Matchmaking is so fucking stupid. Can I please get on the good team for once. Just one time id like to be on the team that gets positive ratios and stop having to backpack scrubs. This has never been this big of an issue for me in other games. I get way too fucking salty even though I'm doing good.
Its getting to the point that I dont even want to play unless I have a firearm in advance.
Also, why are people this ludicrously bad? I cant even communicate with them to tell them to capture fucking zones instead of standing just outside them for who knows what reason.
The salt is too fucking real. Not only do I get no rewards for being best on the team but I also get to lose. This is seemingly the only thing that isnt random in this game, "put risk on the shit team, he's trying to have a little fun before work. If he complains on gaf, just keep putting him into a game thats ongoing with no chance of a comeback."
Finally free for a hard raid run... complete run.
I'm down to start from scratch! Lv29 Titan
PSN: joshcbrugby
Yes, you can get it even if he teleports around.
This was me about 5 days ago, and then I started playing Skirmish if none of my friends were online.
It sounded like a terrible idea, but here I am, 40 some games later with a 91% win rate. I've won games as a 2v3, I even came back from a 700 point trail as a 1v3 when my only other teammate dropped out.
using Fatebringer in Nightfall with Arc Burn on is gonna feel like
Skirmish is my new favorite gametype. You only have to deal with maybe one shitty teammate, and if you're good enough, you make up the difference.
For example, a game I recently won:
Were at Phogoth. Psn Stfndt. Please help us out someone!
Is Vision of Confluence good enough for PvP for me to fully upgrade as a primary? I have it upgraded to stability and am wondering if it would be good for Iron Banner?
Don't run into the final room. Shoot Phogoth from the small room, run to the corridor behind you when the Shrieker spawns and hide against the doorframe so you can't be shot at, wait for the Shrieker and the Wizards/Knights to disappear, then go back and shoot Phogoth again.Were at Phogoth. Psn Stfndt. Please help us out someone!
PSn is such a disgusting slow service. Unbelievable.
Sorry i just added someone elseI'll come but I gotta switch weapons from vault real quick
Zew, we need a crucible crew to go with our raid crew. I was starting to think you guys didn't play crucible.Skirmish is my new favorite gametype. You only have to deal with maybe one shitty teammate, and if you're good enough, you make up the difference.
For example, a game I recently won:
Skirmish is my new favorite gametype. You only have to deal with maybe one shitty teammate, and if you're good enough, you make up the difference.
For example, a game I recently won:
God, I love this movie.using Fatebringer in Nightfall with Arc Burn on is gonna feel like
I have the cracker (Atheon spawn), looking for some cheese (Sunsingers). I'm a level 27 titan, so I won't be able to help.
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
I have the cracker (Atheon spawn), looking for some cheese (Sunsingers). I'm a level 27 titan, so I won't be able to help.
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
The patch fell off the ledge
Thanks! Feel much better now, even my chances are purely based on Bungie RNG
The rats(bungie) devoured(hotfixed) the(definite article) cheese(sunsingers) didn't(did not) they(bungie)?
Not yet.
Gah! This game needs trading so badly. It's hard to complain too much after cheesing it but still, when I go through the raid properly on normal tomorrow I'm pretty sure I'll get nothing of any use for another week.
PS4 Normal Vault of Glass
Front to Back (Expect roughly 90 minutes-ish)
When: 8pm PST, 5pm EST (AKA 3 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory (29 Titan)
2) aMadTeaParty7 (29 Warlock)
3) Ratsult2 (29 Warlock)
4) JPBrowncoat (28 Hunter) *First Timer
Have two slots to fill, anyone is welcome to join, don't really care about level (within reason), class, or spec.
PS4 Normal Vault of Glass
Front to Back (Expect roughly 90 minutes-ish)
When: 8pm PST, 5pm EST (AKA 3 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory (29 Titan)
2) aMadTeaParty7 (29 Warlock)
3) Ratsult2 (29 Warlock)
4) JPBrowncoat (28 Hunter) *First Timer
EDIT: I'm in if you have room. Maybe we can do a little better than last night's hard mode.
Have two slots to fill, anyone is welcome to join, don't really care about level (within reason), class, or spec.
I think you mean 8pm EST, 5pm PST?
I think you mean 8pm EST, 5pm PST?
PS4 Normal Vault of Glass
Front to Back (Expect roughly 90 minutes-ish)
When: 5pm PST, 8pm EST (AKA 3 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory (29 Titan)
2) aMadTeaParty7 (29 Warlock)
3) Ratsult2 (29 Warlock)
4) JPBrowncoat (28 Hunter) *First Timer
Have two slots to fill, anyone is welcome to join, don't really care about level (within reason), class, or spec.
PS4 Normal Vault of Glass
Front to Back (Expect roughly 90 minutes-ish)
When: 5pm PST, 8pm EST (AKA 3 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory (29 Titan)
2) aMadTeaParty7 (29 Warlock)
3) Ratsult2 (29 Warlock)
4) JPBrowncoat (28 Hunter) *First Timer
Have two slots to fill, anyone is welcome to join, don't really care about level (within reason), class, or spec.
Same shit happened to me yesterday. Soloed the daily, a fellow gaffer joins at last second. He had 0 kills, 0 assists, didnt even fire a shot. He got a legendary and I got a blue...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Only level 4 so far, but man, warlock melee is so much better than titan. :O
Heh. I can get behind that desciption."Carried" just doesn't quite convey the feeling here. I think you kicked your teammates over the goalposts.
I'm down. I know Trak and X usually are as well.Zew, we need a crucible crew to go with our raid crew. I was starting to think you guys didn't play crucible.
It's great isn't it?
It did throw me off when I realized the other day that they took away the +50 points for revives, though.
PS4 Normal Vault of Glass
Front to Back (Expect roughly 90 minutes-ish)
When: 5pm PST, 8pm EST (AKA 3 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory (29 Titan)
2) aMadTeaParty7 (29 Warlock)
3) Ratsult2 (29 Warlock)
4) JPBrowncoat (28 Hunter) *First Timer
5) GWK212 (29 Titan)
6) Arthr2ShdsJcksn (27 Warlock) *First Timer
Have two slots to fill, anyone is welcome to join, don't really care about level (within reason), class, or spec.
I do wish I could turn off or have to accept revives. Some teammates don't realize just because a prompt is telling you to press a button, doesn't mean you have to. I get revived into some terrible situations.