Genesis Knight
Well after three weeks of dupe weapons and mats, I got the Vision of Confluence of Atheon last night. Pretty happy about that.
Grinding two alts really has my gears grinding again about how ridiculous it is that all three optional factions (FWC, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit) only accept crucible marks. What the fuck!? Both PvP and PvE players would have 5 different vendors to spend marks on if they just made the optional factions accept either vanguard or crucible marks. So simple and obvious.
An awesome side effect of this would be that it could open up chance that one optional faction vendor per weekend (same time frame as Xur) could sell an exotic item that costs 400 marks (200 Crucible + 200 Vanguard) I think that would be a fair price!
G. is the only missing when I look my vault.Tomorrow Mr. Xur makes his weekly return.
Would be nice to see him with a completely different assortment, no repeats.
Question is: what's left in the exotic weapon category that he can let us have? The PS exclusive stuff is off limits I'm sure.
I agree with you. But I have already gotten to the point where I have too many weapons, and my vault is filled with exotics, and dropped weapons are usually better than purchased weapons anyway.
While we know the number of story missions, we don't know the length or actual story potential they contain so far. There's a eurogamer article claiming they have something to prove with these missions, and to be fair, they do, but I'll at least go in with an open mind and everyone else that's already purchased a season pass should too.
Xur better bring TLW or Gjallahorn.
Cool, just got my first ship blueprint for my Titan annnnd it's brown.
Yes, just got the Exotic Bounty for Pocket Infinity. Nothing about it seems particularly hard but very tedious. For the 200 kills in Nightfall with Fusion, does it have to be in one go? Does the counter reset if you die?
I hit 30 on my Titan. The week's activities are done:
Nightfall -> Monte Carlo
Normal Raid -> Vision of Confluence (YES!)
I guess now it's time to create an alt.
P.S. I'm rooting against all of you wanting Xur to bring Gjallerhorn. I only have 10 coins and the weekly's done.
Cumulative... I did in two Nightfalls.Yes, just got the Exotic Bounty for Pocket Infinity. Nothing about it seems particularly hard but very tedious. For the 200 kills in Nightfall with Fusion, does it have to be in one go? Does the counter reset if you die?
Yes, just got the Exotic Bounty for Pocket Infinity. Nothing about it seems particularly hard but very tedious. For the 200 kills in Nightfall with Fusion, does it have to be in one go? Does the counter reset if you die?
I really like this picture -- even though Crota just looks like a normal knight lol.
Devil You Know hand canon.I'm about to max Vanguard Marks and have no desire to buy anything from vanguard.
Any suggestions?
Buy armor and break down for shards?
Nah it doesn't reset. Nexus is probably the easiest one to do it on too. You can just do that room with the servitors and take out as many dregs/shanks/etc as you can. I did it a month ago when Nexus was the nightfall and I'd get like 50 kills then die and redo it a few more times. It's kind of tedious but it shouldn't take too long.
Cumulative... I did in two Nightfalls.
No resets just keep killing/orbit/repeat. This week's is particularly easy to get that one.
I wonder how huge Crota is. Hopefully enormous so the fight involves new strategies.
I really like this picture -- even though Crota just looks like a normal knight lol.
Seconded. Those and Hawkmoon are the exotic weapons I really want and don't have.
I'm still torn about Thorn.
DudeDear Bungie,
I worked so hard to get all of these fantastic guns... and then I leveled them up and put ass energies into them...
And I have already destroyed all the duplicates that RNGesus has given me even if they had different perks... Are you really going to make me break down some of them and pick and choose my favorite guns because you choose to not give me enough space?
I wonder how huge Crota is. Hopefully enormous so the fight involves new strategies.
Dear Bungie,
I worked so hard to get all of these fantastic guns... and then I leveled them up and put ass energies into them...
And I have already destroyed all the duplicates that RNGesus has given me even if they had different perks... Are you really going to make me break down some of them and pick and choose my favorite guns because you choose to not give me enough space?
I am thinking he might be normal sized but very agile and our goal will be to restrain him in some fashion.
By this point you're just being super-picky
Really? I think more Vault space isn't a weird thing to ask for. I am running out of space too. I'll have to use alts' equipment as temporary storage but once the Vault is full, managing equipment between characters becomes a serious pain in the ass.
Bungie, give us more Vault pages please! I mean the expansion will bring even more Exotics and Legendaries, how the hell are we supposed to use keep them all?
I hope the rumor about there being a sparrow getaway section is true. Would be a nice change of pace.
Would you guys pay for extra Vault space?
Would you guys pay for extra Vault space?
Devil You Know hand canon.
I hope the rumor about there being a sparrow getaway section is true. Would be a nice change of pace.
I'm about to max Vanguard Marks and have no desire to buy anything from vanguard.
Any suggestions?
Buy armor and break down for shards?
Would you guys pay for extra Vault space?
Nah but I will love to have material packs for $0.99Would you guys pay for extra Vault space?