles.Just Templar and Atheon right?
Join in on me Jignxs right now cause im gonna do it in a few mins
Anyone doing the hard mode raid now on PS4? Lvl 29 Hunter. Max Ice Breaker and Atheon's Epilogue. PSN: Tekneek007
I don't even care that they're getting rid of the cheese for atheon, he's pretty easy to take down normally. But adding in random teleportation? There's pretty much no strategy now, no one has set roles. You need 4 people prepared to potentially pick up the relic and everyone will have to be comfortable with both dodging supplicants and taking down oracles. Very dumb idea to "fix" that. How about fixing the numerous bugs with the portals? Or how the relic shield sometimes glitches out? The raid is so glitchy, yet they chose to fix these strategies that people discovered and were not bugs.
I don't even care that they're getting rid of the cheese for atheon, he's pretty easy to take down normally. But adding in random teleportation? There's pretty much no strategy now, no one has set roles. You need 4 people prepared to potentially pick up the relic and everyone will have to be comfortable with both dodging supplicants and taking down oracles. Very dumb idea to "fix" that. How about fixing the numerous bugs with the portals? Or how the relic shield sometimes glitches out? The raid is so glitchy, yet they chose to fix these strategies that people discovered and were not bugs.
Yeah I think he got it the wrong way round. Enemies up top need to be killed or forced to jump down. Enemies on the ground arent a problem and you want as many alive as possible. Any Knights that berzerk are actually a bonus as they will just stand around doing nothing. Note that many acolytes also have those cannons so even they can't be left up top.
Kill too many = wizards spawn, good luck with that
Run laps if you have to, but whatever you do don't head back into the entrance
So what's the best strategy for beating the gatekeepers on hard raid?
Bah! I want to cheese him again so bad... On hard that is. Feel disappointed with the rewards.
Anyone got a checkpoint on hard? In an hour or so on XBONE?
Send me a message if you get a checkpoint. BlueNinja BE.
Bah! I want to cheese him again so bad... On hard that is. Feel disappointed with the rewards.
Anyone got a checkpoint on hard? In an hour or so on XBONE?
Is the patch dropping today? How has this not happened already.
they not fixed it?
I may have the checkpoint soon. I have two characters I would like to do this with.
Why are we still playing it? Seriously.
It's honestly a shame.It's so crazy how very cheesable almost every part of the raid is right now.
It still feels like they're trying to slow people down.Yeah Bungie's thought process is ass backwards. I can step through a portal and have it glitch out and theres no fix. But having 3 people with dedicated roles is a glitch that warrants fixing?
The amount of cheese is really hilarious. I'm laughing hard everytime I enter this thread. I've never seen a loot based game being exploited this much. At least not this early on.
I think it speaks volumes about the actual content and the repetition and randomness to it. Why are we still playing it? Seriously.
The game can be fun, but that goddamn RNG.