Shoot through hallway strategy makes it a joke. Both boss and hack sequences you can stay in the hallways leading up to them. Bungie needs to learn how to shut some doors
This is amazing! How did you get it?yup i posted it a few pages ago.
been doing some panoramas recently
many deaths were had to get this one.
You are a beast. If you have time tomorrow i'd really appreciate you helping me with the Thorn bounty. It's been sitting in my character for days and I just can't pull it offdoubtful. so easy i did it 4 times in 1.5 hours for me and my brothers main and alts. 2x nightfall/ 2x weekly.
You are a beast. If you have time tomorrow i'd really appreciate you helping me with the Thorn bounty. It's been sitting in my character for days and I just can't pull it off
I'm a_javierp on PS4. Add me if you feel like doing it tomorrow!
Would live to if you'd take a 27 warlock...psn Fixed
Normal raid anyone?
PSN: ck716
level 30 warlock
How on earth can anyone face those wizards/witches without those hallways? they need to balance the game so that those hallways aren't necessary
Vision of Confluence vs Hawkmooooooooooooooon
Which do you level first?
Vision of confluence if u play pve alot , hawkmoon if you play pvp.
Okay end of normal run spoils....
raid chest, raid gloves, raid boots. hawkmoon
Sometime he does rare fusion rifles sometime he no does rare fusion rifles.does the gunsmith rare fusion rifles?
Nope, you can check using the destiny app.I'm asking does he have any right now? Too lazy to boot up and check lol.
I mean, honestly...where the hell am I supposed to find 25 sapphire wire? annoying.
anyone trying to run the daily / weekly ...maybe weekly nightfall on XB1?
level 27 titan, just regular weapons, one legendary rocket launcher to speak of
You wanna do nightfall? If so the GT is callmeJackz. Please bring solar and arc with ya
Vision of Confluence vs Hawkmooooooooooooooon
Which do you level first?
Vision of Confluence vs Hawkmooooooooooooooon
Which do you level first?
Lvl28 warlock ok?Looking for another Warlock to help kill Atheon on hard mode PS4.
Okay end of normal run spoils....
raid chest, raid gloves, raid boots. hawkmoon
Looking for another Warlock to help kill Atheon on hard mode PS4.
Keltin99Yeah that is good.
What is your PSN?
The gatekeepers are ridiculous on hard mode. Easily the hardest part of the raid. Not because it's uncheeseable but just because the amount of stuff that can go wrong.