6pm hard mode is go. Where my folks at?
Kind of wish I had taken today off, hopefully I can snag an Atheon HM checkpoint in about 2 hours and open a bottle of wine to go with the cheese.
MADGAME. Add Wretched_Walrus to your friends list. I gotta go.
I can't get PSN to add him for whatever reason.
The outlook of the community cracks me up, "Oh man, once they patch the cheese out, I'm done." While I understand it's because there's really no point anymore for many who have cheesed fondue'd the entire raid for the gear they want. But It's a distinct difference from what I'm used to in other MMO's. Yes it's partially about loot, but for many it's the challenge, comradery and process they care about. Obviously in any MMO people are going to seek to exploit in order to make encounters easier, but I've never seen it to this scale. Yes it's Bungie's fault almost exclusively. but it worries me the community isn't ready for this kind of content, and going forward it's going to be significantly dumbed down to appease the communities majority. I wanted the Hard Mode to be harder, or at least as hard as it will be now originally. It's a step forward in the right direction, albeit far too late. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how Bungie does with the next raid etc.
Nightfall. PS4. EvilKalamari.
I'm in. Feel free to send me a Friend Request on PSN. The name is the same as my GAF name.
Sending it, I won't be using my mic but we can do this pretty easily if we just stick to the safe areas
add PSN keltin99 (anytime you are free)![]()
Where is the agent of nine guy? I see him when I first played the game now I don't see his ass anymore.
6pm hard mode is go. Where my folks at?
Good game. Really smooth for the most part. Thanks again!
Darryl I could use a body for Nightfall and weekly. Wanna join me again?No problem and yea no real trouble with the nightfall. If you have an alt that can run it let me know I will be running my alt soon.
i am going to jump in. Do you have a 3rd? Lvl 29 Warlock Nick_or_Dawood
Level 28 Hunter looking for help completing full raid on Hard, or at the least Atheon. Have run the raid several times on Normal, am familiar with most strategies, and will do my best not to get in the way of any veterans able to help a lowly 28! If you have a spot open or are willing to join my struggle, I will forever include you in my prayers to our Lord, RNGesus.
PS4: Temidien
(Ill be online in about 15 min, driving home now, feel free to reply here or send me an invite on PSN in the meantime)
God I wanted the Hawkmoon and you get it, but you already have one!
If that Redit interview was to be believed, they opted for the more casual, accessible route rather than a more pure MMO one. All about that money and I expect Activision weighed more heavily in this regard than Bungie.The outlook of the community cracks me up, "Oh man, once they patch the cheese out, I'm done." While I understand it's because there's really no point anymore for many who have cheesed fondue'd the entire raid for the gear they want. But It's a distinct difference from what I'm used to in other MMO's. Yes it's partially about loot, but for many it's the challenge, comradery and process they care about. Obviously in any MMO people are going to seek to exploit in order to make encounters easier, but I've never seen it to this scale. Yes it's Bungie's fault almost exclusively. but it worries me the community isn't ready for this kind of content, and going forward it's going to be significantly dumbed down to appease the communities majority. I wanted the Hard Mode to be harder, or at least as hard as it will be now originally. It's a step forward in the right direction, albeit far too late. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how Bungie does with the next raid etc.
Darryl I could use a body for Nightfall and weekly. Wanna join me again?
I'm gonna be a few minutes. Bear with me, ps4 is acting weird. I'll toss you an invite in a couple minutes.Yea do you still need me? Whats your psn?
Looking for 5 more to do a normal raid now.
People who are new to the raid are welcome, I'm experienced and willing to help anyone go through it. PSN Jignxs
1) Jignxs
2) Rubenov25 (28 Sunbro experienced)
I'm gonna be a few minutes. Bear with me, ps4 is acting weird. I'll toss you an invite in a couple minutes.
Not online?Still looking for one more but Greenymac's fireteam blasts off between 6:10 and 6:20 eastern. Psn is same as GAF name.
Looking for 5 more to do a normal raid now.
People who are new to the raid are welcome, I'm experienced and willing to help anyone go through it. PSN Jignxs
1) Jignxs
2) Rubenov25 (28 Sunbro experienced)
3) GraveRobberX (28 Sunbro, very experienced)
Looking for 5 more to do a normal raid now.
People who are new to the raid are welcome, I'm experienced and willing to help anyone go through it. PSN Jignxs
1) Jignxs
Hard mode is hard in the stupidest ways possible.
How about make the content more challenging by increasing the difficulty of the encounter via adding new mechanics versus taking away revives?
Bungie have demonstrated over and over again that they're complete novices at this and are learning on the fly. I do expect the Moon raid to be of much higher quality, but it may be too late for many of us.