None of my messages are loading on PSN. Got one from Sn1cky and one from iRAWRasaurus.
It takes a long ass time for any message to pop up for me. I got your message but its not showing up.
None of my messages are loading on PSN. Got one from Sn1cky and one from iRAWRasaurus.
Another week of not getting raid boots for my hunter. Almost been 2 months
After playing some PvP with Bladedancer I'm even more baffled by people who claim that it's easy to counter and requires skill / timing to be effective.
It's like putting Godmode on before rekking enemy teams face in. Hell I was blinded by flashbang [unable to aim my attacks etc.], but I just kept tapping attack button for dancing. When I was able to see again I just had rekt in 5 players faces and bodies were all around and apart, not clustered.
Auto aim on that shit is insane good.
Im looking to build a static on wednesday nights around 8pm cst. I have 3 well equipped and experienced guys. We all have alts so we will do primary hard runs and alt normal runs/hard runs. If anyone is interested add gatti-man on ps4. We also do runs sundays off and on and late tuesday night around 11pm central standard time.
A blind nova bomb or blind fists of havok would have been just as devastating.
Im looking to build a static on wednesday nights around 8pm cst. I have 3 well equipped and experienced guys. We all have alts so we will do primary hard runs and alt normal runs/hard runs. If anyone is interested add gatti-man on ps4. We also do runs sundays off and on and late tuesday night around 11pm central standard time.
I could join you. 9pm est on Wednesdays or 8pm car (the same) is perfect timing for me. Level 29 warlock. Played with you before. Been through all parts of the hard raid.
Is Vex really bad in PVP now or were people just whining because it's not super OP?? I just got it and rekt with it totally unupgraded. Seemed fine.
Trying to set up a group:
1. saveweyard
2. iRAWRasaurus
3. Temidien
4. (potentially reserved)
Respond here if you want in.
Is Vex really bad in PVP now or were people just whining because it's not super OP?? I just got it and rekt with it totally unupgraded. Seemed fine.
Trying to set up a group:
1. saveweyard
2. iRAWRasaurus
3. Temidien
4. (potentially reserved)
Respond here if you want in.
Trying to set up a group:
1. saveweyard
2. iRAWRasaurus
3. Temidien
4. (potentially reserved)
Respond here if you want in.
We forgive you, Math. We forgive you.
I would love to join that group. Wednesdays at that time would be perfect. I'm pretty much always available then. Sunday nights are usually great for me and I usually don't get on until late on Tuesdays so that works perfect for me as well. PSN is MrJellyBean. We raided this past weekend. Hit level 30 yesterday as well.
Trying to set up a group:
1. saveweyard
2. iRAWRasaurus
3. Temidien
4. (potentially reserved)
Respond here if you want in.
After playing some PvP with Bladedancer I'm even more baffled by people who claim that it's easy to counter and requires skill / timing to be effective.
It's like putting Godmode on before rekking enemy teams face in. Hell I was blinded by flashbang [unable to aim my attacks etc.], but I just kept tapping attack button for dancing. When I was able to see again I just had rekt in 5 players faces and bodies were all around and apart, not clustered.
Auto aim on that shit is insane good.
What's your PSN? Im definitely in.
This means so much to me. *sniff*We forgive you, Math. We forgive you.
Trying to set up a group:
1. saveweyard
2. iRAWRasaurus
3. Temidien
4. Cocaloch
5. casmith7509
Respond here if you want in.
Aw yeah mr jelly. Thats cool. Same dudes i brought too. Ok well i just need 1 more and we are set or that lvl 30 friend of a friend. That will be easy to pick up 1 more.
I got 2 ass energyCompleted Nightfall after several failed attempts, and all I got was shards and a legendary void sniper. Fuck!
it's not OP and it's not the best weapon in the game anymore, but it's stlil good in PvP.
29 Titan looking to do nightfall. PS4: Mazre_
It's promised to get buff that will make it games best PvE weapon, like it should be.
Why should it be like that? That's boring. All exotics should be balanced and a legitimate choice.
Awesome. That was a great group. You pretty much couldn't have mentioned any better nights for me to do raids so I had to jump on that static. Now I just need to get some better weapons for Hard raid. RNG has not been very kind to me for weapons like it has for raid gear.
29 Titan looking to do nightfall. PS4: Mazre_
this is the reward for beating the hardest content though. it should be better than the others to an extent - not how it was, but more than it is now.