That's a fair preference. I've personally run into the issue of already having bought all the weapons I want from the Crucible and Vanguard handlers, so anything I get gifted from them will just get dismantled, since I don't keep weapons and armour which I don't use, it's a waste of carry space on my Titan.
makes perfect sense to me.
I come to this conclusion after trying to get through the Weekly Heroic Strike. We've done it before, even with just two people.
I should maybe put this in a tips post:
The difficulty of any given Weekly Heroic Strike (and Nightfall) will vary dramatically week to week. The last time we had the Nexus as a weekly, it had a Solar burn. The Fallen in the beginning do mainly Arc and Void damage. Some Vex do Solar, so the hobgoblins could oneshot you that week- but minotaurs and the boss do Void damage. Not an issue last time around. This time they're deadly as all hell.
This week it has Heroic and Void Burn. This is a Level 22 strike and my character can get one-shotted by the Minotaurs. That's what all my effort in this game gets me, to be one-shotted in a Strike that is 5 levels lower than me.
You shoulda been doing the 26!

Unless your friend is only 22?
Minotaurs do void damage. When a Void Burn is up they'll oneshot anyone with a direct hit except maybe a fully armored Titan.
Time and time again we tried to finish that boss fight only to learn that it was impossible to revive a teammate without being killed yourself. This is a change that came about after the patch it seems. We never had anything like this before.
Nothing about the Nexus fight has changed in the patch. I've done it 5 times now since Tuesday. The boss just also does Void damage which makes it immeasurably tougher. Do you just mean that you were getting hit by splash damage whenever attempting to revive?
Destiny is the only game I've ever played where I've been cutting my play sessions short because there is nothing worthwhile to do. I've maxed out my Vandguard Marks all the while being only Level 1 in the faction. There is nothing to buy and no more to earn. VoG is six people. Nightfall is too hard. So what if I earn the occasional purple, I have enough already from playing in the Crucible. I have one exotic helmet and one exotic secondary so even other exotics lose their lustre because it's not like I can use them without putting something away.
I'm surprised you made it to 27 without getting Vanguard to rank 2. That's impressive.
You really shouldn't say there's "nothing to buy and no more to earn" in the same post you lament being unable to get past 27 though. Do you already have every slot filled legendary/exotic armor? If not you need to buy a Vanguard or Crucible legendary. If yes, you need to upgrade your gear to hit 28 and can buy armor to dismantle for shards.
The game is not just bare bones, it's a skeleton with ribs, fingers and toes missing. It's addictive as hell but not always fun. What this game needs is free content to plug the gaps. Instead we're getting drip-fed with a new $20 price point for DLC that other developers and publishers will no doubt take as the new normal. There should be more than one path to get to Level 30 and if there is only one path THEN IT SHOULD BE DOABLE IN-GAME.
Two pieces of raid-equivalent gear will be available from the next Iron Banner.
To spend so much time playing a game only to walk away frustrated is terrible. The minute to minute gameplay is great but the day to day game system is awkward and full of holes.
That's reasonable. if you don't feel like you're having fun when you end a play session, it's time to move on.