Eppy Thatcher
God's had his chance.
One more. ..anyone? Show some love
the first one! I am very much a David Gemmell fan! XD I use to use "kaelin" or "kaelin ring" often as a game name. lol.
Last weekly update: http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---10172014/en/News/News?aid=12295
They said they are going to buff it for PVE.
But since they don't make different stats for PVE and PVP, we're probably going to see a lot of back and forths on this gun in the next patches...
Can anyone confirm possible raid armor drop points? I haven't got any yet and would like to know. Is it just from Atheon? Can the Templar also give it? Any of the chests has a chance to drop it?
Damage on weapons is a PvE stat - it doesn't do anything in Pvp as the numbers are balanced. If they increase the damage over 300 it will be better for PvE but won't be impacted for Pvp at all from my understanding (except Iron Banner).
My condolence. I wish enough people from my group would have level 30 so we could at least also try the hard raid. But no, with this sucky suck drop rate only one out of a dozen of us hit level 30, so there is just no way for us to do the hard raid....
Bungie could at least patch in some kind of trade system. It sucked that when I got the raid gauntlets for the 2nd time I couldn't give them to one of my mates but had to scrap them for more ass shards I don't need.
I'm up for that, completed it twice. 28 warlock or hunter good mix of weapons. Seep_UK
I'm GMT+1 so the timing is pefect. I have 28hunter PSN: gunawi
Total 9 raids complete counting today's run, not a single armor drop. Are you guys sure raid gear drops in raid?
4 raids huh... I have over 150 shards, 150 energy, have ran the raid over 12 times on hard alone between my 3 characters and still barely got shit. If you include the normal runs and loot that number jumps significantly.
Total 9 raids complete counting today's run, not a single armor drop. Are you guys sure raid gear drops in raid?
My character in FFXIV's first name is Virae ;p Read my first of his books as a bet back in highschool ("I bet I can read a novel faster than you" *picks up a book with a warrior dude and a tiger on the cover* "This looks ok"...2 days later I was finished.)
Thorn is harder to get atm![]()
Bungie should've made it one guaranteed drop per weekly raid, imo. And make sure you can't get duplicates, unless they have different stats. Having to depend on RNGesus to get you to level 30 is just cruel. You'll still need to raid more, because you'll run out of Ascendant Shards fast.
Thorn deserves a buff that correlates to how hard that bounty be. Will be my main after Bungie fixes it.
I think I'll just put all my shards in normal gear and get to 29 at least, I've been lvl 28 for WEEKS. My regular raid team has moved on to hard and they don't even invite me anymore because I'm puny 28![]()
Ah cool, so if you do hard first, you don't have to bother doing normal at all?
Normal rewards you once a week.
Hard rewards you once a week.
If you do hard first you get both sets of rewards at once.
Hard mode has items that normal doesn't (Mythoclast, raid helm, Etc...).
Damage on weapons is a PvE stat - it doesn't do anything in Pvp as the numbers are balanced. If they increase the damage over 300 it will be better for PvE but won't be impacted for Pvp at all from my understanding (except Iron Banner).
PS4 hard raid? One spot left. Lvl 29 or 30 only.
Psn: ruthlesbarbarian.
One of my buddies has done the raid TEN times and has no raid armor.
I think I'll just put all my shards in normal gear and get to 29 at least, I've been lvl 28 for WEEKS. My regular raid team has moved on to hard and they don't even invite me anymore because I'm puny 28![]()
Just finished the hard raid with my third character, thus finishing off the week for all my toons. None of them received boots allowing me to reach 30 (My hunter was the only one to receive any raid gear, a helmet). I received no Weapons, besides the Mytho, which I got on each of my characters (note the four fraking mythos). Just shit tons of ass shards and energy. I can upgrade every piece of gear I could possibly get... if I could get any.
Anyway you can FR me, it's hanging on me, I saw your Drake avatar, then PSN went to shit =C
PSN same as GAF name
Holy crap that's a lot of high-level stuff. I feel sorry for you man. So much dedication yet no drop that will take you to 30. :/
Bungie, give me a reason to play this game again.
It's fun.
Can I get 29 with 1 piece of raid gear and 1 exotic maxed out? The rest of my armour being legendary of course.
Can I get 29 with 1 piece of raid gear and 1 exotic maxed out? The rest of my armour being legendary of course.
do you still need one?
Not anymore, it's not.
Doing bounties has become mundane.
what's the f*!#ing point? to level all those exotics I have?
Oh wait, they're pretty much all upgraded.
Tiger Strikes, again what's the point if you're 29 and have most of the best gear in the game?
Strikes are boring, and desperately need that rumored patch to make them more casual friendly.
Crucible, lol..I have no interest in that clusterf*!@.
Daily challenges are recycled bullshit. Only good for shards.
Weekly challenges are just recycled Nightfall, with less variables.
I have no issues with Nightfall, although they can all be cheesed.
Normal Raids have become somewhat mundane. I actually find Nightfall to be far more challenging.
Hard Raids, if I can get into one.. Are the only thing holding my interest in this game. It sucks that I basically have to be carried, despite playing this game everyday, since day one... That's really f*!#ed up, IMO. I shouldn't need anyone to carry me at this point.
Clearly, after 12+ Raids, frustration has set in.
Where is the reward?
Now more than ever, it feels like a mindless grind with no end in sight.
The one item I need is totally based on luck.
Truly, Fu*# You Bungie
Can I get 29 with 1 piece of raid gear and 1 exotic maxed out? The rest of my armour being legendary of course.
Is the fastest way to level an alt just to do all the missions?
Is the fastest way to level an alt just to do all the missions?
Is the fastest way to level an alt just to do all the missions?
Yeah, normal raid isn't hard at all if everything goes smooth. I agree. I also agree with some stuff you wrote, but after all - I still think it's fun. For whatever reason that is, I can't really understand it myself, because I've done everything you can except beating the raid on hard.
What about that strike thing? More casual friendly? What do you mean?
I think I'll just put all my shards in normal gear and get to 29 at least, I've been lvl 28 for WEEKS. My regular raid team has moved on to hard and they don't even invite me anymore because I'm puny 28![]()
What are the boxes that fill on the bnet site for the raid?
I thought they would be for the 4 chests but I haven't opened any chests on Hard mode?
They are for the four loot drops.
1) After the Oracles at the Templar
2) After beating the Templar
3) After the Gatekeepers
4) After beating Atheon