Been that way for a while - daily mission XP does not apply to weapons![]()
Been that way for a while - daily mission XP does not apply to weapons![]()
I await for the glitch that teleports two people to both portals. Or it teleports 3, one to one portal and the other two to the other. Athean's gonna be laughing his ass off.
Is anyone else completely pissed off that Bungie has not once acknowledged the bugs and glitches in the raid and have seemed to add more with the newest patch?
This is ridiculous.
-Sound cutting out and only hearing your own gunfire
-Relic bubble shield cutting out in a similar way that auto fire perks on weapons just stop firing despite the button being held down
-Randomly teleporting enemies to confluxes that if not a bug are just fucking stupid and similar to the glitch for the eliminate the target public event
-Enemies getting stuck in the environment, easy kill but stupid
-Players getting stuck on the environment geometry
-One or more people not being teleported by Atheon
-One person being teleported to the opposite area with no enemies and no way to get out
-Health bars on enemies regenerating or not going down despite firing with no hit point markers coming up
-Oracles not appearing
-Delayed wipes despite everyone being dead
I'm sure I can think of more. Which ones have I missed?
Lol wishing for the exact same thing. Warlock helm at the least (Gjallerhorn dropped for me during the raid this week)
yeeeup, it only applies to armor. you'll still get xp from kills during the mission as weapon xp but the big xp bonus at the end (~7000?) just goes to armor and that's it.
Been that way for a while - daily mission XP does not apply to weapons![]()
something something sat in on meeting something something dlc something something most postmortem kills something something jackolytes and patch soon
28 is over-leveled for normal
Seriously, 26s do damn well FFS
They have though... even recently.
Deej is the top comment of this.
what's up with the daily heroic story mission XP not being applied to weapons? At level 28 I have no other use for XP. Where is the XP even going? What's the point of even giving XP if it doesn't go to your weapons?!
Same here... been doing them all this time believing I was progressing my weapons as well but I had a hunch that it wasn't doing anything so I decided to test. Hopefully it's a bug and not intended... but with Bungie changing VoG for the worse... who knows.That's horrible. The main reason I have been doing the daily is for the xp to level my weapons. ... Never noticed that... Sucks. Is it a bug or a feature?
Are you going to orbit before the timer finishes counting down? I think it is a weird catch with the heroics that you have to let the timer finish. It is not confirmed though. If no XP goes to weapons, that is super wack.
"I took this list of bugs to the meeting and the devs told me that the raid was never supposed to be easy..."
As I mentioned to someone else earlier, getting to 28 really opens up the game quite a bit for you. You can do lvl 28 daily, weekly, and nightfall which provide some of the better rewards (if RNGesus doesn't hate you). And you are now on the right level for the normal raid. seriously, getting to 28 is really worth it.
Edit: Focusing on fully level up your exotic first. Then you only need to use shards twice or something on your other legendaries to get to 28.
dat gelcap!It probably won't help reignite your flame, but if like me you're not really interested / able to run the raid at the moment, you should get yourself to 28 asap. Don't hesitate to upgrade your stuff "because one day I might get a piece of raid gear to replace it with", the jump from 27 to 28 is CRUCIAL to tackle the weekly / nightfall. And that'll at least give you something to work on / look for once a week.![]()
Atheon Epilogue drop in Normal?
Haha... how convenient. Thanks, I would have never seen it.
You can't anymore from what I saw... sad.
At least the PS4 invite is working now... I was using the iOS's App due the issue with PS4.
Same here... been doing them all this time believing I was progressing my weapons as well but I had a hunch that it wasn't doing anything so I decided to test. Hopefully it's a bug and not intended... but with Bungie changing VoG for the worse... who knows.
Nope, letting the countdown complete and return me to the mission complete summary, then orbiting from there.
Atheon Epilogue drop in Normal?
They have though... even recently.
Deej is the top comment of this.
I was resigned to buy the DLC but I may not. I'm think I'm mostly done. Last night cemented it for me.
I've been stuck at Level 27 for a while. It's like the ladder to advancement is missing a couple rungs. The no in-game matchmaking for the VoG is a failure. I've asked to join two different clans and got no response. I can get three friends playing together easy but there's nothing to do that will reward anything that I need. Everything has become dry and pointless.
I come to this conclusion after trying to get through the Weekly Heroic Strike. We've done it before, even with just two people. This week it has Heroic and Void Burn. This is a Level 22 strike and my character can get one-shotted by the Minotaurs. That's what all my effort in this game gets me, to be one-shotted in a Strike that is 5 levels lower than me. Time and time again we tried to finish that boss fight only to learn that it was impossible to revive a teammate without being killed yourself. This is a change that came about after the patch it seems. We never had anything like this before.
Destiny is the only game I've ever played where I've been cutting my play sessions short because there is nothing worthwhile to do. I've maxed out my Vandguard Marks all the while being only Level 1 in the faction. There is nothing to buy and no more to earn. VoG is six people. Nightfall is too hard. So what if I earn the occasional purple, I have enough already from playing in the Crucible. I have one exotic helmet and one exotic secondary so even other exotics lose their lustre because it's not like I can use them without putting something away.
The game is not just bare bones, it's a skeleton with ribs, fingers and toes missing. It's addictive as hell but not always fun. What this game needs is free content to plug the gaps. Instead we're getting drip-fed with a new $20 price point for DLC that other developers and publishers will no doubt take as the new normal. There should be more than one path to get to Level 30 and if there is only one path THEN IT SHOULD BE DOABLE IN-GAME.
To spend so much time playing a game only to walk away frustrated is terrible. The minute to minute gameplay is great but the day to day game system is awkward and full of holes.
yeeeup, it only applies to armor. you'll still get xp from kills during the mission as weapon xp but the big xp bonus at the end (~7000?) just goes to armor and that's it.
Hm sounds like a straight up bug, yeah? Nightfall/Weekly xp definitely does.Been that way for a while - daily mission XP does not apply to weapons![]()
holy shit. holy, shit.Gjallarhorn replica. So want.
Hey, I'm just saying they've acknowledged them. I'm not saying what, if anything, they are doing to do with the information.
Yeah I think it's that, vision and the sniper your can get from normal. Maybe the rocket launcher too.
Ohhhhhh awesome.You click on the drop down thing, not the little circle with the plus icon to get to the search by PSN name
It is beyond fucking ridiculous that they made him more difficult with the random three being teleported now, but haven't fixed the glitches. We were getting fucked hard by glitch 3 last week. Going to do the raid tonight for this week, we'll see how it goes.
They have though... even recently.
Deej is the top comment of this.
Yeah I think it's that, vision and the sniper your can get from normal. Maybe the rocket launcher too.
Yeah I think it's that, vision and the sniper your can get from normal. Maybe the rocket launcher too.
Ohhhhhh awesome.
Weird... the old way was better.
New Atheon cheese method. I can't watch the video atm.
New Atheon cheese method. I can't watch the video atm.
They push him off next to the middle platform where people use the relic shield to shoot atheon.. It's pretty weird though as it looks like he's flying/hovering before falling to deathNew Atheon cheese method. I can't watch the video atm.
New Atheon cheese method. I can't watch the video atm.
Gjallarhorn replica. So want.
I'm not sure from the video how they got him to do that, but sigh. guess they need to make it so that atheon falling to his death awards no loot.New Atheon cheese method. I can't watch the video atm.
I'm not sure from the video how they got him to do that, but sigh. guess they need to make it so that atheon falling to his death awards no loot.
Destiny |OT 10| Working as intended.
Destiny |OT 10| Working as intended.
+1 or
Destiny |OT 10| The raid was never supposed to be cheesy
They push him off next to the middle platform where people use the relic shield to shoot atheon.. It's pretty weird though as it looks like he's flying/hovering before falling to death
Someone posted that video early this morning before it got Kotaku'd... I watched it twice now and I'm still not sure what the team did to Cheese Atheon. Athena walks on an invisible platform in the air and after time's vengeance is over he falls and dies... but I am not sure how the team forced him to walk on the invisible platform... and they had to flawlessly do a full round of the fight... so wouldn't it be easier just to complete a few more rounds rather than try to force some cheese?
Someone posted that video early this morning before it got Kotaku'd... I watched it twice now and I'm still not sure what the team did to Cheese Atheon. Athena walks on an invisible platform in the air and after time's vengeance is over he falls and dies... but I am not sure how the team forced him to walk on the invisible platform... and they had to flawlessly do a full round of the fight... so wouldn't it be easier just to complete a few more rounds rather than try to force some cheese?
Destiny |OT 10| Working as intended.