everyday math
Thorn Is slowly creepy its way up my list of weapons that are annoying in PVP.
Mythoclast is a fun weapon to use in PVP. For me lol.
Mythoclast is a fun weapon to use in PVP. For me lol.
Wtf? Dropped 2 sets of bounties in the last hour. Both times I got an exotic bounty. I dun need anymore pls
I am the 1%
So auto rifles still dong in MP.
They don't need a further damage reduction, they just need to have their bullet spreads and damage drop offs changed. They shouldn't be doing the damage they are from so far away.
NEWSFLASH: FORUM IS FOR DISCUSSION. Guess the same could be said that there's no need saying it's been said before. These forums are for all discussion you know.
I need to stop responding to every mythoclast post, lol. Everyone probably wants me to get it just so I shutup about it.
In never heard of a chest in the jumping area.Is there a video of the platforming section chest? We did it without anyone dying but couldn't find the chest spawn in that area.
I got another last night and was almost annoyed because I don't have bounty space to spare!
In never heard of a chest in the jumping area.
Is there a video of the platforming section chest? We did it without anyone dying but couldn't find the chest spawn in that area.
Have you heard of people claiming to get a chest there? People were speculating there might be one on reddit...
You've made the exact same comment a few times now, just seems a bit silly to comment on every time is all. It's like you need to constantly let us know you're better than average.
Fair enough though, forum is open!
Iv seen it. But I'v never seen anything there.There's a platform to the left side that has the teleporter which looks like the other chest spawn points.
I need to stop responding to every mythoclast post, lol. Everyone probably wants me to get it just so I shutup about it.
Thanks for noticing me though![]()
Didn't know that... so looks like the balance is equal in both modesThey said they are considering buffing the Mytho by raising the weapon damage above 300, according to the weekly update. This might be the way to go because in PvP weapon damage numbers are not used when calculating damage output.
What's the best way to level weapons and armor once I've done bounties?
I got my lock to 20 and had an exotic and 2 legendary pieces waiting. Also trying to level my Vex.
Some kind of loot cave good since I'll also get Hadronic essence, or the "you've awoken the hive"?
Neither have I. I don't think anyone even knows what needs to happen for it to spawn. (if it actually is a chest spawn point)Iv seen it. But I'v never seen anything there.
You'll get I'm sure.
Also I think the Vex buff will make it better than before for PVE. They want it to be quite good.
My very casual roommate went from averaging 0.4 on Clash to 1.5 over his last few matches. The difference?
Vex Mythoclast I got last night. Can't imagine it pre-nerf.
In never heard of a chest in the jumping area.
Have you heard of people claiming to get a chest there? People were speculating there might be one on reddit...
Iv already been in there. Pretty cool looking inside.Someone has found his way into, what seems very likely to be, upcoming DLC areas on the Moon. This is getting hilariously bad for Bungie in certain way [read: a lot areas hidden away].
Because I can't figure out how to embedded video into GAF post interested people mayh head here for look how to get there etc, Click me!
Unlegend me if old.
Just play PVP. I leveled up fast there.
Well, managed to beat Phogoth second try. The moment he went down my butt cheeks clenched up, but fortunately no zebra stampede came to stop me from reaping the spoils of victory.
I got four Blue engrams for my troubles.
So sad playing with team mates who are like level 20-29 and topping the team at level 12, is everyone just a booster on this?
I don't think I've completed 3 crucible bounties since I've been playing the game at launch. Crucible is really lackluster in this game, especially coming from other multiplayer fps. PvE is really it's strong point and playing with friends drives that point home.
Got squat again from normal last night. A month of raiding and I have yet to get any raid gear, still stuck at 28 while friends are planning to do hard mode cause they are all 29s and 30s. I think I'm gonna take a break from this game. Nightfall netted me my 3rd set of sunbreakers :/ fuck rngjesus
My theory on the closed portal in the jumping maze area is that is where Kabr had his last stand. We know from Grimoires that Kabr remained forever lost in the Vault. Perhaps that portal is meant to be the resting site of the lost Titan.
My theory on the closed portal in the jumping maze area is that is where Kabr had his last stand. We know from Grimoires that Kabr remained forever lost in the Vault. Perhaps that portal is meant to be the resting site of the lost Titan.
Better yet, imagine the portal opening one day, taking us to a place lost in time where a crazed Kabr resides and we are tasked with putting him down.
I don't like the PVE: it's fucking boring with the same tired shit over and over and over. No amount of DLC will fix what is fundamentally broken in this game and that is there is no variety. I want to collect more shit and play strikes and the raid, but it's no fun alone when there's no matchmaking in place and finding the time to play with friends when everyone is available is quite difficult.
On the other hand, PVP is always different because every match plays out differently. The maps are fun! I was afraid the game would turn into a camp fest, but it hasn't. Sure, some people snipe from obscure parts of the maps. However, I haven't found it annoying because the sniping doesn't last for long. Some weapons do make it difficult to enjoy matches (e.g. shotguns). For some reason most people prefer not to use them so I don't run into walls of players with shotguns.
I play PVE only when I have to or when my buddies are available. I play PVP everyday at least for an hour. In the end it comes down to this: different strokes for different folks.
Maybe you're new to PvP but level doesn't make much difference. And a person isn't suddenly good or bad at PvP simply because they are level 12 or 20.
Yeah, every raid one player or the other claims there is a 6th chest in the platforming area. We when went to the secret area in the platforming location, the one where you climb the rocks on the left of the jump spawn and fall down to a far away platform, but couldn't find anything.
I guess it must be fake. There is no 6th chest, and if there was, it would just give ass mats anyway![]()
Iv already been in there. Pretty cool looking inside.
Kind of disappointed in my normal raid group. We tear through normal raid, but they only want to cheese hard. Like they don't even want to try.
I mentioned the guy that gave me the checkpoint last week was on so they literally just sat around the 1st boss stage waiting for cheese. Like we are all 29 besides one guy... Should be able to do it.
I mean I cheesed him and got the mytho but I still want other drops. I really want to beat it legit.
So anyone got dat checkpoint?![]()
I hope the patch hits today. Maybe some surprise goodies.
Where is the info/grimorie/resource that says the Traveler and Ghosts are robots? Although they seem mechanical in nature, I thought they were "alive" in some way and perhaps DNA based? I know this exist already in the Destiny universe as the Vex mind cores are biological. Just wondering if there is hard data that the Traveler is purely robotic or if we are speculating.Just beat Black Garden with my alt Titan. During the end cut scene all I could think while the Stranger is babbling on about whatever is why does she have breasts? It is so weird. I am sure this is brought up in ME threads and what not but it is so dumb. I get having to give a robot a voice (so male or female is fine) but to make them anatomically accurate to that voice is just beyond dumb. I am pretty sure if you are creating bad ass fighting robots you would streamline them for absolute destruction and not sex appeal. Just a thought
I hope it is another secret chest triggered by an unknown. Maybe something like each appearing platform must be touched, or even touched at the same time by all fireteam members (a coordinated jump down all appearing platforms simultaneously by the entire team), or maybe something tied to the secret tunnel at the beginning of the platform area. Will be interesting to see what develops. I may save a checkpoint there and experiment.Have you heard of people claiming to get a chest there? People were speculating there might be one on reddit...
I dunno, I was dominating Control and Clash with my Shadow Price last night while doing the Crucible Bounties and leveling up the Gjallahorn. I was number 1 in my team. The only map that I sucked at was the Moon. Had a pretty shitty team and the enemy looked like they were in a party because of how they played and stayed together.
Anyway, ARs are still effective in smaller maps if you are consistent with headshots, imo. But stability has been the main issue with the nerf, imo. It's harder to control compared to SRs.
Btw, I dunno if you mean dong in good or bad way, lol
Anyone know if they're buffing the Mythoclast with today's patch? I know it was mentioned (the buff) but didn't hear any timeframe.