So I was in Tiger Strike and the Mars strike with the Colossus boss came up. Some guy with the gamertag of "Spawn Apollo" decided to be a douche bag and sit at spawn (his name surprisingly fits his style) and cheese it. I could have left, yes, but that's unfair to the other guy playing. So I make myself stay and help out the actual participant (shout out for PLAYRH8TR for being useful).This is one thing I hate about the RNG in the game rewards page. You can do absolutely nothing in this shit and still get rewarded. What's worse is that if there's 3 people and only 2 are playing, the game is still modified for 3 people, making fighting the modified mobs a damn chore. Fix this absurd system you thought was intelligent, Bungie.
Next game I get another spawn camper, who did eventually start playing, but halfway through. Frustrated with what I see becoming a thing, I'm already deciding to call it a night to avoid getting pissed off. Rewards screen comes up...and this happens.
Game gives me Hard Light assault rifle. Primary I've wanted so bad falls into my hands. It's like RNGesus blessed me for my deeds or something :')